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General Information
To help mitigate misinformation, this display informs you about the Material Recycling Facility (MRF). Learn what it is, and what it is not.
Actual construction of the proposed facility is years away, and this conceptual site plan illustrates the vast amount of greenspace between homes and the actual MRF building.
Watch this video from our Solid Waste subject matter expert to learn more.
Watch this video from our Natural Resources subject matter expert to learn more.
Land Acquisition
All types of Land Uses are designated throughout the county, but few specific sites remain available for a MRF.
To complement the full-county Land Use Map, this display is zoomed in.
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The county thoroughly considered many appropriately zoned parcels for the MRF before making a final selection.

video from our County Lands subject matter expert to learn more.
Transportation & Traffic
This map shows daily traffic volume on main roads near the site. The proposed MRF will not add traffic, as trucks already go to the existing Buckingham recycling facility on the same main roads. They will just be redirected to the new facility.

Watch this
video from our Depart of Transportation subject matter expert to learn more.
Engineering & Development
Actual construction of the proposed facility is years away, and this conceptual site plan illustrates the vast amount of greenspace between homes and the actual MRF building.
A recycling facility is not the only type of structure that could be built on this property. This display shows examples of less desirable structures that could be placed here.
This Line of Vision display illustrates that the view to the facility for residents in nearby homes will be mitigated due to planned berms, vegetation and other measures being taken by the County.
To complement the Line of Vision display, this shows the view from the facility.

Watch this
video from our Solid Waste Engineering subject matter expert to learn more.

Watch this
video from our Community Development subject matter expert to learn more.
Water & Environmental Impacts
The county will follow all environmental permitting processes for this site, which is already considered a disturbed site suitable for development as an industrial property.
This more zoomed-out aerial depicts the parcel, where the county will follow all environmental permitting processes.
Operations & Management
Recycling is a valued service provided by the county for residents and businesses. The process is streamlined so all recyclables (as seen in this display) can be deposited in one cart, rather than sorted.
The State of Florida consistently recognizes Lee County as one of the top recyclers statewide. This display shows how materials delivered to the MRF are processed and repurposed.
Watch this
video from our Solid Waste Operations subject matter expert to learn more.
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