Date: 12/15/2009 |
 Lalai Hamric, a life long resident of Fort Myers, was recently named one of the “125 Most Influential Locals in Southwest Florida” by the News-Press. She has graciously served her community as past President of the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, as the second professional/executive woman member of the Rotary Club of Fort Myers, as a member of the Fort Myers Women's Community Club, as a member of the Edison Pageant of Light-Lamplighters, as the first “girl” Boy Scout of the Executive Board of the Southwest Florida Council of Boy Scouts of America and as an active member of First Presbyterian Church; and Whereas: Mrs. Lalai S. Hamric has enjoyed 39 years of marriage to her husband Curt and cherishes time with the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that make her family. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, that we do hereby honor Mrs. Lalai S. Hamric for her hard work and dedication and offer our grateful appreciation for her outstanding commitment to the people of Lee County and Southwest Florida.
Duly Executed this 15th Day of December 2009.
Date: 12/8/2009 |
 Presentation of the 2009 Award for Innovation and Creativity from the FPTA.
Date: 12/1/2009 |
 The organizations of Southwest Florida are committed to creating a highly skilled workforce that is critical to growing and sustaining a competitive advantage; and Whereas: They recognize that having a knowledgeable, skilled workforce improves the performance of those organizations; and Whereas: Learning develops individual and organizational knowledge and expertise; and Whereas: The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) – the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals – has declared December 7-11, 2009 as “Employee Learning Week” and has designated a time for organizations to recognize the strategic value of employee learning; and Whereas: “Workforce Development is Everyone’s Business(SM)”; and Whereas: The ASTD Southwest Florida chapter, whose members are workplace training, learning, and performance professionals, and the organizations in Southwest Florida, have demonstrated their commitment to developing the skills of employees and the workforce. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim December 7-11, 2009 as: EMPLOYEE LEARNING WEEK in Lee County, Florida. Duly Executed this 1st day of December, 2009.
 Eighteen years ago, Samira Beckwith became executive director of Hope Hospice, a small health care agency operating out of a storefront serving only a handful of patients in Ft. Myers, Florida; and Whereas: Today, Hope Hospice, under Ms. Beckwith’s direction, has grown to an organization that cares for more than a thousand residents any given day and provides support services to their families; and Whereas: Ms. Beckwith’s encounters with fellow patients while undergoing treatment for cancer herself directly influenced her desire to find a way to offer a better life for everyone and a place where dying people would find comfort and dignity; and Whereas: Former Governor Jeb Bush described Ms. Beckwith as “visionary in her role and passionate about ensuring the highest quality of service;” and Whereas: That vision, together with her extraordinary leadership and innovation, has steered Hope Hospice into an agency which provides services extending beyond the patient and family and into the community – services such as Hope Life Care, which offers an alternative to placement in a nursing home facility – and was the first program of its type in the country; Hope Connections, which provides personal care services to frail elderly residents in rural areas; Hope Healing Hearts which offers bereavement counseling; and Rainbow Trails Bereavement Camp which assists children coping with the death of a loved one; and Whereas: Ms. Beckwith was recently honored with a very special award, The Ohio State University Alumni Medalist Award, which is presented to alumni who have not only gained national or international distinction within their chosen profession, but have also brought significant benefit to humankind. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, that we do hereby honor Ms. Samira Beckwith for her hard work, dedication, and vision and offer our grateful appreciation for her outstanding commitment to the people of Lee County and Southwest Florida. Duly Executed this 1st Day of December 2009.
 Estero Bay Agency on Bay Management, the Estero Bay Watershed Public Symposium Planning Committee is presenting a donation to Lee County 20/20 for the purchase of environmentally sensitive land in the Estero Bay Watershed. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, Duly Executed this 1st Day of December 2009.
Date: 11/24/2009 |
 “Be a Santa to a Senior” participants intend to recognize and celebrate our senior adults and the invaluable contributions they continue to make to our county; and Whereas: Citizens of Lee County, Florida recognize that our diverse population is committed to improving the peace and wellbeing of our community and wish to focus on our seniors through the “Be a Santa to a Senior” program. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim November 30, 2009 as: “BE A SANTA TO A SENIOR DAY” and ask the citizens of Lee County to join in its observance. Duly Executed this 24th Day of November 2009.
Date: 11/17/2009 |
 On October 10, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Jason Burgess, Erica Schatz, Mark and Julia Owens, Jerry and Gail Gray were boating near the Shell Point retirement community when they heard a fire alarm coming from the main building; and Whereas: They saw smoke coming from a unit on the second floor and then motored their boat to the nearest seawall in front of the complex; and Whereas: Jason Burgess and Mark Owens ran to the second floor and entered the unit and then entered the lanai only to find 92 year old Herbert Hanson with burn injuries; and Whereas: Jason Burgess carried Mr. Hanson out of the unit by following voice directions from Mark Owens; and Whereas: While Mark Owens stayed with Mr. Hanson, Jason Burgess re-entered the unit with a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire while waiting for the Iona-McGregor Fire Department to arrive on the scene; and Whereas: Erica Schatz, Julia Owens, Jerry and Gail Gray were instrumental in supporting and aiding Jason Burgess and Mark Owens by directing the boat to a seawall where Jason and Mark could access the property, by clearing bystanders from the path of incoming first responders, by calling 911 and then communicating with emergency personnel on scene as to the location and condition of the patient. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, that we do hereby recognize and praise Jason Burgess, Erica Schatz, Mark and Julia Owens, Jerry and Gail Gray for: MERITORIOUS, EXEMPLARY AND HEROIC SERVICE to a citizen in need of immediate emergency assistance in Lee County and urge all citizens to recognize these six individuals for outstanding commitment to one of their fellow citizens. Duly Executed this 17th Day of November 2009.
 The Heart of Hendry event will also mark the grand re-opening of the Coley Westbrook Building, originally built in 1946 by local builders George Lundquist and Wheeler Brothers Construction; and Whereas: The Lee Trust for Historic Preservation also celebrates the historic restoration and open houses of DeLisi Fitzgerald, Lit & More, Cella Molnar & Associates, the renaming of the Courtyard Shops to Peeples Court, and the reopening of The Bar Association Bistro & Lounge; and Whereas: Preservation is the ultimate recycling. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim November 18, 2009 as: Heart of Hendry Dayin Lee County and recognizes the importance of historic preservation. Duly Executed this 17th Day of November 2009.
Date: 11/10/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim and recognize November 19, 2009 as: The National Great American Smokeout in Lee County and encourage all Lee County employees and citizens to live healthier and happier lives by seeking support and stopping use of tobacco products. Duly Executed this 10th Day of November 2009.
 Veterans Day is a special time to remember those who have served in our armed forces and it is fitting that our residents join in honoring our sons and daughters through whose service and sacrifice we now enjoy a freedom and way of life unique in this world. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim November 11, 2009 as: VETERANS DAY in Lee County and urge all residents to reflect upon this day with appropriate ceremonies to honor those who have served the national purpose to preserve the principles of Justice, Freedom and Democracy. Duly Executed this 10th day of November 2009.
Date: 11/3/2009 |
 This Board of Lee County Commissioners recognizes and appreciates this event for its environmentally friendly approach that artistically showcases the beauty and benefits of our gorgeous beaches and gulf waters that emphasizes so much of what makes Lee County a true paradise. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida extends their support and wishes for another outstanding event. Further, this Board of County Commissioners wants to extend their appreciation to the 16 sculptors, Doc Reiss who is responsible for the World Championships as well as his organization’s inclusion of this event in the structure of the World Championship Stage, and to Katie Corning and Suzanne Altamare for their efforts with Andrew Cochrane and the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce to so greatly enhance the structure and the importance of this artistically amazing event. Duly Executed this 3rd Day of November 2009.
 November 15 to 21, 2009 is designated as National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week to bring awareness to the needs of the homeless; and Whereas: The Lee County Homeless Coalition will sponsor on November 14, 2009 the “Homeless Persons Service Day and Veterans Stand Down” which will offer employment opportunities, medical, psychological, addictions intervention, veterans services, spiritual counseling, clothing, food and other services at Broadway Community Church. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the week of November 15 through 21, 2009 as: NATIONAL HUNGER and HOMELESSNESS AWARENESS WEEK in Lee County and recognize that this is a week of special importance and encourages all citizens to recognize that many people do not have housing and need support from citizens, and private/public nonprofit service entities. Duly Executed this 3rd Day of November, 2009.
 We wish to recognize the Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center during this appointed time for the services they provide; and Whereas: We appreciate the work they do to help Lee County residents who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder, not only during this time of recognition but throughout the year. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim November 2009 as: ALZHEIMER’S AWARENESS MONTH in Lee County and urge all constituents to recognize the efforts of the Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center, Inc. Duly Executed this 3rd Day of November, 2009.
Date: 10/27/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby recognize Pastor Gaspar Anastasi for his contributions to a better quality of life for the citizens of Lee County and his continued commitment to helping those less fortunate. He offers daily evidence to us all that one individual truly can make a difference. Duly Executed this 27th Day of October 2009.
Date: 10/20/2009 |
 The festival – coordinated by Lee County Parks & Recreation – will be featured as the premier fall kayak festival nationwide, offering races, fishing, speakers, eco-family activities, cultural events, guided tours, waterway cleanups and hospitality events; and Whereas: Said festival includes the 10 ommunities of Greater Pine Island, Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel, Captiva, Bonita Springs, Estero, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, North Fort Myers and Alva. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby continue to support the recreational opportunities and environmental stewardship the Blueway harbors and commits to future support of The Calusa Blueway Paddling Festival for the visitors and residents of this great county. Duly Executed this 20th Day of October 2009.
 The month of October is designated as National Community Planning Month throughout the United States of America; and The American Planning Association, the American Institute of Certified Planners and the local Chapter endorse National Community Planning Month as an opportunity to highlight the contributions sound planning and plan implementation make to the quality of life; and We recognize the many valuable contributions made by professional planners of the State of Florida, and extend our heartfelt thanks for the continued commitment to public service by these professionals. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim October, 2009 as: COMMUNITY PLANNING MONTH Duly Executed this 20th Day of October 2009.
 Length of Service Awards
 The ten students here today have proven their leadership to both youth and adults in the Dominican Republic through outstanding academic achievement, contributions to their community, and serving as positive role models; and The Dominican International Foundation, together with the Hispanic American Business Alliance recognizes your leadership potential and has chosen to invest this time in you to encourage you to reach your full leadership potential; and The Lee County Board of County Commissioners is proud to welcome this youth leadership group to Florida. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby welcome the group:
“I Want To Be an International Leader to Serve Others”
To Lee County, Florida and encourage all citizens to congratulate these youth for their desire to serve the larger community. Our hope is that your visit will strengthen in you a sense of purpose, self confidence and personal responsibility as you continue, with drive and determination, to emerge as a future world leader.
Date: 10/14/2009 |
 4-H provides Lee County youth the opportunities to develop positive relationships, competencies and attitudes that will assist them in making positive choices for their lives, thereby effectively preparing them to meet the challenges of becoming productive citizens. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the week of October 11 through 18, 2009 shall be known as: 4-H WEEK in Lee County.
Duly Executed this 13th Day of October 2009.
Date: 9/29/2009 |
 The Lee County Genealogical Society will hold its annual Family History Essay Contest for middle school youth in October; and Whereas: Interest in our personal family history transcends all cultural and religious affiliations and gives us a sense of heritage and responsibility in carrying out the legacy of our ancestors; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the month of October 2009 as: FAMILY HISTORY MONTH in Lee County and urge all of its residents to recognize the importance by celebrating their families’ heritage.
Duly Executed this 29th Day of September 2009.
Date: 9/22/2009 |
 The Harlem Heights Improvement Association, Inc. has notably grown in strength and has established great community partnerships to assist them in continuing their mission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim Harlem Heights as the first neighborhood to graduate from the Lee County Department of Human Services Neighborhood Building program. Duly Executed this 22nd Day of September 2009.
 Jack Donlon has created a family friendly shark-themed festival on Fort Myers Beach showcasing local and regional businesses that will spark our local economy and derive ample positive publicity for Lee County. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby recognize and praise Jack Donlon, Sean Paxton and Brooks Paxton II: FOR CREATING AND DIRECTING THE NEXT GENERATION SHARK TOURNAMENT in Lee County and, in doing so, helping to make our community a better place to live, work and raise a family. Duly Executed this 22nd day of September, 2009.
Date: 9/15/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida would like to congratulate the South Fort Myers Little League All Stars on winning the: 2009 STATE OF FLORIDA CHAMPIONS Duly Executed this 15th Day of September 2009.
Date: 9/1/2009 |
 In honor of the efforts of the firefighters of Lee County, MDA is sponsoring Lee County Firefighter Appreciation Week for the week of September 6, 2009; and Whereas: It is appropriate for all Lee County citizens to join the Muscular Dystrophy Association in this tribute to our firefighters. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the week of September 6, 2009 as: FIREFIGHTER APPRECIATION WEEK in Lee County and commend the firefighters of Lee County for their efforts on behalf of the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Duly Executed this 1st day of September 2009.
 THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim September 17, 2009, as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, and September 12th through September 19th, 2009, as Constitution Week. We encourage civic, social, and educational organizations, such as the Caloosa Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, Southwest Florida chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Florida Society, Sons of the Revolution, to conduct ceremonies and programs that celebrate our Constitution and reaffirm our rights and responsibilities as citizens of our great Nation. Duly Executed this 1st Day of September 2009.
Date: 8/25/2009 |
 Presentation of Service Award from the Florida Substance Abuse and Mental Health Corporation to Commissioner Janes.
Date: 8/18/2009 |
 Donation accepted from the Babcock Preservation Partnership in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Community Foundation in the amount of $82,297.49 to be spent for purpose of construction and management of a trail for public access in the publicly owned portion of the Babcock Ranch known as the Bob Janes Preserve.
 Length of Service Awards
Date: 8/11/2009 |
 Lee County’s industries help sustain our quality of life; and Whereas: Public knowledge of the contributions made by industry is essential to maintenance of good community industry relationships. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of September 14 through September 18, 2009 as: INDUSTRY APPRECIATION WEEK in Lee County.
Duly Executed this 11th day of August 2009.
 Whereas: Family Health Centers serves as a vital “safety net organization” by providing almost 204,000 total patient visits in 2008 to individuals regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, and by contributing to the overall economic vitality of the community by employing approximately 250 staff; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do herby proclaim the week of August 9 through 15, 2009 as: Community Health Center Week in Lee County, and do recognize the important contributions of the Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, Inc. in safeguarding health and improving the quality of life for the people of Lee County. Duly Executed this 11th Day of August 2009.
Date: 8/4/2009 |
 Whereas: Clowns all over America are being recognized this week for their cheery contributions to the well-being of their fellow Americans; and The Caloosa Clown Alley, a chapter of the Clowns of America International, provides this special brand of humor to our community and should be accordingly recognized; and Whereas: Even serious County Commissioners need to take a break and laugh from time to time. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida do hereby proclaim August 1st through August 7th 2009 as: NATIONAL CLOWN WEEK in Lee County and call upon all citizens to join in the appreciation of the fine work these gifted people do in order to make our lives a little more enjoyable. Duly Executed this 4th day of August 2009.
Date: 7/6/2009 |
 NOW THEREFORE LET IT HEREBY BE RESOLVED: that those lands in northeast Lee County owned by Lee County, previously known as the Babcock Property shall henceforth and forever be known as the: BOB JANES PRESERVE to recognize and honor the enormous commitment of Commissioner Janes to the county he loves to acknowledge the love of his constituent citizens for Commissioner Janes. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: that all legal steps necessary to record this action shall be taken immediately by Lee County Government. MOREOVER, the Lee County Division of Lands is hereby authorized and directed to provide appropriate signage on or near the BOB JANES PRESERVE so that all might see, recognize and enjoy those lands Commissioner Janes fought to save for all generations. Moved And Adopted This 30th Day Of June, 2009, And Signed By The Lee County Board Of County Commissioners.
Date: 6/30/2009 |
 The Festival is used as fundraisers by the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, M.O.T.I. and Calusa Land Trust to enable them to make contributions to Pine Island Elementary School, scholarship programs, F.I.S.H. and other charities; and MANGO MANIA was such a success that by 2001 it had outgrown the KOA facilities, and since there were no other suitable locations on the island, the decision was made to move the Festival to the German-American Club to allow for continued growth that saw more than 10,000 attendees last year. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend their best wishes for a successful 2009 MANGO MANIA Tropical Fruit Festival. Duly Executed this 30th day of June 2009.
Date: 6/23/2009 |
 We urge all residents and visitors to practice safe and law abiding driving habits and follow the simple philosophy of Stay Alert, Stay Focused, Stay Alive …. Just Drive! NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do herby proclaim July 2009 as: DISTRACTED DRIVING AWARENESS MONTH Duly Executed this 23rd Day of June 2009.
 Each year the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation recognizes significant contributions to the preservation of Florida’s historic resources through its annual Preservation Awards Program; and Whereas: The Florida Trust for Historic Preservation has awarded the Olga Community Center for Restoration/Rehabilitation – Outstanding Achievement. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby recognize the importance and historic value of the Olga Community Center. Duly Executed this 23rd Day of June 2009.
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim July 2009 as: PARKS and RECREATION MONTH in Lee County and urge all citizens to visit the parks, especially on the weekend of July 25 and 26, when all parking fees will be waived at Lee County Regional Parks and boat ramps. There will also be free admission at the county pools. Duly Executed this 23rd Day of June 2009.
Date: 6/16/2009 |
 On June 22nd 2009, The Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District celebrates its 60th year of uninterrupted and unwavering service. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby recognize the many contributions of the Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District and honor its long standing service to the community. Duly Executed this 16th Day of June 2009.
 Vivian Moreland is commended for her courage as she took on the roll of parent to her granddaughter, knowing how important family is and to avoid foster care at all cost. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida would like to take this opportunity to recognize Vivian Moreland for her unselfish love and steadfast commitment to her family and community which have earned her the Ol’geta Beckworth Foundation’s Grandparent of the Year Award for 2009. Duly Executed this 16th Day of June 2009.
(Accepted by Yolanda Beckworth on Behalf of Vivian Moreland)
Date: 6/9/2009 |
 1000 Friends Presentation to the Commissioners
Date: 5/26/2009 |
 Lee County Utilities prides itself on providing an annual Consumer Confidence Report to its customers about the quality of their drinking water and the opportunity to get involved with its protection; and Whereas: We hereby acknowledge this outstanding achievement accomplished by Patricia DiPiero who manages this program for Lee County Utilities. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby take great pleasure in congratulating Patricia DiPiero and Lee County Utilities, and conveys our appreciation for their dedicated contribution to Lee County. Duly Executed this 26th Day of May, 2009.
 Where as: The members of Lee County’s Emergency Dispatch are the 77th in the United States of America and the twelfth in the state of Florida to receive this worldwide accreditation. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do herby proclaim Lee County’s Emergency Dispatch Center an accredited Center of Excellence. Duly Executed this 26th Day of May 2009.
 Florida Power and Light Rebate Check
Date: 5/19/2009 |
 WHEREAS: The Salvation Army provides its services to people in need without regard to race, color, creed, sex or age. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED By The Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim May 11-17, 2009 as: SALVATION ARMY WEEK and urge all our citizens to join me in honoring the dedicated men and women who work or volunteer for this fine organization and touch the lives of so many.
Duly Executed this 19th day of May 2009.
 Whereas: It is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners, of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the week of May 17-23, 2009 as: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK in Lee County with the theme, EMS: A Proud Partner in Your Community; and we encourage the community to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities. Duly Executed this 19th Day of May, 2009.
Date: 5/12/2009 |
 Whereas: Lee County Utilities is calling upon each citizen and business to help protect our precious water resources by practicing water conservation and to use reclaimed water in an efficient and effective manner. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the week of May 10 – 16, 2009 as: Water Reuse Week in Florida
Duly Executed this 12th day of May 2009.
Date: 5/5/2009 |
 Whereas: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month increases the public's awareness of ALS patients' circumstances and acknowledges the terrible impact this disease has not only on the patient but on his or her family and the community and recognizes the research being done to eradicate this horrible disease. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does proclaim the month of May 2009 as: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month in Lee County and be it further resolved, that Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to provide additional funding for research in order to find a treatment and eventually a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Duly Executed this 5th Day of May 2009.
 Whereas: The Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida will distribute the food to over 167 agencies that feed people in need. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim May 9, 2009 as: LETTER CARRIERS NATIONAL FOOD DRIVE DAY in Lee County and urge our citizens to participate in this worthy cause. Duly Executed this 5th Day of May 2009.
Date: 4/28/2009 |
 Whereas: Hillary’s Modeling Agency’s fundraising event in Fort Myers will combine a sense of fashion and arts enlightenment by showcasing local talents of models, designers, photographers, hairstylists, make up artists and businesses with live entertainment and famous guests from New York City and Paris; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim July 12 - 18, 2009 as: "Fort Myers Fashion Week” in Lee County and urge all citizens to recognize and support the Fort Myers Fashion Week fundraising event to help find a cure for cancer.
Duly Executed this 28th day of April, 2009.
Date: 4/21/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the month of April 2009 as: Child Abuse Prevention Month in Lee County and urge all citizens to join the Children’s Advocacy Center of Southwest Florida in the national effort to raise awareness and help prevent child abuse and neglect. Duly Executed this 21st Day of April 2009.
 Length of Service Awards
Date: 4/7/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the seven day period from April 18, 2009 through April 25, 2009 as the Lakes Regional Park 25th Anniversary and the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation 5th Anniversary recognition week and urges all citizens to visit Lakes Regional Park.
Duly Executed this 7th Day of April 2009.
 Whereas: The board recognizes and wishes to support the efforts of the Good Samaritan Church to create events and other efforts to foster stronger families in our area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim Saturday, April 11, 2009 as: FAMILY AWARENESS DAY in Lee County and encourages all Lee County residents to participate in and support efforts to foster stronger, healthy families in our community.
Duly Executed this 7th Day of April 2009.
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, in recognition of the importance of regular physical activity, does hereby proclaim April 8, 2009, as: “National Start! Walking Day” in Lee County and urge all citizens to show their support for walking and the fight against heart disease and commemorate this day by walking at work and/or at Lakes Park at noon. By increasing awareness of the importance of physical activity to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, we can save thousands of lives each year. Duly Executed this 7th Day of April 2009.
 Whereas: The Governor and Cabinet of the State of Florida are designating April as Florida’s Water Conservation Month to encourage Floridians to conserve the state’s precious water resources. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim the month of April as Water Conservation Month in Lee County. Duly Executed this 7th Day of April 2009.
Date: 3/31/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we hereby proclaim Tuesday, March 31, 2009 as: CALENDAR GIRLS DAY in Lee County and urge all citizens to recognize and support the dance team for their outstanding and continual commitment to make Lee County a better place to live, work and raise a family.
Duly Executed this 31st day of March, 2009.
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we are pleased to recognize April 2009 as: Autism Awareness Month and are proud to join Autism Speaks and other national organizations, local schools, medical professionals and parents that are working diligently to combat autism, increase funding for research, raise awareness about autism and its effect on individuals, families and society; and to bring hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder.
Duly Executed this 31st day of March, 2009.
Date: 3/24/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Lee County join in concert with the 200 US cities to implement a bicycle and pedestrian friendly action plan to achieve the intended goals of good health, improved safety, lesson the carbon imprint and increase bicycling and walking as a standard mode of transportation
Duly Executed this 24th day of March 2009.
Date: 3/18/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida in conjunction with National Surveyors Week, do hereby proclaim the week of March 15-21, 2009, as FLORIDA SURVEYORS & MAPPERS WEEK and recognize the many contributions and the ongoing dedication of surveyors and mappers to the citizens of Florida and the United States.
Duly Executed this 17th Day of March 2009
 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim March 21, 2009 as: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA READING FESTIVAL DAY in Lee County and encourages everyone to attend the Southwest Florida Reading Festival.
Duly Executed this 17th day of March, 2009.
Date: 3/3/2009 |
 Jayson currently serves as the Unit Executive Officer and Communications Officer of the Lee County Cadet Squadron and is a Ground Team 3 and Search and Rescue team member. Mitchell Award number 57379 is awarded to Jayson Jeffrey Beck. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby take great pleasure in congratulating Jayson Beck on receiving the Mitchell Award.
Duly Executed this 3rd day of March 2009.
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, that we do hereby recognize and praise Delores Foley: FOR MERITORIOUS AND EXEMPLARY CUSTOMER SERVICE TO A CITIZEN IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE in Lee County and urge all citizens to recognize her for outstanding and continual commitment to all of her bus passengers on a daily basis.
Duly Executed this 3rd day of March 2009.
 Whereas: The Lee County Commissioners do hereby recognize and welcome the ambassadors from the Friendship Force Clubs; of Minsk; Belarus, Moscow, Russia and Tashkent, Uzbekistan. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend to all of the Minsk, Moscow and Tashkent ambassadors the rights and privileges enjoyed by all our citizens. We are pleased that you have chosen to visit with us and invite you to vacation in our beautiful area anytime.
Duly Executed this 3rd day of March 2009.
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, that we do hereby proclaim Saturday, March 14, 2009 as: KIWANIS PEANUT DAY in Lee County and urge all individuals to recognize the coordinated efforts of the Kiwanis Clubs and their continual commitment to public service on behalf of our community’s most valuable recourse…our children. Duly Executed this 3rd day of March 2009.
 Whereas: Lee County would like to congratulate the Boston Red Sox on your continued success. Your ongoing excellence has brought the world’s media attention and tens of thousands of fans to Lee County, which in turn generates a significant impact for our tourism industry. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida – along with Lee County’s Parks & Recreation Department, Visitor & Convention Bureau, Sports Authority, Facilities Management Division and the City of Fort Myers – do hereby proclaim its full support for the Boston Red Sox organization and we send our most sincere best wishes for success in the upcoming 2009 baseball season. Duly Executed this 3rd day of March 2009.
Date: 2/24/2009 |
 Whereas: Since 2001, the CLT has contributed a total of $ 140,000 toward the acquisition of ten parcels on Pine Island; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the generous contribution to the Conservation 20/20 Program by the Calusa Land Trust and Nature Preserve of Pine Island, Inc.
Duly Executed this 24th day of February, 2009.
 Whereas:The County Commission is the governing body of Lee County, Florida. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does declare Sunday, March 1, 2009 to be celebrated as: WORLD FRIENDSHIP DAY that the citizens of this county may join with others of our state, our nation, and our world to promote understanding among cultures and respect among people. Duly Executed this 24th day of February, 2009.
 Whereas: Your exceptional team spirit and enthusiasm is contagious and you can count us among your many loyal fans. Lee County is proud to be considered your home away from home; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida – along with Lee County’s Parks & Recreation Department, Visitor & Convention Bureau, Sports Authority and Facilities Management Division – do hereby proclaim its full support for the Minnesota Twins organization and we send our most sincere best wishes for success in the upcoming 2009 baseball season. Duly Executed this 24th day of February 2009.
 Candy Pietro Award Nominees
 Candy Pietro Winner
Date: 2/17/2009 |
 Paulette Burton Citizen of the Year Award
Date: 2/10/2009 |
 This Board wishes to recognize and honor those individuals who live and work in Lee County and who practice the profession of engineering in an honorable, responsible, ethical and competent manner and those students who have chosen to be educated to follow a career path in the field of engineering.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing Engineers Week, February 15-21, 2009.
Duly Executed this 10th day of February 2009.
 The Lee County Black Affairs Advisory Board supports this resolution in its continuing effort to raise the profile of the African-American community and the continuing efforts to achieve equality and justice for all African-Americans in Lee County.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize February, 2009, as Black History Month in Lee County.
Duly Executed this 10th day of February, 2009.
 The Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, wishes to add their note of congratulations on the 100th anniversary of this noble organization.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does commend the NAACP, and the Lee County Branch of the NAACP, on the 100th anniversary of this esteemed organization.
Duly Executed this 10th day of February, 2009.
Date: 1/27/2009 |
 Employee Length of Service Awards
Date: 1/20/2009 |
 All citizens have a Right-to-Know the types of hazardous materials and chemicals in their communities, and a Right-to-Know the proper procedures to take in case of an accident or emergency.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby recognize the importance of community awareness of the “Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act” enacted by the United States Congress, and hereby declare the week of January 18-24, 2009 as: “HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AWARENESS WEEK” in Lee County, Florida
Duly Executed this 20th day of January 2009.
Date: 1/6/2009 |
 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby take great pleasure in congratulating John Cowart on receiving the rank of
Duly Executed this 6th day of January 2009.