The Lee County Commissioners hold an annual Strategic Planning Workshop. This workshop helps the board determine priorities and strategies for the year. This workshop provides the County Manager and staff a better understanding of the Commissioners priorities and direction for the year.


​Public Safety

​Future Facilities

​Water Quality

​Communication with the Public

​Solid Waste


​Conservation 20/20

​Human Services

​Flood Resiliency

​Community Identity

The 2025 Strategic Planning Workshop was facilitated by John R. Streitmatter, MBA. A director at the Leadership Research Institute, Streitmatter effectively facilitates to enable leadership teams to articulate a future vision and strategy. He is known for his ability to synthesize discussion to its essence and integrate data and points of view together into agreement and action. He works with nonprofit organizations, professional services firms, universities, private equity firms and local governments.

2025 Strategic Planning Documents

2023 & 2024 Strategic Planning Documents

2022 Strategic Planning Documents

2021 Strategic Planning Documents

2020 Strategic Planning Documents

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