Date: 12/17/2013 |
 The purpose of the nomination-based Together We Mean Community program is to recognize those employees who have gone above and beyond their assigned duties to make an outstanding contribution to the Lee County community; and
Whereas, the employee selected as the Together We Mean Community award recipient for 4th Quarter is Frank Leon, a Bus Driver who has been employed with the Lee Tran since August of 2010; and
Whereas, on Saturday, July 6th while driving his route, Frank witnessed a Lee County resident fall out of his wheelchair in the middle of West First Street; and
Whereas, after unsuccessfully attempting to return the citizen to his wheelchair, Frank contacted his department and asked that EMS be dispatched to the scene; and
Whereas, while waiting for EMS to arrive and offer assistance, Frank stayed with the citizen and even held an umbrella over him to keep him in the shade on what was a particularly hot day; and
Whereas, this single act of compassion clearly represents Frank’s outstanding commitment to provide exemplary service to the citizens and visitors of Lee County on a daily basis;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize and praise Frank Leon, and congratulate him as the selected employee for the Together We Mean Community program for 4th Quarter, 2012/2013.
Date: 12/3/2013 |
 12-3-13 US Green Business Council LEEDership Award
 We as citizens of this community, recognize the worldwide problem of violence against women occurs even here in Lee County, Florida; and
Whereas, violence against women is traumatic to the body, mind and spirit and can prevent people from being fully active participants at home and in the world; and
Whereas, violence against women costs the nation billions of dollars annually in medical expenses, police and court costs, shelters and foster care, sick leave, absenteeism and non productivity; and
Whereas, in spite of some progress, we need only to look at our newspapers or watch a television newscast to see the unfortunate truth that violence against women has not yet been eliminated here in Lee County or around the world; and
Whereas, we support efforts of individuals and join organizations, such as the Zonta Club of Fort Myers, the Zonta Club of Sanibel-Captiva, and the Zonta Club of Bonita Springs, to raise awareness, stimulate discussion, and advocate for local solutions that will curb violence against women; and
Whereas, these local people join thousands of others from around the world to assert that the right of women and men to be free of violence is a fundamental human right;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim that on November 25, 2013 and during the 16 Days of Activism all citizens are urged to support work to end violence against women and to eliminate the detrimental consequences it has on the well-being of our community.
Date: 11/5/2013 |
 There are an estimated 2,820 homeless in Lee County. The homeless count completed in January 2013 indicated that of the sampling, 23% were chronic homeless, 9% were veterans, 54% reported having a disabling condition and 6% were families with children; and
Whereas, the primary cause of homelessness is the lack of housing that is affordable to very low income people, along with a struggling economy, further complicated by domestic violence, substance abuse and mental illness; and
Whereas, the mission of the Lee County Homeless Coalition is to advocate, educate, and promote awareness of issues and obstacles facing homeless individuals in Lee County through community collaboration, planning and implementing solutions; and
Whereas, November 16 to 24, 2013 is designated as National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week to educate the public and bring awareness to the needs of the homeless; and
Whereas, the Lee County Homeless Coalition will sponsor several events during National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week to promote awareness in the community; and
Whereas, the Lee County Homeless Coalition will sponsor the “Homeless Challenge” as an educational tool providing awareness to those who participate. The Challenge will take place during the week of November 16 to 24. During one event participants will live on the streets as a person experiencing homelessness. This Challenge will provide a life-altering experience with the power to effect change; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of November 16 through 24, 2013, as “National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week” in Lee County and recognizes that this is a week of special importance and encourages all citizens to recognize that many people do not have housing and need support from citizens, and private/public nonprofit service entities.
Date: 10/29/2013 |
 10-29-13 Length of Service Awards
 Friends of the Lee County Libraries raise money that enables our libraries to move from good to great -- providing the resources for additional programming, much needed equipment, support for childrens summer reading, and special events throughout the year; and
Whereas, the work of the Friends highlights on an on-going basis the fact that our libraries are a cornerstone of the community providing opportunities for all to engage in the joy of life-long learning and connect with the thoughts and ideas of others from ages past to the present; and
Whereas, the Friends understand the critical importance of well funded libraries and advocate to ensure that our libraries receive the resources needed to provide a wide variety of services to all ages including access to print and electronic content, along with expert assistance in research, readers advisory and childrens services; and
Whereas, the Friends gift of their time and commitment to the libraries sets an example for all in how volunteerism leads to positive civic engagement and the betterment of our community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim October 20-26,2013 as:
in Lee County and urges everyone to join the Friends of the Library and thank them for all they do to make our libraries and community a better place.
 Guardians of the Ribbon Inc. is an Arizona non-profit organization consisting of public safety professionals and leaders in the community whose sole purpose is raising awareness for the fight against cancer; and
Whereas, in September 2007 the Pink Heals Tour began encouraging public safety professionals, local leaders, and citizens throughout the community to wear pink in honor of all women and to join forces to help them in their fight against cancer; and
Whereas, the spirit of this campaign is to fight for those who have lost the ability to fight for themselves; asking for public support, and raising understanding and awareness to all citizens; and
Whereas, anything is possible when people devote themselves to a cause that does so much good and benefits so many; and
Whereas, the Cares Enough to Wear Pink campaign honors all women and recognizes the need to come together as a collective group; and help with the fight against cancer, reminding future generations that people who are not affected by an illness can come together for those who are.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim October 25-27, 2013, as
in Lee County and urges all citizens to recognize and support the efforts of Guardians of the Ribbon, Inc., Lee County EMS, and the Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters and Paramedics Local 1826.
Date: 10/15/2013 |
 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills; and
WHEREAS, the Lee County 4-H Youth Development Program exists to develop young people, ages 5 through 18, and has served young people in our state since 1909; and
WHEREAS, the 4-H Program has molded itself to meet the needs of our citizens by focusing on developing rural, suburban and urban youth and, through the Florida Cooperative Extension, teaches youth by utilizing the research and knowledge base of our state’s land grant institutions, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida; and
WHEREAS, through “learning by doing” experiences, young people in the 4-H Program practice life skills with the guidance of caring adult volunteer mentors and Cooperative Extension faculty and staff; and
WHEREAS, 4-H provides Lee County youth the opportunities to develop positive relationships, competencies and attitudes that will assist them in making positive choices for their lives, thereby effectively preparing them to meet the challenges of becoming productive citizens;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim that the week of October 14 through 20, 2013 shall be known as 4-H WEEK in Lee County.
Date: 10/8/2013 |
 The Hispanic American Business Alliance (HABA), under the leadership of Leonardo Garcia, is recognized as a leader in Southwest Florida in promoting international relationships with the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other Spanish-speaking nations; and
Whereas, the Hispanic American Business Alliance (HABA) conducts exchange programs at the government, business, law enforcement, education and professional levels between Southwest Florida and the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other Spanish-speaking countries; and
Whereas, the Hispanic American Business Alliance (HABA) helps Lee County government, business, education, law enforcement and professionals have a better cultural understanding and collaborations with their counterparts from the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other Spanish-speaking nations; and
Whereas, the Hispanic American Business Alliance (HABA) helps Lee County students and school leaders experience an international cultural and leadership experience in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other Spanish-speaking countries; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida is proud to recognize the Hispanic American Business Alliance (HABA) as a valued resource with an essential role in our community and does hereby proclaim October 8, 2013 as:
in Lee County and recognizes that today is a day of special importance and is worthy of recognition by the citizens of Lee County.
 There are more than 1.5 million individuals living in 16,000 nursing homes and 1 million individuals living in 50,000 board and care/assisted living facilities in the U.S., with over 4,000 facilities and 170,000 residents in Florida; and
Whereas, the federal Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 guarantees residents their individuals rights in order to promote and maintain their dignity and autonomy; and
Whereas, all residents should be aware of their rights so they may be empowered to live safely and healthfully with dignity and self-determination; and
Whereas, we wish to honor and celebrate these citizens, to recognize their rich individuality, including the right to have a say in their care; and
Whereas, individuals and group across the country will be celebrating Residents’ Rights Month, to emphasize the importance of affirming these rights through facility practices, public policy, and resident-centered decision-making;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim October 2013 as:
in Lee County, Florida, and encourages all citizens to join in these important observances.
 Despite ongoing efforts to better protect child pedestrians, child pedestrian injury remains the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 5 to 19 in the U.S.; and
Whereas, in 2011, there were 465 fatalities and 21,000 injuries to child pedestrians; and
Whereas, most child pedestrian fatalities are the result of an incident with a motor vehicle; and
Whereas, children are more likely to get hit by cars in areas with high traffic volume, a higher number of parked cars on the street, higher posted speed limits, the absence of a divided highway, few pedestrian control devices, and few alternative play areas, such as parks; and
Whereas, children are particularly vulnerable to pedestrian injuries because they are exposed to traffic threats that exceed their cognitive, developmental, behavioral, physical, and sensory abilities; and
Whereas, environmental modifications, when made in conjunction with enforcement of traffic laws and increased penalties for traffic violations, are proven to reduce traffic-related pedestrian death and injury; and
Whereas, in recognition of International Walk to School Day 2013, children, parents, educators, community leaders, Safe Kids coalitions and FedEx volunteers are joining together nationwide to walk to school and evaluate pedestrian safety in their community; and
Whereas, Safe Kids Lee/Collier Counties has planned pedestrian safety activities and school-based events for International Walk to School Day 2013 in an effort to educate children and families about the importance of pedestrian safety;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim October 9, 2013 as
in Lee County, and call upon all the residents of this county to join with me in supporting the efforts and activities of Safe Kids Lee/Collier Counties to prevent pedestrian injuries and deaths to our children.
Date: 10/1/2013 |
 Acción Hispana at Telemundo, under the guidance of Jackie Figueroa, is recognized as a media leader in Southwest Florida providing information on local and national issues that impact our local Hispanic community; and
Whereas, Acción Hispana, has covered topics such as immigration, education, healthcare, housing, and politics, with analysis and community discussion engaging a segment of the community that may not otherwise be reached; and
Whereas, Acción Hispana has cultivated strong working relationships with local government and community agencies thereby empowering the voice of the growing Hispanic population; and
Whereas, Acción Hispana, under the parent company All Access Multimedia, has become the leading Spanish media voice in Southwest Florida for more than six years;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and the Sixth Anniversary of Acción Hispana TV Show hereby proclaims October 1st, 2013 as:
in Lee County and wishes much continued success and recognition by the citizens of Lee County.
Date: 9/24/2013 |
 Telemundo Fort Myers-Naples was incorporated in 2004 and since then has been recognized as the leading Hispanic TV station in Southwest Florida informing, educating and entertaining the community; and
Whereas, Telemundo Fort Myers-Naples organizes “La Feria de la Familia” (Family Fair Expo). A grassroots event for the entire family. “La Feria” expo is full of valuable information, resources, activities and entertainment important to the entire community; and
Whereas, Telemundo Fort Myers-Naples has established strong community partnerships and has contributed to the continued growth and development of clients, viewers and key organizations in the SWFL area; and
Whereas, As a community partner, Telemundo Fort Myers-Naples has donated countless air time to local non-profit organizations promoting their services and providing key information to the Hispanic community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby celebrate Hispanic Heritage month and recognizes Telemundo Fort Myers-Naples for their important contribution in local media and keeping the residents of Lee County informed on the issues that affect the community.
 Presentation to the Board of County Commissioners - Commuter Services 2013 Awards.
Date: 9/17/2013 |
 Behavioral health is an essential part of health and ones overall wellness; and Whereas, prevention of mental and or substance use disorders works, treatment is effective, and people recover in our area and around the nation; and Whereas, preventing and overcoming mental and or substance use disorders is essential to achieving healthy lifestyles, both physically and emotionally; and Whereas, we must encourage relatives and friends of people with mental and or substance use disorders to implement preventive measures, recognize the signs of a problem, and guide those in need to appropriate treatment and recovery support services; and Whereas, in 2011, 2.3 million people aged 12 or older received specialty treatment for a substance use disorder and 31.6 million adults aged 18 or older received mental health services, according to the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Given the serious nature of this public health problem, we must continue to reach the millions more who need help; and Whereas, to help more people achieve and sustain long-term recovery, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, invites all residents to join the Lee County Coalition for a Drug-Free Southwest Florida, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, Lee Memorial Health System and Gwendolyn’s Café to participate in National Recovery Month. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of September 2013 as: NATIONAL RECOVERY MONTH and call upon the people of Lee County to observe this month with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies to support this year's Recovery Month.
 Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15 by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America; and
Whereas, the observation began in 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson as Hispanic Heritage Week and was expanded to one month and enacted into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1988; and
Whereas, Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the contributions that 21 Hispanic countries have made to the United States. Hispanics serve our country making important contributions in the arts, sports, sciences, the business world, academia, government, agriculture, and Armed Forces; and
Whereas, 2013 marks a significant historical milestone for the state of Florida as it commemorates the 500th Anniversary of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León’s landing on the coast of Florida, the first European explorer documented to set foot on the continental United States; and
Whereas, for 500 years the great State of Florida has benefitted from Hispanic contributions to history, culture, and economic development and Lee County residents celebrate this rich and diverse culture and recognize the important role of Hispanics in creating and building our community; and
Whereas, the Library System provides programs for children and adults such as bilingual storytelling and crafts, Naturalization Information Sessions, foreign films and many enriching programs and events to provide opportunities for Latinos to embrace and learn about their heritage; and
Whereas, the Lee County Library System touches the lives of Hispanic individuals, families, groups and the entire community, and positively impacts the social and economic quality of our county.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim September 15 to October 15, 2013, as Hispanic Heritage Month in Lee County and encourages all residents to enjoy the local programs and activities being offered throughout the county.
 Almost 18 percent of Florida residents are 65 years of age or older; and
Whereas, falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among Florida’s senior population and result in significant physical, personal, social and economic burden; and
Whereas, it is estimated that annually there are more than 150,000 hospital-treated injuries from falls among Floridians 65 and older, with medical charges exceeding $2 billion; and
Whereas, among Floridians 65 and older, falls account for more than 75 percent of all fractures treated in emergency departments; and
Whereas, falling and the fear of falling can lead to depression, loss of mobility and loss of functional independence; and
Whereas, injuries from falls are a preventable community health problem; and
Whereas, falls prevention education is a key first step to increasing public awareness regarding elder falls prevention and home safety; and
Whereas, cost-effective home modification and community strategies are available to improve safety and lessen the likelihood of falls and the debilitating injuries that can result; and
Whereas, implementing elder falls prevention strategies is an effective tool for reducing the stresses associated with providing caregiver services; and
Whereas, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, the Florida Department of Health/Office of Injury Prevention, the Florida Statewide Falls Prevention Coalition, and state Area Agencies on Aging, in partnership with the Lee Memorial Trauma Center and Lee County communities and residents; are working together to increase awareness of this issue and encourage residents to take steps to protect those who are at risk of falling.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim September 21, 2013, as Falls Prevention Awareness Day in Lee County, and urges all citizens to join in this special observance.
Date: 8/27/2013 |
 8-27-13 Length of Service Awards
Date: 8/13/2013 |
 The purpose of the nomination-based Together We Mean Community program is to recognize those employees who have gone above and beyond their assigned duties to make an outstanding contribution to the Lee County community; and
Whereas, the employee selected as the Together We Mean Community award recipient for 3rd Quarter is Kevin Nault, a Heavy Equipment Operator who has been employed with the Lee County Department of Transportation since January of 2010; and
Whereas, as included on the submitted nomination, on Friday, June 28th, an 84-year old Lee County resident, was mowing his property on Flowers Drive in South Fort Myers and his mower fell off of a steep incline on his property and toppled over into a nearby drainage ditch; and
Whereas, upon seeing this citizen and his mower plunge into the water, Kevin, who was working nearby, immediately jumped in and not only saved the gentlemen from drowning, but also retrieved his mower and returned it to a dry and safe place; and Whereas, this single act of compassion clearly represents Kevin’s outstanding commitment to provide exemplary service to the citizens and visitors of Lee County on a daily basis.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize and praise Kevin Nault, and congratulate him as the selected employee for the Together We Mean Community program for 3rd Quarter, 2012/2013.
Date: 7/30/2013 |
 The Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra was established on April 15, 1961, and has served Lee County for over 52 years as the cornerstone of our vibrant arts community; and
Whereas, the Symphony’s sixty-five World-Class professional musicians contribute to our quality of life, and we are proud and fortunate to have them performing and teaching here in Lee County; and
Whereas, the Symphony musicians work with our parents and teachers to provide lifelong music education to our Lee County Public School children to enrich their understanding, skill and love of music. The Youth Symphony, Concert Orchestra, Sinfonietta, Young People’s Concerts, Ensembles in Schools, Symphony Discovery Club and other programs are valued and appreciated by all; and
Whereas, the volunteer members of The Symphony Society and the Board of Trustees deserve our gratitude and support for all that they do each year to raise the necessary funds and manage the business of the Symphony.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby offer our unanimous and continued support of the Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra and we encourage the businesses and citizens of Lee County to join us in supporting this vital cultural asset.
 7-30-13 Presentation of Appreciation - Nations Association
Date: 6/25/2013 |
 06-25-13 American Heart Association Fit Friendly Gold Award and Innovation Award
 Bladder cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the United States, and 3rd in the State of Florida; and Whereas: men have a 1 in 27 chance and women have a 1 in 86 chance of being diagnosed with bladder cancer in their lifetime; and
Whereas: every year in the United States approximately 73,000 new cases of bladder cancer are diagnosed and nearly 15,000 people die from the disease; and
Whereas: bladder cancer occurs in more women annually than cervical cancer; and
Whereas: women often have a delayed diagnosis due to bladder cancer being mistaken for common gynecological problems; and
Whereas: although bladder cancer can occur at any age, a high percentage of people suffering from the disease are over the age of 55; and
Whereas: due to a nearly 80 percent recurrence rate, bladder cancer is one of the most expensive cancers to treat.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim July 2013, as Bladder Cancer Awareness Month in Lee County.
 MANGO MANIA Tropical Fruit Festival was originated by the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce and held at the Catholic Church on Pine Island in July 1995; and
Whereas, establishing the Festival was an effort to help the growers on Pine Island sell their fruit and plants during harvest time when the location of Pine Island was known by very few people; and
Whereas, the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce decided not to hold the Festival for the next two years due to the fact there was no suitable site on the Island. By popular request of Pine Islanders, the MANGO MANIA Tropical Fruit Festival was reinstated in 1998 utilizing the facilities of the KOA Campground in St. James City; and
Whereas, the Festival is used as fundraisers by the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, M.O.T.I. and Calusa Land Trust to enable them to make contributions to Pine Island Elementary School, scholarship programs, F.I.S.H. and other charities; and
Whereas, MANGO MANIA was such a success that by 2001 it had outgrown the KOA facilities, and since there were no other suitable locations on the island, the decision was made to move the Festival to the German-American Club to allow for continued growth that saw more than 10,000 attendees last year.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby extend their best wishes for a successful 2013 MANGO MANIA Tropical Fruit Festival being celebrated July 13-14, 2013.
Date: 6/18/2013 |
 The National Recreation and Parks Association has declared July as National Parks & Recreation Month; and
Whereas, Lee County Parks and Recreation touches the lives of individuals, families, groups, and the entire community, positively impacting upon the social economic, and environmental quality of our county; and
Whereas, parks, greenways, and open space provide a welcome respite from our fast paced, high tech lifestyles while protecting and preserving our natural environment; and
Whereas, parks, playgrounds, nature trails, open spaces, community and cultural centers, and historic sites make a community attractive and desirable places to live, work, play and visit; and
Whereas, Lee County Parks and Recreation activities, and leisure experiences provide opportunities for young people to live, grow, and develop into contributing members of society; and Whereas, Parks and Recreation agencies provide outlets for physical activities, socialization and stress reducing experiences. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim July 2013 as:
in Lee County and urges all citizens to visit the parks, especially on the weekend of July 27th and 28th when all parking fees will be waived at Lee County regional parks and boat ramps. There will also be free admission at the county pools.
Date: 6/11/2013 |
 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida and the 101st anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America; and
WHEREAS, for over 100 years, Girl Scouting is opened to every girl and has helped build millions of girls and women of courage, confidence, and character who act to make the world a better place; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouting's highest awards, Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards, exemplify girls making a lasting difference in their community and in the larger world; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scout Juniors in the 4th or 5th grade work together and explore their community needs, make a plan, and put the plan in motion to benefit others while striving for their Girl Scout Bronze Award;
WHEREAS, Girl Scout Cadettes in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade earning their Silver Award work together or solo to earn a Cadette Journey Award, and complete fifty hours of service to a project that improves their communities; and
WHEREAS, the Girl Scout Gold Award is open only to girls in high school and requires a seven-step project completed individually resulting in higher education and career choices, development of life skills and continued community engagement; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouting today is the premier leadership experience for girls in grades k-12. Through girl-led, volunteer delivered programming, girls discover their values and worth, connect with others, and take action to make the world a better place.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby applaud the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, and our local council, Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, for their years of leadership and expertise as the voice for and of girls, and proudly proclaims this Girl Scout Leadership Recognition Week.
Date: 6/4/2013 |
 Tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable death in the United States, and nearly 90 percent of tobacco users begin this addictive habit before the age of 18 years; and
WHEREAS, tobacco manufacturers are banned, pursuant to the State of Florida’s 1998 Master Settlement, from directly or indirectly targeting youth in advertising, marketing, and the promotion of tobacco products aimed at initiating, maintaining or increasing the use of tobacco products by youth; and
WHEREAS, tobacco companies use colorful youth-oriented and stylish packaging, and exploit adolescents’ attraction to assorted flavors in retail outlets throughout Lee County; and
WHEREAS, national studies have found that the vast majority of people who use these flavored tobacco products are adolescents and young adults; and
WHEREAS, research by the Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) and the Tobacco-Free Lee Coalition found that many of the retailers in Lee County sell flavored tobacco products of various kinds; and
WHEREAS, encourages local retailers to voluntarily restrict the sale and marketing of candy flavored tobacco thereby reducing the exposure to and the use of tobacco products by adolescents and young adults.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, commends the Tobacco-Free Lee Coalition and the many members of Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT), which consist of Lee County high school and middle school students dedicated to the cause of tobacco use prevention.
 Lee County seniors are valued members of society and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that they live safe lives; and
WHEREAS, abuse of older people is a tragedy inflicted against vulnerable seniors, and is an ever-increasing problem that crosses all socio-economic boundaries in today’s society; and
WHEREAS, combating abuse of older people will help improve the quality of life for all seniors across this state and will allow seniors to continue to live as independently as possible, adding to their lives and vibrancy; and
WHEREAS, seniors should be treated with respect and dignity to enable them to continue to serve as leaders, mentors, volunteers, and important and active members of society; and
WHEREAS, we are all responsible for building safer communities for Florida’s seniors;
WHEREAS, the welfare of seniors is in the best interest of all citizens and further adds to the well-being of our communities;
WHEREAS, LEAPP, Lee Elder Abuse Prevention Partnership is a coalition among Lee County human service providers and agencies to create community partnerships that effectively promote the awareness of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation and provide services, advocacy and support for older adults;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Lee County Board of County Commissioners do hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing June 15, 2013 as Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
Date: 5/21/2013 |
 2013 marks a significant historical milestone for the state of Florida as it commemorates the 500th Anniversary of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León’s landing on the coast of Florida, the first European explorer documented to set foot on the continental United States; and
Whereas, Juan Ponce de León landed on Florida’s east coast on April 2, 1513 and bestowed the name La Florida on this lush new land in honor of the Spanish Feast of Flowers celebrating Easter season; and
Whereas, Juan Ponce de León’s expedition entered the Calusa Indian domain on May 23, 1513, spending more than three weeks in the area and documenting stababa, the Calusa capital town at Mound Key; and
Whereas, ancestors of the Calusa Indians inhabited coastal southwest Florida for several thousands of years and contributed to the more than 12,000 year history of American Indians in Florida; and
Whereas, Juan Ponce de León’s voyage of discovery began a new era in which native peoples, Europeans and other nationalities under many different flags formed the foundation that created the state of Florida; and
Whereas, a countless number of different cultures have contributed to Florida’s heritage and continue to live, work and thrive together today; and
Whereas, the Florida Department of State designated 2013 as Viva Florida 500 to commemorate our cultural legacy and reflect on the achievements of all who have contributed to Florida’s dynamic growth, rich diversity and economic prosperity; and
Whereas, to commemorate this milestone, we invite Lee County citizens and visitors to participate in the many enriching programs and events planned in honor of Viva Florida 500 throughout 2013.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby designate 2013 as the 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF LA FLORIDA.
 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is a vital public service; and
Whereas, access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and
Whereas, EMS plays a critical role in public outreach and injury prevention, and is evolving in its role as an important member of the healthcare community; and
Whereas, first responders, emergency medical technicians and paramedics stand ready to provide compassionate, lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and
Whereas, emergency medical responders are supported by emergency medical dispatchers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, educators, administrators, researchers, emergency nurses, emergency physicians and others; and
Whereas, the members of EMS teams, both career and volunteer, engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and
Whereas, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of EMS practitioners by designating Emergency Medical Services Week.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of May 19-25, 2013, as:
with the theme “EMS: One Mission. One Team”. We encourage the community to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities.
Date: 5/14/2013 |
 The purpose of the nomination-based Together We Mean Community program is to recognize those employees who have gone above and beyond their assigned duties to make an outstanding contribution to the Lee County community; and
Whereas, the employee selected as the Together We Mean Community award recipient for 1st Quarter is Fred Given, a Para-transit Bus Driver who has been employed with Lee Tran since January of 2005; and
Whereas, as detailed on the submitted nomination, on Wednesday, October 24th, Fred attempted to pick up one of his regular, Cape Coral customers, and found it unusual when this always punctual rider was not ready; and
Whereas, with growing concern, upon picking up his next passenger, Fred decided to return to the first customer’s house to check on her. Arriving at a dark house, one of Fred’s current riders, a friend of the absent customer, found her lying on the bathroom floor; and Whereas, already dialing 911, Fred stayed with her until the ambulance arrived and ensured that all doors to her home were secured before continuing with his route; and
Whereas, this single act of compassion clearly represents Fred’s outstanding commitment to provide exemplary service to the citizens and visitors of Lee County on a daily basis.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize and praise Fred Given, and congratulates him as the selected employee for the Together We Mean Community program for 1st Quarter, 2012/2013.
 Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has proclaimed National Small Business Week to recognize the contributions of small businesses to the economic well-being of America; and
Whereas, Florida Gulf Coast University - Small Business Development Center (SBDC) recognizes May 20th through May 24th as Small Business Week and celebrates the spirit of entrepreneurship and small business owners through-out Southwest Florida; and
Whereas, the SBDC recruits volunteers who are leaders in the business community to share their real-world experiences with small business owners of the Lee County; and
Whereas, the SBDC provides free one-on-one confidential consulting, training and support that promotes a healthy business environment and provides the necessary tools for entrepreneurs to succeed in a global workforce; and
Whereas, the Board recognizes the need for on-going awareness in the business community and commends the outstanding contributions that the SBDC has given entrepreneurs and small business owners here and all across the United States to succeed and grow in an ever expanding global economy.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim the week of May 20th through May 24th as Small Business Week in Lee County.
 A love for God and a desire to help others is the motivation behind the men and women of The Salvation Army; and
Whereas, The Salvation Army in Lee County, Florida, provides much more than spiritual counseling and basic human necessities to the needy and hurting on a daily basis; and
Whereas, The Salvation Army serves as a symbol of compassion, but more so an active participant in the provision of services to thousands of Lee County men, women and children; and
Whereas, The Salvation Army has been providing these programs to residents for 62 years; and
Whereas, The Salvation Army provides its services to people in need without regard to race, color, creed, sex or age. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim May 13-19, 2013, as:
in Lee County and urges all our citizens to join us in honoring the dedicated men and women who work or volunteer for this fine organization and touch the lives of so many.
Date: 5/7/2013 |
 The Composting Council of the United States has declared the first week of May to be the annual International Composting Awareness Week; and
Whereas, composting is an effective form of waste reduction, reuse and recycling and is one of the methods used to meet the State of Florida’s goal of 75% recycling by 2020 since organic materials represent over 25% of material that require disposal each year; and
Whereas, materials such as yard trimmings, grass clippings, vegetable cuttings, biosolids, manure, and shaving can be processed and converted into a beneficial product known as compost; and
Whereas, compost improves soil structure, reduces erosion, supplies soil with a variety of macro and micro nutrients, decreases the dependence on chemical fertilizers, and reduces water consumption when used as an amendment to soils; and
Whereas, this year’s national theme, “Compost: Nature’s Way to Grow”, is a great way to promote the message of compost and its many benefits to the soils in Lee County; and
Whereas, the Lee County Composting Facility has been successfully composting organic material and providing for sustainable agricultural, landscaping, and gardening practices through the production of OrganicLee® Compost.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize the efforts of the US Composting Council, Southwest Florida Extension Agents, households, landscapers, farmers, recyclers, public workers, composters, gardeners, and plant growers and proclaim the week of May 6th – May 12th, 2013, as:
and encourages our citizens to use compost to amend their soils because compost IS nature’s way to grow.
 Many Lee County residents own bicycles and surveys indicate that the majority of Southwest Florida drivers ride a bicycle at least once a year and over one-third ride a bicycle at least once a month; and
Whereas, a bicycle is recognized as a vehicle and is a viable means of transportation for many types of trips and destinations; and
Whereas, national health organizations, environmental agencies, and physical fitness activists believe increased bicycling to be of national interest for health purposes; and
Whereas, an increase in the use of bicycles in place of motor vehicle use will correspondingly decrease greenhouse gas emissions in Lee County; and
Whereas, Lee County has an interest in encouraging the use of bicycles, increasing education and awareness of bicycle safety; and
Whereas, since 1998, Lee County has invested millions of dollars to construct approximately 450 miles of bicycle facilities as part of roadway improvements and retrofitting of existing roadways; and
Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners adopted a Complete Streets Resolution on November 10, 2009; and
Whereas, the month of May is being promoted by the League of American Bicyclists as National Bike Month, with Wednesday, May 8, 2013 as Bike-to-School Day, and the week of May 13-17, 2013 as Bike-to-Work Week, and Friday, May 17, 2013 as Bike-to-Work Day.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby declare May 2013 to be Bike Month, with Wednesday, May 8, 2013 as Bike-to-School Day, and the week of May 13-17 as Bike-to-Work Week, and with Friday, May 17, 2013 as Bike-to-Work Day in Lee County.
 The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation is celebrating National Public Gardens Day to raise public awareness about the importance of public gardens on May 10, 2013; and
Whereas, the Foundation’s mission is to support Lee County Parks and Recreation through philanthropic and voluntary efforts promoting ongoing community awareness and support of the recreational and educational value of Lakes Park and its continuing evolution, to include a botanic garden and other enhancements, resulting in an even more attractive natural environment for the community to enjoy; and
Whereas, the Foundation’s vision for the Botanic Garden at Lake Park is a park that is highly regarded and enjoyed by the community for its beautiful native Florida environment, its programs and services, and its cultural events and contributions, all of which add to the quality of life of all Lee County residents and visitors; and
Whereas, public gardens play a very significant role in sustainable community development.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, and on behalf of the citizens of our community, takes great pride in recognizing May 10, 2013 as:
 The letter carriers are conducting their annual food drive on May 11th, 2013; and
Whereas, on that day, mail carriers are requesting that citizens leave non-perishable food by their mailbox; and
Whereas, the food will be collected, and in our community it will be distributed by the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida; and
Whereas, the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida will distribute the food to over 150 agencies that feed people in need.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim May 11, 2013 as:
in Lee County and urges our citizens to participate in this worthy cause.
Date: 4/23/2013 |
 4-23-13 Length of Service Awards
 Trauma Awareness Month is designed to raise regional attention to trauma and what must be done to reduce the devastating impact of traumatic injuries; and
Whereas, trauma is the leading cause of death for all Floridians between the ages of 1 and 44 every year; with someone in Florida being traumatically injured every 12 minutes; enough to fill Germain Arena 6 times; and
Whereas, motor vehicle crashes and falls resulting in blunt force trauma make up more than 80% of all trauma cases treated in our trauma district area each year; and
Whereas, in 2011 more than 2,200 Floridian residents and visitors in our Lee County Trauma Services District area were treated at the trauma center at Lee Memorial Hospital; and
Whereas, national studies show that patient mortality is reduced by 15 – 20% when the patient is treated for traumatic injuries in a Trauma Center rather than in a non-trauma center; and
Whereas, there are more than 1.2 million residents in the Lee County Trauma Services District comprised of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Counties; serviced by the only Trauma Center on the Florida Gulf Coast between Tampa and Miami; and
Whereas, recognition is due for our Lee County Trauma Services District for its accomplishments and contributions to improve public welfare by providing quality trauma care for all residents and visitors; injury prevention outreach, education, and research; disaster preparedness and response; and demonstrating that an effective trauma center saves the lives of our residents and visitors.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to those observing Trauma Awareness Month during the month of May 2013.
 Lee County recognizes the importance of parents talking with their teens about alcohol; and
Whereas, high school students who use alcohol or other substances are five times more likely to drop out of school or believe good grades are not important; and
Whereas, teen alcohol use kills about 5,000 people each year, more than all other illegal drugs combined; and
Whereas, the majority of kids say their parents are their primary influence when it comes to decisions about drinking alcohol; and
Whereas, PowerTalk 21® day is established on April 21, 2013, to encourage parents and caregivers to embrace their important role in influencing America’s youth and their decisions about drinking alcohol; and
Whereas, to equip parents to talk with their teens about alcohol, Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) Southwest Florida in April will offer free community parent workshops to give parents the tools in a parent handbook to effectively talk to their teens about alcohol; and
Whereas, these local parent workshops, also replicated across the country, will offer parents a research-based parent handbook to help them talk with their teens about alcohol and encourage adults to consider creating a safer community by becoming involved in reducing underage drinking; and
Whereas, the Board urges all citizens to join in the local and national efforts to raise awareness of the importance of parents and teens talking together about alcohol in order to reduce the risks and dangers posed to teens and communities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim Sunday, April 21, 2013 as: POWERTALK 21® DAY in Lee County.
Date: 4/16/2013 |
 Libraries are the heart of their communities, campuses and schools; and Whereas, librarians work to meet the changing needs of their communities, including providing resources for everyone and bringing services outside of library walls; and
Whereas, libraries and librarians bring together community members to enrich and shape the community and address local issues; and
Whereas, librarians are trained, tech-savvy professionals, providing technology training and access to downloadable content like e-books; and
Whereas, libraries offer programs to meet community needs, providing residents with resume writing classes, 24/7 homework help and financial planning services to teens applying for student loans to older adults planning their retirement; and
Whereas, libraries continuously grow and evolve in how they provide for the needs of every member of their communities; and
Whereas, libraries, librarians, library workers and supporters across America are celebrating National Library Week.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim April 14-20, 2013, as
and encourages all residents to visit the library this week to take advantage of the wonderful library resources available at our library. Communities matter at your library.
Date: 4/9/2013 |
 The national observance of April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month was introduced as a resolution by former Colorado Representative Betsy Markey and passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on March 23, 2010; and
Whereas, Stay Alive …. Just Drive! (SAJD), has been actively and aggressively educating the visitors and residents of Florida regarding the dangers of distracted and unsafe driving since 2006; and
Whereas, sending or receiving a text takes a drivers eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind; and
Whereas, the National Transportation Safety Board recommended that states pass laws prohibiting drivers use of mobile communication devices - including both handheld and hands-free cell phone use; and Whereas, SAJD continues the effort to make our roads safer by reminding everyone: When You Drive Distracted … We are All Impacted; and
Whereas, the BoCC encourages all organizations, agencies and individuals to adopt a no texting policy and a comprehensive electronic devices ban; and
Whereas, we urge all residents and visitors to practice safe and law-abiding driving habits and follow the simple philosophy of Stay Alert – Stay Focused – Stay Alive …. Just Drive!
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim the month of April, 2013, as Distracted Driving Awareness Month in Lee County.
 Last year, more than 5,000 children received services related to some form of abuse or neglect in Southwest Florida; and
Whereas, the Childrens Advocacy Center of Southwest Floridas mission is to improve the lives of children and their families through a coordinated response to child abuse and neglect; and
Whereas, services provided to child victims include assessments, medical exams, forensic interviews, therapeutic counseling, parenting education, and prevention programs; and
Whereas, the consequences of abuse and neglect have devastating effects on child victims, their families, and their communities if left untreated; and
Whereas, long-term effects of child abuse can include fear, anxiety, depression, anger, poor self-esteem, hostility, inappropriate sexual behavior, substance abuse, and difficulty establishing or maintaining close relationships; and
Whereas, through a national effort, Lee County citizens are encouraged to join the Childrens Advocacy Center of Southwest Florida to raise awareness and help prevent child abuse and neglect; and
Whereas, this effort will give abused and neglected children in our community, and around the country, a chance for a safe and positive future.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim the month of April, 2013 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Lee County.
Date: 3/26/2013 |
 The Florida Public Transportation Association is one of the most active state transit associations in the nation, with members representing every major public transit agency in Florida including 28 fixed-route bus route systems, paratransit, a commuter railroad, a heavy-rail commuter system and two people mover systems; and
Whereas, the FPTA works to actively foster the improvement of public transportation in the state by promoting the beneficial use of research and factual data and serves as the collective voice to promote the recognition, use, expansion and enhancement of public transportation in the state; and
Whereas, the Florida Public Transportation Association annually recognizes a transit agency which has demonstrated consistent efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public transit services and can show excellence in its operations, fleet maintenance, community involvement, safety, security and ridership; and Whereas, LeeTran has demonstrated excellence through the development of its 25-Year Vision Plan, and by earning such national awards as $13.9 million for the acquisition of clean, diesel-electric hybrid buses, $1.4 million for improvement to Veteran’s transportation systems, and $5 million for the construction of a new transit facility; and
Whereas, LeeTran has shown sustained increases in ridership, including a 17% increase in fiscal year 2012, and now serves a total of 3.76 million riders. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida recognizes LeeTran for having earned the Florida Public Transportation Association’s designation as the:
and extends our gratitude to all LeeTran employees for bringing this honor to Lee County for the benefit of its residents and visitors and for the commitment and dedication each of you bring to the job every day.
Date: 3/19/2013 |
 The Social Work profession has been instrumental in achieving civil and human rights advances in the United States and across the globe for more than a century; and
WHEREAS, the primary mission of Social Work is to enhance human well-being and assist in meeting the basic needs of all people, especially the most vulnerable of our society; and
WHEREAS, Social Workers make a critical impact in adolescent and youth development; aging and family care giving; child protection and family services; health care navigation; mental and behavioral health treatment; military and veterans assistance; nonprofit management and community development; and poverty reduction; and
WHEREAS, Social Workers seek to improve social functioning and social conditions for people in any level of emotional, psychological, economic, and/or physical need; and
WHEREAS, Social Workers are experts in care coordination, case management, and therapeutic treatment for biopsychosocial issues, and have roles in more than 50 different fields of practice; and
WHEREAS, Social Workers believe that a nations strength depends on the ability of the majority of its citizens to lead productive and healthy lives; assist individuals, who are often navigating significant life challenges, by providing hope and professional guidance.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, in recognition that our nation would be less successful without the contributions of Americas 640,000 social workers, does hereby proclaim the month of March 2013 as:
and calls upon all citizens to join with the National Association of Social Workers and the local Southwest Florida unit of the National Association of Social Workers in Florida in celebration and support of the Social Work profession.
 Surveyors and mappers are counted among the founding leaders of our country and were instrumental in the formation of the layout of property boundaries in the United States which have provided our citizens the enjoyment of property ownership; and
Whereas, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other former Presidents of the United States, served their fellow colonists as surveyors; and
Whereas, The citizens of Florida recognize the valuable contributions of the surveying and mapping profession to history, development, and quality of life in Florida and the United States of America and make important decisions based on the knowledge and expertise of licensed surveyors and mappers; and
Whereas, The surveying and mapping profession requires special education, training, the knowledge of mathematics, the related physical and applied sciences, and requirements of law for evidence; and
Whereas, Surveyors and mappers are uniquely qualified and licensed to determine and describe land and water boundaries for the management of natural resources and protection of private and public property rights; and
Whereas, The continual advancements in instrumentation have required the surveyor and mapper not only to be able to understand and implement the methods of the past, but also to learn and employ modern technology in finding solutions to meet the challenges of the future.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, in conjunction with National Surveyors Week, does hereby proclaim the week of March 17-23, 2013 as:
in Lee County and recognizes the many contributions and the ongoing dedication of surveyors and mappers to the citizens of Florida and the United States.
 Multiple myeloma (or myeloma), the second most common blood cancer worldwide, is a cancer of plasma cells in the bone marrow. It is called “multiple” because the cancer can occur at multiple sites; and
Whereas, multiple myeloma currently affects more than 100,000 people in the United States, with an estimated 20,000 new cases diagnosed each year and 10,000 losing their battle each year; and
Whereas, once a disease of the elderly, it is now being found in increasing numbers in people under 65; and
Whereas, myeloma is a rare disease there can be a delayed diagnosis, leading to delayed treatment. For this reason an increased awareness of myeloma for clinicians and the general public will lead to earlier diagnosis allowing people to live longer; and
Whereas, continued investment and innovation is critical to achieve early diagnosis and implement the most effective and safest treatments for myeloma patients; and
Whereas, although we have seen important advances in the last decade there is still no cure for myeloma; and
Whereas, the Board is committed to increasing awareness of myeloma and encouraging private efforts to enhance research funding and education programs.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of March 2013 as:
in Lee County and encourages all residents to participate in voluntary activities to support myeloma education and the funding of research programs to find a cure.
Date: 3/12/2013 |
 March 12, 2013, marks the 101st anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, which began in 1912 when Savannah, GA native Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low gathered 18 girls to provide them the opportunity to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually; and
WHEREAS, the award winning Girl Scout Leadership Program helps girls discover themselves and their values, connect with others, and take action to make the world a better place; and
WHEREAS, core programs around Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), environmental stewardship, healthy living, financial literacy, and global citizenship help girls develop a solid foundation in leadership; and
WHEREAS, the Girl Scout Cookie program, the largest girl run business in the world, empowers girls through the development of five essential skills: goal setting, money management, people skills, decision making and business ethics; and
WHEREAS, through the dedication, time, and talent of volunteers of different backgrounds, abilities, and areas of expertise, the Girl Scout Program is delivered to nearly 10,000 girls in grades K-12 throughout 10 counties across southwest Florida served by the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida Council; and
WHEREAS, in Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, a girl belongs to a sisterhood of friends, dedicated to fun, discovery, exploration and taking action in her world, and where all girls are inspired and welcomed to make a difference and that together, girls can change the world. These are today’s Girl Scouts.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby applaud the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, and our local council, Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, for their years of leadership and expertise as the voice for and of girls, and proudly proclaim this Girl Scout Week.
Date: 3/5/2013 |
 The Southwest Florida Chapter #297 has distinguished itself for thirty years as the voice of women in construction in Lee County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, the work done by the Southwest Florida Chapter #297 has benefited Lee County, Florida through community development and educational programs; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest Florida Chapter #297 has unceasingly promoted the employment and advancement of women in the construction industry; and
WHEREAS, the construction community, represented by Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has been a driving force in fostering community development through renovation and beautification projects, promotion of skilled trades careers, and a positive vision of the future; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest Florida Chapter #297 has sought to achieve successful results for Lee County, Florida and surrounding areas in a cooperative spirit with other organizations.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize the Southwest Florida Chapter #297 and its many dedicated volunteers for their steadfast work on behalf and support of women in construction, and does proudly proclaim the week of March 3-9, 2013 as:
in Lee County and encourages our citizens to congratulate the organization on its many accomplishments.
 In celebration of Archaeology Month William Marquardt Ph.D., Director of the Randell Research Center at Pineland Lee County and Curator of Archaeology at the University of Florida recognizes the BoCC members for their commitment to the preservation of our cultural resources.
Date: 2/26/2013 |
 Lee County welcomes the Minnesota Twins and their families back to the 23rd Spring Training at the Lee County Sports Complex and Hammond Stadium; and
Whereas: Lee County Government officially welcomed the Twins into Hammond Stadium in 1991, and the state-of-the-art facility is as nice today as it was on opening day. Over the past 21 years, the county has added numerous improvements to Hammond Stadium, including a right field party deck, dugout row seating and a grass seating berm; and
Whereas: In 2011, Lee County purchased 14 acres of land next to Hammond Stadium and hired the sports architect firm Populous to create a new Master Plan for the facility. Over the last 12 months, Lee County and Twins officials have agreed to a $42 million renovation to the facility in exchange for a new 30-year lease from the Twins; and
Whereas: Some of the improvements will include a new 360-degree boardwalk around the entire stadium with many new seating and shade options. Hammond Stadium field will be the exact dimensions as Target Field in Minneapolis. There will be a new expanded team store and ticketing office. Fans will notice a greatly expanded concourse with new concession areas, as well as a new “grand entrance” into the stadium. There will also be a new 3rd level shaded party deck on both the 1st and 3rd base sides of the stadium so that fans can seek shelter from the sun without missing a single pitch; and
Whereas: We couldn’t be happier about our continued partnership with the Twins. We have well-established ties to the Twin Cities with a significant number of tourists visiting us each year from the Upper Midwest region. We are privileged to be associated with an organization of the Minnesota Twins caliber, and are excited to call Lee County the Spring Training home of the Minnesota Twins for the next 30 years; and
Whereas: Your exceptional team spirit and enthusiasm is contagious and you can count us among your many loyal fans. Lee County is proud to be considered your home away from home.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida – along with Lee County’s Parks and Recreation Department, Visitor and Convention Bureau, Sports Authority and Facilities Services – does hereby proclaim its full support for the Minnesota Twins organization. We send our most sincere best wishes for success in the upcoming 2013 baseball season.
 According to the 2010 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey, Florida and Lee County share a serious youth alcohol abuse problem with the rest of the nation; and
Whereas, by the 6th grade, 11.7% of Florida youth reported past month use, increasing to over half (51.2%) of 12th grade youth (DCF, 2000) and in Lee County, 8.4% of middle school students and 31.7% of high school students reported an alcohol binge in the past two weeks; and
Whereas, the mission of the Lee County Coalition for a Drug-Free Southwest Florida is to help children in Lee County lead alcohol and drug free lives through prevention programs such as Drug House Odyssey; and
Whereas, in 2012 more than 2,400 students, teachers, parents and children toured Drug House Odyssey, including 2,100 fifth graders, at least that many are expected in 2013; and
Whereas, Drug House Odyssey is scheduled for March 5, 6, and 8, 2013 at Cape Christian Fellowship in Cape Coral, Florida; and
Whereas, the three leading causes of death for 15 to 24 year olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides, with alcohol abuse being a leading factor in all three; and
Whereas, parents, teachers, youth leaders and caring adults can play an important role in helping children develop healthy attitudes toward drinking thus minimizing their risk of underage drinking; and
Whereas, 35 community agencies and organizations work together to make Drug House Odyssey possible in Lee County, allowing students to see our actual local heroes in action.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize Drug House Odyssey and invites all Lee County citizens to attend this free event on March 6, 2013 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm and support prevention in Lee County.
Date: 2/19/2013 |
 2-19-13 Paulette Burton Citizen of the Year Award
 Lee County welcomes the Boston Red Sox and their fans back to their 21st Spring Training in our community, our second season at JetBlue Park; and
Whereas: JetBlue Park at Fenway South opened last year for its first spring training season. The park sits on 106 acres and features a 10,000 seat stadium and a six-field Player Development Complex. The stadium dimensions are exactly the same as Fenway Park and the facility features its own “Green Monster” wall with seating both on top of and behind the wall. In addition, the site includes six full-size soccer fields. Last year began a new 30-year lease agreement with the ballclub, thereby guaranteeing that Fort Myers will be the Spring Training home of the Red Sox through at least 2041; and
Whereas: We couldn’t be happier about our continued partnership with the Red Sox. We have well-established ties to Boston and the Northeastern U.S. with a landmark number of tourists visiting us annually from New England and beyond. We are privileged to be associated with an organization of the Boston Red Sox’s caliber; and
Whereas: Lee County would like to congratulate the Boston Red Sox on your continued success. Your ongoing excellence has brought the world’s media attention and tens of thousands of fans to Lee County, which in turn generates a significant impact for our tourism industry.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida – along with Lee County’s Parks and Recreation Department, Visitor and Convention Bureau, Sports Authority, Facilities Management Division, Construction & Design Department (which provided ballpark construction oversight) and the City of Fort Myers – does hereby proclaim its full support for the Boston Red Sox organization and we send our most sincere best wishes for success in the upcoming 2013 baseball season.
 Engineers help to design, construct and maintain the public and private infrastructure and facilities that contribute to the quality of life of all of the residents of Lee County; and
Whereas: Maintaining the quality of life in Lee County during periods of both substantial growth and these uncertain economic times depends in part on engineers developing innovative, creative and highly efficient solutions to a myriad of technical problems; and
Whereas: Above all else in the practice of their profession, engineers hold paramount, the health, safety and welfare of all persons; and
Whereas: Through the celebration of Engineers Week each year, the Calusa Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society is dedicated to developing and sustaining a dynamic engineering profession by ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce and by raising the public’s understanding and appreciation of engineering contributions to society; and
Whereas: This Board wishes to recognize and honor all engineers who live and work in Lee County and who practice the profession of engineering in an honorable, responsible, and competent manner and those students who have chosen to be educated in the field of engineering.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing Engineers Week, February 17-23, 2013.
 Across the United States, February is celebrated as Black History Month; and
Whereas: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or the NAACP, being chartered in the State of New York in 1911, stated as its mission the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and the elimination of race-based discrimination; and
Whereas: The rich history of African-Americans in the United States, Florida, and Lee County is a study in perseverance, endurance and strength; and
Whereas: The innumerable awards, accomplishments and achievements attained by African-Americans across the United States, Florida and in Lee County serve as testaments to the invaluable contributions the African- American community has provided our great nation; and
Whereas: The celebration and recognition of Black History Month is truly a celebration and recognition of the universal human desire for equality and justice for all people; and
Whereas: The counsel and guidance provided by the African-American community to the Board of County Commissioners through the Lee County Black Affairs Advisory Board has helped inform policy decisions on many issues of vital importance to the growth, prosperity and success of Lee County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize February 2013 as: BLACK HISTORY MONTH in Lee County.
Date: 2/12/2013 |
 The Annual Candy Pittro Memorial Award recognizes Lee County employees, who while faced with adversity, maintain a positive attitude toward their job and life in general and their ability to inspire others. Candy Pittro was a vivacious, inspiring employee of the Human Resources Department who passed away in 1987 after a long struggle with leukemia. Candy always displayed a tremendously positive outlook towards life and her cheerful disposition was infectious to those whom she came in contact. The Candy Pittro award was established as a memorial and a tribute to her positive outlook on life.
Pictured from left to right: Doug Meurer (Interim County Manager), Nominees: Chris Berry, Robin Diaz, Edward Ellyatt, Michele McNeill (WINNER), James Pittro (presenter, son of Candy Pittro), Leslie Erschen, Cateria Love, Michelle Penney, Doyce Wickstrom
Date: 1/29/2013 |
 Edison State College is celebrating 50 years of excellence as an institution of higher education in Southwest Florida; and
Whereas: On October 26, 1961, the organizational meeting of the “Junior College Advisory Committee” was held to begin planning for the establishment of Edison Junior College; and
Whereas: Edison Junior College offered its first classes in the Andrew Gwynne Institute with a second center at Dunbar High School in 1962 in Fort Myers, Florida; and
Whereas: Edison State College, Lee County Campus, opened its first permanent buildings in 1965, bringing a significant increase in opportunity for Lee County residents to earn certifications and degrees in their local community; and
Whereas: Edison Junior College continued to adapt to the needs of the students, community and employers, as reflected in the change in program offerings, and change in name to Edison Community College in 1972; and
Whereas: With the recent addition of four year baccalaureate programs in Health Sciences, Education, and Management fields, Edison Community College has become Edison State College; and Whereas: In additional to its outstanding educational contributions, Edison State College serves the entire Southwest Florida community through its cultural resources and events, such as the Robert Rauschenberg Gallery, the annual Edison POPS at Sunset, The Richard and Julia Rush Library, and the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall; and
Whereas: Edison State College remains a major, and growing, component of the economic strength, development and future of Southwest Florida.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that the students, faculty and staff of Edison State College are to be commended for the immeasurable contributions to Southwest Florida during their first half century.
 Melvin Morgan was born and raised in Lee County, Florida; and
Whereas: While attending Dunbar High School, Mrs. Morgan, in addition to her academic excellence, was a standout athlete in basketball, once scoring 63 points in one game, and additionally was a star softball player and cheer leader; and
Whereas: Mrs. Morgan graduated from Dunbar High School in 1954 as Class Salutatorian and later graduated with Honors from Allen University in Columbia, South Carolina in 1958, and received a Master of Education in 1969 from Florida A and M University, with Honors; and
Whereas: After graduating from Allen University, Mrs. Morgan began teaching physical education at Finley High School in Chester South Carolina, returning to Lee County in 1961 continuing her teaching career with the Lee County School District; and
Whereas: Mrs. Morgan, through uncountable hours of service to her Mount Olive AME church, locally, regionally, and globally demonstrated her love of God and her commitment to the betterment of all mankind; and
Whereas: Mrs. Morgan, while working full time and being totally committed to the improvement of her community, still served as a role model as a wife, mother, and homemaker; and
Whereas: Mrs. Morgan has received numerous awards and has many accomplishments – including Induction into the Lee County School District Athletic Hall of Fame in 2012, and being named by the News-Press as One of 125 Most Influential Citizens in the History of SW Florida; and
Whereas: Mrs. Morgan has served on the Southwest Florida Community Foundation as Trustee, and held the positions as Secretary-Treasurer and Vice-Chair, while serving on various committees, and was a leader in the establishment of the Dunbar Heritage Scholarship; and
Whereas: In September 1983, Florida Governor Bob Graham appointed Melvin Morgan to the Lee County Board of County Commissioners, making her the first and only, African American to serve as Lee County Commissioner.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby take great pleasure in renaming the Lee County Constitutional Complex to now be known as the:
in honor of Mrs. Morgan, and to ensure that future generations of Lee County residents will know the name of a woman who exemplified untiring and unselfish service to her community, both at home, and worldwide.
Date: 1/22/2013 |
 1-22-13 Length of Service Awards