Date: 12/11/2012 |
 12-11-12 Presentation to the Board by Ginger Demarchi in Honor of Booch Demarchi
Date: 12/4/2012 |
 Builders Care Award Presentation to Board
Date: 11/13/2012 |
 The purpose of the nomination-based Together We Mean Community program is to recognize those employees who have gone above and beyond their assigned duties to make an outstanding contribution to the Lee County community; and
Whereas: The employee selected as the Together We Mean Community award recipient for 4th Quarter is Karen Bickford, a Principal Planner who has been employed with Natural Resources since August of 2006; and
Whereas: Karen devotes countless hours of her time volunteering with local non-profit organizations to educate and engage the community on environmental health issues; and
Whereas: In addition to her participation in the International Coastal Clean-Up and Monofilament Madness annual events, Karen also helps with National Estuaries Days’ educational kayak tours with the Friends of the Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserve and has written numerous grants for organizations such as Keep Lee County Beautiful and Friends of Billy’s Creek; and Whereas: Karen has been instrumental in identifying emerging water quality improvement technologies and increasing Lee County’s capacity to implement water quality projects; and
Whereas: This selfless volunteerism is just an example of Karen’s gracious character and the extraordinary contributions she has made to the citizens and community of Lee County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize and praise Karen Bickford and congratulate her as the selected employee for the Together We Mean Community program for 4th Quarter, 2011/2012.
Date: 11/6/2012 |
 For 50 years the Greater Pine Island Library has served the residents of Bokeelia, St. James City, Pineland and Matlacha; and
Whereas: The Friends of the Pine Island Library has existed for 30 years; and
Whereas: The Friends raise money for their libraries in order to provide the resources for additional programming for adults and children, much-needed equipment, support for children’s summer reading programs, required computer access for many state programs, and special events throughout the year; and
Whereas: The Friends sponsor author presentations; provide funding for volunteer recognition; promote the use of the Pine Island Library; and support the Lee County Reading Festival; and Whereas: The Friends have developed and promote “Books for Hungry Minds,” a project that collects and distributes books to children on Pine Island; and
Whereas: The Friends have raised more than $135,000 to help their library be all it can be for the patrons and community; and
Whereas: The volunteerism and commitment of the Friends to their library sets an example for the betterment of our communities in this economic climate; and
Whereas: The Friends of the Pine Island Library and the library itself will be celebrating decades of support and service on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, at the library with authors, music, refreshments, children’s activities and more.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim Nov. 14, 2012, as: FRIENDS OF THE PINE ISLAND LIBRARY DAY in Lee County and urge all of its residents to recognize the importance by making a commitment to their library for the good of the entire community.
 There are an estimated 2,800 homeless in Lee County. The homeless count completed in January 2012 indicated that of the sampling, 25% were chronic homeless, 10% were veterans, 63% reported having a disabling condition and 6% were families with children; and
Whereas: The primary cause of homelessness is the lack of housing that is affordable to very low income people, along with the economic crisis, further complicated by domestic violence, substance abuse and mental illness; and
Whereas: The mission of the Lee County Homeless Coalition is to advocate, educate, and promote awareness of issues and obstacles facing homeless individuals in Lee County through community collaboration, planning and implementing solutions; and
Whereas: November 10 to 18, 2012 is designated as National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week to educate the public and bring awareness to the needs of the homeless; and
Whereas: The Lee County Homeless Coalition will sponsor several events during National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week to promote awareness in the community; and
Whereas: The Lee County Homeless Coalition will sponsor the “Homeless Challenge” as an educational tool providing awareness to those who participate. The Challenge will take place during the week of November 10 to 18. During one event participants will live on the streets as a person experiencing homelessness. This Challenge will provide a life-altering experience with the power to effect change.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of November 10 through 18, 2012 as: NATIONAL HUNGER and HOMELESSNESS AWARENESS WEEK in Lee County and recognize that this is a week of special importance and encourages all citizens to recognize that many people do not have housing and need support from citizens, and private/public nonprofit service entities.
 Lee County recognizes and supports the positive impact of preserving Florida’s native wildflowers and the benefit to the community, the City of Fort Myers, in accordance with the Wildflower Ordinance adopted by Lee County has, therefore, been awarded a grant from the Florida Wildflower Foundation for the conservation and preservation of Florida’s native wildflowers; and
Whereas: The Florida Wildflower Foundation recently awarded 12 grants for planting projects through its La Florida, “Land of the Flowers” Community Grant Program; and
Whereas: Lee County has demonstrated its dedication to conserve and preserve Florida’s native wildflowers; and
Whereas: This grant was used to acquire native wildflower plants in order to increase awareness of the ecological services that wildflowers provide; and
Whereas: The mission of the Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium is to educate the public about natural systems of Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The flowers will be showcased outside the center’s entrance at the intersection of Colonial Boulevard and Ortiz Avenue.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize the planting that took place during October of 2012.
 Southwest Florida has long attracted retirees looking to enjoy the beautiful weather and play some golf. However, there are those people who move to Lee County who create a “second act” for themselves – no one personifies that more than Don Eslick; and
Whereas: When Don and his wife, Suzie, retired to Estero in 1999, he became passionate about shaping the future of Estero – an area that experienced phenomenal growth throughout the 2000s; and
Whereas: Don is a Founding Member of the Estero Community Planning Panel, helping establish the high standards that have guided the growth of the community; and
Whereas: Don was instrumental in founding the Estero Council of Community Leaders, a group of volunteer leaders representing about 40 of Estero’s residential communities and community-wide organizations, that serves as a model for active citizen involvement; and
Whereas: Through his steady leadership, level-headed persistence, and regular communication to Estero residents regarding countywide issues, Don has quietly, and sometimes not so quietly, ensured that decisions affecting Estero would enhance their quality of life; and
Whereas: Don’s pursuits extended beyond Estero to include serving on the County’s DR/GR Advisory Committee, the Smart Growth Committee and the Charter Review Committee, for which he received Lee County’s Citizen of the Year Award; and
Whereas: Don’s exceptional leadership skills included inspiring and mentoring others to follow in his footsteps, from his students at Edison College to those working with him in the ECCL, for which he was presented the ECCL’s Visionary of the Decade Award; and
Whereas: When he was often the busiest, he made time to reach out to even the playing field for those who did not have a voice because his actions have always been for the betterment of the overall community; and
Whereas: Whether it’s architectural design, preservation of natural resources, access to health care or economic development, you can be assured Don’s influence has been realized, which is why he’s known as “Mr. Estero”; and
Whereas: Don has been involved in every aspect of planning and transportation within Estero and was instrumental in getting the Estero Parkway Bridge approved and built – once again improving life for the people of Estero.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby take great pleasure in renaming the Estero Parkway Bridge to the: DON ESLICK BRIDGE in appreciation of Mr. Eslick’s dedicated service to the people of Lee County and to ensure that future generations of Lee County residents will know the name of a man who exemplified citizen service to his community.
Date: 10/30/2012 |
 Whereas: Southwest Florida Affordable Housing Choice Foundation, Inc. was established in 2006 for the sole purpose of providing and developing affordable housing opportunities for the five-county region of Southwest Florida; and
Whereas: Together with the Lee County Department of Human Services’ Neighborhood Stabilization Program, the Foundation successfully partnered with local contractors to renovate the abandoned Broadway Apartment complex in Fort Myers creating 36 new jobs during construction and utilizing 63 percent Minority and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises; and
Whereas: This apartment complex, which previously had been a blight on the neighborhood, now provides quality housing for 40 low income families; and
Whereas: Through innovative partnerships with GLE Associates, NorthBay Energy, Chris-Tel Construction, and Florida Power and Light, the Foundation incorporated a solar water heating system for the apartments that will decrease water heating costs for the families by 80 percent; and
Whereas: The Broadway Apartments have achieved LEED Platinum Certification – the first affordable housing development in the State of Florida to receive this recognition.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby take great pleasure in congratulating the Southwest Florida Affordable Housing Choice Foundation, Inc. for their work on the Broadway Apartments, and conveys our appreciation for their dedicated efforts to improve the quality of life for citizens of Lee County.
 Whereas: The Calusa Blueway Paddling Festival celebrates Lee County’s 190-mile canoe and kayak trail – The Calusa Blueway – and attracts 95,000 visitors yearly to its website; and
Whereas: Lee County volunteers donate nearly 3,000 hours to the Blueway annually, which translates into about $60,000 of in-kind service; and
Whereas: The 2012 festival, which begins its four-day run Thursday, Nov. 1, has support of lodging partners, outfitters, non-profits, local businesses, national sponsors and others; and
Whereas: The festival – coordinated by Lee County Parks and Recreation – will be featured as the premier fall kayak festival nationwide, offering races, fishing, speakers, eco-family activities, guided tours, hospitality events, and the launch of its new smart-phone application; and
Whereas: Said festival includes the 10 communities of Greater Pine Island, Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel, Captiva, Bonita Springs, Estero, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, North Fort Myers and Alva.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby continue to support the recreational opportunities and environmental stewardship the Blueway harbors and commits to future support of The Calusa Blueway Paddling Festival for the visitors and residents of this great county.
 10/30/2012 Length of Service Awards
Date: 10/23/2012 |
 Presentation of flag to the Board of County Commissioners by Vets Ride for PTSD and Modern Woodmen.
Date: 10/16/2012 |
 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills; and
Whereas: The Lee County 4-H Youth Development Program exists to develop young people, ages 5 through 18, and has served young people in our state since 1909; and
Whereas: The 4-H Program has molded itself to meet the needs of our citizens by focusing on developing rural, suburban and urban youth and, through the Florida Cooperative Extension, teaches youth by utilizing the research and knowledge base of our state’s land grant institutions, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida; and
Whereas: Through “learning by doing” experiences, young people in the 4-H Program practice life skills with the guidance of caring adult volunteer mentors and Cooperative Extension faculty and staff; and
Whereas: 4-H provides Lee County youth the opportunities to develop positive relationships, competencies and attitudes that will assist them in making positive choices for their lives, thereby effectively preparing them to meet the challenges of becoming productive citizens.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of October 14 through 20, 2012 as:
 October 21 – 27 is nationally recognized as Friends of Libraries Week; and
Whereas: There are fourteen Friends of Libraries organizations in Lee County; and
Whereas: The Friends work to ensure that their libraries, as the cornerstone of their communities, have the resources they need to provide a wide variety of services to all ages including access to print and electronic materials, along with assistance in research, advisory, and children’s services; and
Whereas: The Friends raise money for their libraries in order to provide the resources for additional programming, much needed equipment, support for children’s summer reading programs, required computer access for many state programs, and special events throughout the year; and
Whereas: The Friends last year raised over $125,000 to help their libraries be all they can be for their patrons and community; and
Whereas: The thousands of hours of volunteerism and commitment of the Friends to their libraries sets an example for the betterment of our communities in this economic climate.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of October 21 – 27, 2012 as:
in Lee County and urges all of its residents to recognize the importance by making a commitment to their library for the good of the entire community.
Date: 10/9/2012 |
 Twenty six years after the City of Fort Myers was founded, the Grand Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was formed in Lee County; and
Whereas: The founders of the local lodge elected officers and held their first meeting on October 12, 1912; and
Whereas: For the last century the Elks have been actively involved in numerous charitable and community service programs in Lee County, following their principles which instill Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; and
Whereas: Over this 100 years the members of the Fort Myers Lodge have performed acts of benevolence and charity both locally and throughout the State of Florida as well as contributed to the Elks national programs; and
Whereas: The primary programs sponsored by the Fort Myers Elks Lodge aid our local veterans, local children’s programs and programs that help the disadvantaged in Lee County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida wishes to recognize the Fort Myers Elks Lodge for their many achievements for the betterment of mankind and our local community and proclaims October 12, 2012 as:
in Lee County and offers a very happy 100th anniversary to all members, past, present and future, and wishes the Fort Myers Elks Lodge continued success in the years ahead.
 October is nationally recognized as Family History Month; and Whereas: The Lee County Genealogical Society is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and perpetuating the genealogical and historical records of our ancestors and to encouraging and aiding individuals in their family search; and
Whereas: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners has demonstrated its continuing support for the Fort Myers-Lee County Public Library, and its collection of genealogical, historical and heritage materials, and through its cooperation with the City of Fort Myers in the development of a new Fort Myers Regional Library; and
Whereas: The Fort Myers-Lee County Public Library in partnership with the Lee County Genealogical Society will hold a series of Family History research workshops each week in October; and
Whereas: The Lee County Genealogical Society has established an annual High School Youth Award to encourage students in Grades 11 and 12 in a Lee County public, parochial or charter high school to become family historians in order to research their heritage. The Award of $500.00 was presented this year to Elizabeth Hasty, a senior at Gateway Charter High School, whose entry demonstrated the best understanding of genealogical research and documentation as evidenced by thorough biographical details and accurate supporting evidence; and
Whereas: Interest in our personal family history transcends all cultural and religious affiliations and gives us a sense of heritage and responsibility in carrying out the legacy of our ancestors.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of October 2012 as:
in Lee County and urges all of its residents to recognize the importance by celebrating their families heritage.
Date: 10/2/2012 |
 The Distinguished Flying Cross, America’s oldest military aviation award, was authorized by Section 12 of the Air Corps Act enacted by the United States Congress on July 2, 1926; and
Whereas: The Distinguished Flying Cross is a medal awarded to any officer or enlisted member of the United States armed forces who distinguishes himself or herself in support of operations by “heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight”; and
Whereas: The first recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross medal was Charles A. Lindbergh, then a captain in the Army Reserve on June 11, 1927, recognizing his transatlantic crossing in the Spirit of St. Louis; and
Whereas: The Distinguished Flying Cross Society was formed in Capistrano Beach, California in 1994, with the aim of publicizing the meaning of the award and to honor its recipients; and
Whereas: Today, the Distinguished Flying Cross Society has over 6,200 recipient members; and
Whereas: The Southwest Florida Chapter of the Distinguished Flying Cross Society was formed in Fort Myers, Florida in 2011 to further the traditions and history of the men and women who were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross; and
Whereas: The members of this chapter have each been recognized by the military as having performed individual acts of heroism in aerial flight during combat; and
Whereas: Members from all branches of service and all ranks, are eligible to belong to this organization, as long as they furnish copies of their citations and military forms indicating that they have earned this award; and
Whereas: The members of this chapter are neighbors of our community and reside throughout Lee County though they hold their meetings in Cape Coral; and
Whereas: Each Lee County and Southwest Florida recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross Medal have risked life and limb under extreme duress on our behalf.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, does hereby thank and commend these members of the Distinguished Flying Cross Medal for their heroic acts under extreme stress and far away from the comforts of home and family so that we may continue to enjoy our freedoms and rights as citizens of this great nation and as residents of Lee County, Florida.
 The Southwest Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit organization incorporated in 1989, that promotes economic advancement of its members in the community by assisting in the development of Hispanic and non-Hispanic owned businesses; and Whereas: Throughout the years the Southwest Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has established an outstanding working relationship with local government, and other county agencies which provides the Hispanic community with cohesion, strength, and input; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and endeavors to encourage, facilitate and educate Hispanic entrepreneurs while creating viable workforce training programs; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is an excellent medium for promoting interaction with the growing Hispanic community; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce provides strong networking seminars and a legislative voice to help promote trade between the Southwest Florida community and our Latin American counterparts.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize the important contributions of the SWFL Hispanic Chamber to our community as we continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in Lee County.
 Habitat for Humanity International is a global organization whose vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live; and
Whereas: Members of the Lee County Mission Board embraced that vision and formed an Administrative Committee in 1980; and
Whereas: Lee County donated land in the Harlem Heights neighborhood to the Habitat for Humanity Administrative Committee, on which the first 21 homes were built; and Whereas: Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry Counties, Inc. received its charter as a Habitat for Humanity affiliate on October 8, 1982; and
Whereas: Lee County continues to support Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry Counties, Inc. through SHIP funding; and
Whereas: Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry Counties has served more than 1,217 families since 1982; and
Whereas: Lee County recognizes the positive impact that having a safe, decent home has on the families of our community; and
Whereas: Lee County recognizes how our community benefits when those families are provided the opportunity to afford a home of their own.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby celebrate October 8, 2012 as:
and honors all the volunteers and donors who dedicate their support to its mission which is: To follow God’s lead and partner with the community to provide decent, affordable homes for people in need, so they may build better lives for their families.
Date: 9/25/2012 |
 Mayela and Orlando Rosales immigrated from their native Venezuela in 1996 to start working on achieving the American dream of owning their own business when in 2002 they started a locally focused TV show called DLatinos TV Show; and
Whereas: Through the years, DLatinos has covered hurricanes, floods, immigration marches, political campaigns, and promoted talent in Southwest Florida, accomplishing their goal of informing and educating the Hispanic community; and
Whereas: DLatinos Magazine, a lifestyle magazine, is dedicated to promoting the Latino lifestyle and culture in a positive way to the community at large; and
Whereas: In 2006, Mayela and Orlando become local affiliate owners of Azteca America, the fastest growing and 3rd largest Spanish language network in the United States and the 2nd largest in Mexico, building a multi-million dollar company; and Whereas: Their Media Vista Group, LLC, is the leading Spanish language media company in Southwest Florida; and Whereas: Mayela and Orlando are role models that inspire the Hispanic community to reach greater heights and expect more of their self and their community.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby celebrate the 10th anniversary of DLatinos’ TV Show, making it the longest running local Spanish language TV show in SWFL and congratulates Mayela and Orlando Rosales for the courage and determination it took to build a multi-media business.
Date: 9/18/2012 |
 Nearly one quarter of Lee County residents are 65 years of age or older; and
Whereas: Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among Lee County’s senior population and results in significant physical, personal, social, and economic burden; and
Whereas: On average every three days one Lee County Senior dies from a fall; and
Whereas: Falling and the fear of falling can lead to depression, loss of mobility, and loss of functional independence; and
Whereas: Injuries from falls are a preventable community health problem; and
Whereas: Falls prevention education is an important first step in increasing public awareness regarding elder falls prevention and home safety; and
Whereas: Exercise that improves balance including Tai Chi have been shown to prevent falls; and
Whereas: Cost-effective home modification and community strategies are available to improve safety and lessen the likelihood of falls and the debilitating injuries that can result from falls; and
Whereas: Implementing elder falls prevention strategies is an effective tool for reducing the stresses associated with providing caregiver services; and
Whereas: The Lee County Injury Prevention Coalition, Lee Memorial Trauma Center, and Lee County Division of Public Safety/EMS, in partnership with Florida communities and residents, are working to increase awareness of this issue and encourage Lee County to take steps to protect those who are at risk of falling.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing September 22, 2012 as Falls Prevention Awareness Day.
 The Hispanic Institute at Hodges University, under the guidance of Carmen Rey-Gomez, is recognized as a leader in Southwest Florida informing policymakers about issues vital to the growing Hispanic population and providing the community with information and analysis necessary for effective participation in public policy development; and
Whereas: The Hispanic Institute conducts research projects to more fully understand the educational needs of Hispanic students and overall awareness of the Hispanic community’s needs; and
Whereas: The Hispanic Institute provides educational workshops and seminars which facilitate a greater understanding, mutual appreciation, collaboration and interaction between Hispanics and the larger SWFL community; and
Whereas: The Hispanic Institute recognizes the importance of strong community partnerships to the continued growth and development of the Institute. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida is proud to recognize the important contributions to our SWFL community of the Hispanic Institute at Hodges University as we continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in Lee County.
Date: 9/11/2012 |
 Two hundred and twenty-five years ago this September 17th, delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed one of the most enduring documents in history: the Constitution of the United States of America; and
Whereas: It is vital that all citizens fully understand the provisions, principles and meaning of the Constitution in order to effectively support, preserve and defend it against encroachment; and
Whereas: The independence and freedom guaranteed by this cornerstone of the American system of self-government, should be celebrated by appropriate ceremonies and activities during Constitution Week, as designated by proclamation of the President of the United States in accordance with the joint resolution of Congress of February 29, 1952 [36 U.S.C. 106, as amended], and by joint resolution of August 2, 1956 [36 U.S.C. 108, as amended].
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim September 17, 2012 as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. Furthermore, the Board proclaims September 17th through September 23rd, 2012 as:
in Lee County. We encourage civic, social, and educational organizations, including the Caloosa Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, Southwest Florida Chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Children of the American Revolution, and all area veteran’s organizations, to conduct ceremonies and programs that celebrate our Constitution and reaffirms our rights and responsibilities as citizens of our great nation.
 Lee County is fortunate to be the home of the award-winning Lee Memorial Health System, which has over one million patient contacts per year; and
Whereas: In a bold and visionary move, the leaders of Lee Memorial and Sarasota Memorial Healthcare Systems decided in 1998 to work cooperatively to purchase materials, supplies and services to contain costs for both systems and formed two not for profit companies – Cooperative Services of Florida and LeeSar; and
Whereas: The two companies struggled until Mr. Robert Simpson was brought on as President and CEO in 2002, bringing years of experience in health care management and proven leadership in lowering operational costs; and
Whereas: Today, LeeSar and Cooperative Services are recognized as leaders in purchasing and supply chain management and have become models for the industry. LeeSar was honored in 2011 by Senator Mike Bennett as the most innovative company for the State of Florida; and
Whereas: Under Mr. Simpson’s leadership, LeeSar and Cooperative Services have grown from 60 employees to more than 320. Additionally, Bob’s tireless efforts to develop a “medical supply zone” in Lee County have led to several partnerships that have brought new companies and new employment opportunities to the county; and
Whereas: Bob is also an active, involved member of the community who believes in giving back and supports many local charities such as Teen Challenge, the Heart Association’s Heart Ball, Nations Association and the American Cancer Society’s Cattle Barons’ Ball.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, that we do hereby honor Mr. Robert Simpson for his hard work, dedication, and vision and offer our grateful appreciation for his outstanding commitment to the people of Lee County and Southwest Florida.
 Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15 by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America; and
Whereas: The observation began in 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson as Hispanic Heritage Week and was expanded to one month and enacted into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1988; and
Whereas: Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the contributions that 21 Hispanic countries have made to the United States. Hispanics serve our country making important contributions in the arts, sports, sciences, the business world, academia, government, agriculture, and Armed Forces; and
Whereas: For 500 years the great State of Florida has benefitted from Hispanic contributions to history, culture, and economic development and Lee County residents celebrate this rich and diverse culture and recognize the important role of Hispanics in creating and building our community.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim September 15 to October 15, 2012 as:
in Lee County and encourages all residents to enjoy the local programs and activities being offered throughout the county.
 Estero Bay, in Lee County, is the heart of all marine resources along the SW Florida Coast; and
Whereas: The environmental health of Estero Bay is essential to the ecological survival of our entire ecosystem in Lee County; and
Whereas: Over fifty years ago there developed enormous pressure to dredge and fill thousands of acres of the shoreline of Estero Bay, in order to construct thousands of home sites, with no concern for the welfare of the sensitive ecosystem; and
Whereas: Native son, William Mellor, himself an avid outdoorsman and nature lover, recognized the threat to Estero Bay by said proposed development; and
Whereas: There was no organized opposition to prevent said threat from occurring; and
Whereas: William Mellor set about to establish an effective organization to mount such opposition through public awareness, which would come to be known as The Lee County Conservation Association; and
Whereas: Bill Mellor became the leader and President of the new organization, and contributed hundreds of hours of research effort, especially in depth legal research regarding sovereign state lands; and
Whereas: William Mellor took the lead in the successful struggle to stop the practice in the State of Florida of selling off sovereignty submerged lands of the state for the purpose of developing said submerged lands; and
Whereas: Through the untiring efforts of William Mellor and the LCCA citizens became aware of the previously little known historic status of these lands, that they are held in trust by the State for the use and benefit of all its citizens; and
Whereas: Through the continued efforts of William Mellor over the next thirty years all of Estero Bay was protected and officially designated as the First Aquatic Preserve in Florida; and
Whereas: The Estero Bay Preserve became the model, after which forty additional preserves would be established throughout waters and shores of Florida.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on the occasions of the recent celebration of the fortieth birthday of the Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve; and the upcoming eighty eighth birthday of William Mellor, that we do hereby extend our profound gratitude to Mr. Mellor for his enormous contribution to health and welfare of our beloved, yet fragile County; and wish him many more happy years to enjoy the waters and lands that without his personal help would not exist today.
Date: 9/4/2012 |
 It is with deep concern for the hundreds of thousands of citizens nationwide who face increasing difficulties feeding their families that we join with the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida as it, its national affiliate Feeding America, and organizations like them work to secure additional food, funding and volunteer support; and
Whereas: Because more than 37 million Americans, including 14 million children and 3 million seniors, rely on food banks to secure food for their families; and
Whereas: Feeding America, the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States, and organizations that share a similar concern for hungry Americans, are recognizing the magnitude of this issue and working to secure additional resources to help families fight hunger; and
Whereas: September 2012 has been designated National Hunger Action Month and the Harry Chapin Food Bank, in partnership with more than 150 agencies, has committed its support for Feeding Americas national effort to secure additional resources from our community to combat hunger; and
Whereas: Any additional donations, funding or volunteer support generated in recognition of National Hunger Action Month will benefit Southwest Floridians in need of assistance; and
Whereas: This effort will provide valuable food resources to those in need of help to reduce hunger in our community.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County Florida does hereby proclaim September 2012 as:
in Lee County, and we encourage the citizens and businesses of this community to join us in supporting the Harry Chapin Food Bank in this nationwide effort to secure additional resources for the communities it serves and for its year-long efforts to fight hunger and feed hope in Southwest Florida.
Date: 8/28/2012 |
 The purpose of the nomination-based Together We Mean Community program is to recognize those employees who have gone above and beyond their assigned duties to make an outstanding contribution to the Lee County community; and
The employee selected as the Together We Mean Community award recipient for 3rd Quarter is Lucy Martinez, a Paratransit Bus Driver who has been employed with Lee Tran since November of 2008; and
On Saturday, May 5th, Lucy picked up four passengers who were on their way home from a gathering at Visually Impaired Persons of Southwest Florida; and
During the bus ride, one of the passengers began to suffer from a seizure and slid out of her wheelchair. Lucy calmly pulled the bus over out of traffic into the emergency lane and ran back to attend to the distressed passenger; and After securing her properly in her chair, Lucy sat with the passenger and helped her return to a relaxed and comfortable state, drove her directly to her home, and personally helped her inside; and
This single example clearly represents Lucy’s outstanding commitment to provide exemplary service to the citizens and visitors of Lee County on a daily basis.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize and praise Lucy Martinez and congratulate her as the selected employee for the Together We Mean Community program for 3rd Quarter, 2011/2012.
 8-28-12 Length of Serice Awards
Date: 8/14/2012 |
 Whereas: The Imaginarium Science Center and Project EverGreen’s joint mission is to preserve and enhance green space in our communities, for today and future generations, via interactive and educational programs; and
Whereas: The Imaginarium Science Center engages guests in the exploration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) through hands-on exhibit experiences and educational programs that further the understanding of the natural and human-made world, foster an appreciation for Southwest Florida’s unique environment, and nurture intellectual curiosity, discovery, and innovation; and
Whereas: Project EverGreen is committed to informing the public about and enhancing green spaces through its Greencare for Troops and Greencare for Communities programs; and
Whereas: The Imaginarium Science Center and Project EverGreen work in conjunction to educate the public on proper preservation of our Earth by being teaching the public to be environmentally-friendly at home while remaining at the forefront of innovation; and
Whereas: The Imaginarium Science Center and Project EverGreen will be hosting a special exhibition to promote environmental, economic and lifestyle benefits associated with green spaces; and
Whereas: The Imaginarium Science Center and Project EverGreen make it their goal to encourage green living through their joint endeavors.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, that we do hereby pause and recognize August 18, 2012 as:
in Lee County, Florida and call upon all citizens to recognize the many contributions the Imaginarium Science Center and Project EverGreen have made to the county, both tangible and intangible, and celebrate them with appropriate ceremonies.
Date: 8/7/2012 |
 Presentation by the Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters and Paramedics IAFF Local 1826 recognizing the BoCC for supporting the MDA Boot Drive.
Date: 7/31/2012 |
 Mary Lou Carroll has been a dedicated employee of Lee County Government for 22 years; having started her career in April of 1990 as a Secretary I for the Office of Management and Budget and, through hard work and ability, has worked her way up the Lee County job ladder to her current position as a Human Resources Generalist; and Whereas: Through her positive attitude, "can-do" demeanor, and demonstrated leadership qualities, Mary Lou has earned the reputation for being a super “team player” ; and someone always willing to learn more, and go the extra mile; and Whereas: Mary Lou has truly earned her crown as "The Benefits Queen of Open Enrollment" by leading this undertaking...year after year...with amazing resiliency and unending enthusiasm; and Whereas: While maintaining an often demanding career at Lee County, Mary Lou is a beloved daughter, wife, mother, mentor and a new grandmother...who has been a committed presence in her community; doing service for her church, working with the Boys Scouts of America, and being a Foster Family for more than 30 children; and Whereas: Mary Lou has attained renowned status for her ability to bake and create the very best, most incredible, and undeniably delicious desserts in southwest Florida. These are something that, for anyone who has had the joy of tasting them, will be greatly missed; and Whereas: Mary Lou has touched the lives of so many; through her help with benefit questions and issues, and through her friendship with so many folks who have had the pleasure to know and work with her. Most of them have maintained those friendships to this day...and now join with her "work family" who want her to know how much they value her friendship, and how greatly she will be missed; and Whereas: She has now decided to retire and move on to the next phase of her life. To travel to those few places in the world where she and Michael have NOT been, to give her complete attention to her wonderful immediate family, to reap the harvest of the many, many friends she has cultivated over the years, and to enjoy every minute in the blessing of the birth of her first grandbaby! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby express our sincere appreciation to Mary Lou Carroll for her dedication and loyal services to Lee County and extend to her our very best wishes for much happiness and joy in her retirement.
 ACT-SO is a student committee established by the Lee County NAACP and stands for Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics; and Whereas: The focus of ACT-SO is helping its youth develop and nurture their own individual talents; and Whereas: This year-long enrichment program is designed to recruit stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among high school students; and Whereas: The mission of ACT-SO is to mobilize the adult community for the promotion of academic and artistic excellence among our youth, recognize academic achievement among students and provide and assist the students with necessary skills and tools to establish goals and acquire the confidence and training to make a successful contribution to society; and Whereas: This year 9 students from Lee County reached the degree of excellence and qualified for the Olympics in the categories of science, humanities, visual arts, performing arts and business entrepreneurship. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize and congratulate these students for their hard work and their example as personal role models of good citizenship, and for their tremendous contributions to Lee County’s future.
Date: 6/19/2012 |
 MANGO MANIA Tropical Fruit Festival was originated by the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce and held at the Catholic Church on Pine Island in July 1995; and Whereas:Establishing the Festival was an effort to help the growers on Pine Island sell their fruit and plants during harvest time when the location of Pine Island was known by very few people; and Whereas: The Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce decided not to hold the Festival for the next two years due to the fact there was no suitable site on the Island. By popular request of Pine Islanders, the MANGO MANIA Tropical Fruit Festival was reinstated in 1998 utilizing the facilities of the KOA Kampground in St. James City; and Whereas: The Festival is used as fundraisers by the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, M.O.T.I. and Calusa Land Trust to enable them to make contributions to Pine Island Elementary School, scholarship programs, F.I.S.H. and other charities; and Whereas: MANGO MANIA was such a success that by 2001 it had outgrown the KOA facilities, and since there were no other suitable locations on the island, the decision was made to move the Festival to the German-American Club to allow for continued growth that saw more than 10,000 attendees last year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend their best wishes for a successful 2012 MANGO MANIA Tropical Fruit Festival being celebrated July 21-22, 2012.
 Consumers across the country are recognizing the need for responsible use of our resources and are demanding green products and services. Fleet vehicles are often viewed as leading contributors to greenhouse gas emissions; and Whereas: The International Association of Equipment Management Professionals established the “Green Fleet Initiative” in 2010 as a method for fleet managers to gauge the effectiveness of their efforts to reduce emissions and compare them to practices of others in the industry; and Whereas: Lee County Fleet Management was honored in 2012 by the International Association of Equipment Management Professionals at the highest level as a Platinum-certified green fleet; and Whereas: Lee County Fleet Management is the very first government agency in the United States to receive this honor, and the second public or private agency to achieve platinum level status; and Whereas: Lee County Fleet Management has demonstrated its commitment to a cleaner America by proactively meeting ever-changing emission regulations and initiating a “No Idle” policy for all diesel equipment except emergency response vehicles; and Whereas: Lee County government has reduced their Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMTs) by over 20 percent in the past three years; and Whereas: Lee County’s heavy equipment fleet has the distinction of having 75 percent of its equipment meeting or exceeding higher emission controls and 10 percent of the fleet meeting the highest emission standard; and Whereas: This outstanding national recognition was achieved by only 31 employees maintaining a fleet of 1,850 vehicles. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby take great pleasure in congratulating Lee County Fleet Management, and conveys our appreciation to the Fleet Management employees for their dedicated contributions to Lee County.
 The National Recreation & Parks Association has declared July as National Parks & Recreation Month; and Whereas: Lee County Parks and Recreation touches the lives of individuals, families, groups, and the entire community positively impacting upon the social economic, and environmental quality of our County; and Whereas: Parks, greenways, and open space provide a welcome respite from our fast paced, high tech lifestyles while protecting and preserving our natural environment; and Whereas: Parks, playgrounds, nature trails, open spaces, community and cultural centers, and historic sites make a community attractive and desirable places to live, work, play and visit; and Whereas: Lee County Parks and Recreation activities, and leisure experiences provide opportunities for young people to live, grow, and develop into contributing members of society; and Whereas: Park and Recreation agencies provide outlets for physical activities, socialization, and stress reducing experiences. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim July 2012 as: PARKS & RECREATION MONTH in Lee County and urges all citizens to visit the parks, especially on the weekend of July 28th and 29th when all parking fees will be waived at Lee County Regional Parks and boat ramps. There will also be free admission at the county pools.
 For the last 12 years as a member of the American Cancer Society, and 5 years as a Team Captain, Cheryl Carbone, a Senior Fiscal Officer with Lee County Utilities, has devoted countless hours of her time spreading awareness and raising money for cancer patients in Lee County; and Whereas: Cheryl has led a volunteer network of local family, friends, and co-workers in a variety of fund-raising activities throughout the community, including the annual Relay for Live event held at the Bill Hammond Sports Complex; and Whereas: Under Cheryl's positive and enthusiastic direction, Team Kaleidoscope has valiantly raised over $74,000 within the last three years alone; and Whereas: The activities and events that Cheryl and her team are involved in not only raise funds, but also create a sense of community by bringing people together for an honorable cause; and Whereas: This selfless volunteerism is an example of Cheryl's gracious character and the extraordinary contributions she has made to the citizens and community of Lee County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize and praise Cheryl Carbone for going above and beyond her assigned duties and congratulates her as the selected employee for the Together We Mean Community program for 2nd Quarter, 2011-2012.
Date: 6/12/2012 |
 In 2012, an estimated 73,000 people will be diagnosed with bladder cancer in the United States and nearly 15,000 will die from the disease; and Whereas: Bladder cancer is the 5th most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States – 4th among men (after prostate, lung and colon) and 11th among women; and Whereas: Men have a 1 in 27 chance and women a 1 in 86 chance of being diagnosed with bladder cancer in their lifetime; and Whereas: It is estimated 80 percent of bladder cancer patients will have recurrence, making this cancer the most expensive cancer to treat because of the required surveillance and resultant treatments for life; and Whereas: There have been no significant improvements in early diagnosis, prevention, or treatment options in the last 40 years; and Whereas: The SWFL Bladder Cancer Support Group offers support services to those patients and caregivers currently battling bladder cancer, while remembering those who have lost their lives to this disease; and Whereas: The good health and well-being of the residents of Lee County are enhanced as a direct result of increased awareness about bladder cancer and research into early detection, causes, and effective treatments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby designate the month of July, 2012 as “Bladder Cancer Awareness Month” in Lee County.
 Whereas, the Florida Everblades Hockey Team captured the East Coast Hockey Leagues “Kelly Cup”, bringing this prestigious title to the Lee County Community; and Whereas, hockey fans from all of Southwest Florida supported the team as the Everblades compiled a overall record of 39 wins 26 losses 2 overtime losses and 5 shootout losses, finishing third in the division and entered the playoffs as a 5th seed out of 8. Fans flocked to Germain Arena with an average attendance of 5,004; and Whereas, the Everblades went 15-3 in the playoffs winning its third Eastern Conference Championship on May 5th, 2012. The Everblades were a perfect 11-0 at home during the playoffs; and Whereas,the coaching staff comprised of Head Coach Greg Poss, Assistant Brad Tapper, and president and General Manager Craig Brush, gave 100% to ensure that the championship would be brought back to Lee County; and Whereas, this championship season will be part of Lee County sports history forever. On May 23rd 2012 with an overtime goal, the Everblades sealed a 3-2 victory over Las Vegas to land the teams first East Coast Hockey League Kelly Cup in the teams’ 14 year history. In front of a crowd of 7,290 fans at Germain Arena. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida wishes to recognize the Florida Everblades Hockey Team, coaches and front office for their commitment to the sport of hockey and their pride in our community. The Commission would like to also thank the fans, and the entire Florida Everblades organization for bringing the Kelly Cup back to Lee County.
 6-12-12 Steven McDonell US Navy Reserves
Date: 5/29/2012 |
 Whereas, the family, serving as the primary source of love, identity, self-esteem and support, is the very foundation of our communities and our State; and Whereas, in Lee County there are 288 children in foster care being provided with a safe, secure and stable foster home along with the compassion and nurture of a foster family; and Whereas, all young people in foster care need a meaningful connection to a caring adult who becomes a supportive and lasting presence in their lives; and Whereas, foster, kinship and adoptive families, who open their homes and hearts and support children whose families are in crisis, play a vital role in helping children and families heal and reconnect thereby launching young people into successful adulthood; and Whereas, dedicated foster families frequently adopt foster children, resulting in a greater need for more foster families; and Whereas, there are numerous individuals, public and private organizations, such as the Children’s Network of SWFL and Lutheran Services Florida and who work to increase public awareness of the needs of foster children and for more foster parents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim May 2012 as: FOSTER CARE MONTH
Date: 5/22/2012 |
 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, and Whereas, the early symptoms of ALS include weakness of the skeletal muscles, especially involving the arms and legs, and difficulty in swallowing, talking, and breathing, and Whereas, ALS eventually causes muscles to atrophy, and the patient becomes a functional quadriplegic, and Whereas, ALS does not affect a patient's mental capacity; therefore, the patient remains alert and aware of his or her loss of motor functions and the inevitability of continued deterioration and death, and Whereas, on average, patients diagnosed with ALS survive only two to five years after the diagnosis, and Whereas, research indicates that military veterans are TWICE as likely to develop ALS than those who have not served in the military, and Whereas, ALS has no known cause, means of prevention, or cure, and Whereas, the designation of an "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month" will increase awareness regarding the circumstances of ALS patients and the terrible impact this disease has not only on the patient but on the patient's family and the larger community and will support the goals of research on ALS, which are to find the cause or causes of ALS, understand the mechanisms involved in the progression of the disease, and develop effective treatment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby designate May 2012 as “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month" in Lee County.
 The year 2012 marks Lee County’s Emergency Medical Services 40th anniversary; and Whereas, emergency medical services is a vital public service; and Whereas, the members of emergency medical services teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and Whereas, access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and Whereas, the emergency medical services system consists of emergency physicians, emergency nurses, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, firefighters, educators, administrators, dispatchers and others; and Whereas, the members of emergency medical services teams engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and Whereas, the members of Lee County Emergency Medical Services responded to 80,876 calls for assistance (a new record) with an average countywide response time of 5 minutes 56 seconds in 2011; and Whereas, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of May 20-26, 2012 as: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK in Lee County with the theme, EMS: More Than a Job It’s a Calling; and we encourage the community to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities.
 Trauma Awareness month is designed to raise regional attention to trauma and what must be done to reduce the devastating impact of traumatic injuries; and Whereas, trauma is the leading cause of death for all Floridians between the ages of 1 and 44 every year; with someone in Florida being traumatically injured every 12 minutes; enough to fill Germain Arena 6 times; and Whereas, motor vehicle crashes and falls resulting in blunt force trauma make up more than 80% of all trauma cases treated in our trauma district area each year; and Whereas, in 2011 more than 2,200 Floridian residents and visitors in our Lee County Trauma Services District area were treated at the trauma center at Lee Memorial Hospital; and Whereas, national studies show that patient mortality is reduced by 15 – 20% when the patient is treated for traumatic injuries in a Trauma Center rather than in a non-trauma center; and Whereas, there are more than 1.2 million residents in the Lee County Trauma Services District comprised of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Counties; serviced by the only Trauma Center on the Florida Gulf Coast between Tampa and Miami; and Whereas,recognition is due for our Lee County Trauma Services District for its accomplishments and contributions to improve public welfare by providing quality trauma care for all residents and visitors; injury prevention outreach, education, and research; disaster preparedness and response; and demonstrating that an effective trauma center saves the lives of our residents and visitors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to those observing Trauma Awareness Month during the month of May 2012.
Date: 5/8/2012 |
 5-8-12 American Heart Association Fit Friendly Award
 The letter carriers are conducting their annual food drive on May 12, 2012; and Whereas: On that day, mail carriers are requesting that citizens leave non-perishable food by their mailbox; and Whereas: The food will be collected, and in our community it will be distributed by the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida will distribute the food to over 150 agencies that feed people in need. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim May 12, 2012 as: LETTER CARRIERS NATIONAL FOOD DRIVE DAY
 A love for God and a desire to help others is the motivation behind the men and women of The Salvation Army; and Whereas: The Salvation Army in Lee County, Florida provides much more than spiritual counseling and basic human necessities to the needy and hurting on a daily basis; and Whereas: The Salvation Army serves as a symbol of compassion, but more so an active participant in the provision of services to thousands of Lee County men, women and children; and Whereas: The Salvation Army has been providing these programs to residents for 59 years; and Whereas: The Salvation Army provides its services to people in need without regard to race, color, creed, sex or age. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim May 14-20, 2012 as: The Salvation Army Week in Lee County and urge all our citizens to join us in honoring the dedicated men and women who work or volunteer for this fine organization and touch the lives of so many.
Date: 5/1/2012 |
 Barbara Manzo has dedicated 22 years of service to Lee County and its residents, snowbirds and tourists; and Whereas: Her leadership with the county began in 1990 when she brought her force of energy from a thriving career in New York to the sandy shores of Southwest Florida; and Whereas: She is retiring from her position as Director of Parks & Recreation, which manages more than 29,400 acres with diverse sites including Boston Red Sox and Minnesota Twins spring training facilities, state-of-the-art recreation centers, a progressive Conservation 20/20 program recognized nationally, and pristine Gulf-of-Mexico beach parks; and Whereas: She led this county department to attain national accreditation and re-accreditation, oversaw its recognition with National Recreation and Parks Association and helped it nab many other awards as she pursued an ambitious vision of intertwined blueways and greenways with recreational opportunities like none other; and Whereas: Her strength and spirit buoy Lee County Parks & Recreation, a progressive and highly professional agency that is proud of its staff and facilities; and Whereas: Her colleagues describe her as a determined, passionate straight-shooter known for acknowledging the kudos of her staff – and sometimes mentoring them in an Italian, matronly manner; and Whereas: We will miss hearing her say, What, What do you mean and her ability to cultivate humor even during challenging times, saying Its Parks & Recreation: Its supposed to be fun! and Whereas: We know now that even in retirement we will still be hearing from her because reluctance to share opinions and enthusiasm for parks is not one of her short-comings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida conveys its grateful appreciation for outstanding contributions and dedication to Lee County and praises her commitment to the public enjoyment of parks and facilities in our community.
 Many Lee County residents own bicycles and surveys indicate that the majority of Southwest Florida drivers ride a bicycle at least once a year and over one-third ride a bicycle at least once a month; and Whereas: A bicycle is recognized as a vehicle and is a viable means of transportation for many types of trips and destinations; and Whereas: National health organizations, environmental agencies, and physical fitness activists believe increased bicycling to be of national interest for health purposes; and Whereas: An increase in the use of bicycles in place of motor vehicle use will correspondingly decrease greenhouse gas emissions in Lee County; and Whereas: Lee County has an interest in encouraging the use of bicycles, increasing education and awareness of bicycle safety; and Whereas: Lee County has invested millions of dollars to construct bicycle facilities as part of roadway improvements and as a retrofit to existing roads; and Whereas: The Board of County Commissioners adopted a Complete Streets Resolution on November 10, 2009; and Whereas: The month of May is being promoted by the League of American Bicyclists as National Bike Month, with the week of May 14-18 as Bike-to-Work Week and Friday, May 18 as Bike-to-Work Day. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby declare May 2012 to be Bike Month, with the week of May 14-18, 2012 as Bike-to-Work Week and with Friday, May 18, 2012 as Bike-to-Work Day in Lee County.
 Tourism is the economic engine of Lee County and 5 million people visit Lee County each year, generating $2.7 billion in economic impact and 52,000 jobs in Lee County; and Whereas: Tourism has a direct and indirect economic impact on our community from our resorts, attractions, restaurants, shopping malls, grocery stores, movie theaters and a myriad of small businesses; and Whereas: The Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau’s dedicated staff, supported by thousands of tourism industry employees, work hard every day to fuel the pipeline of visitors to our community and make the Beaches of Fort Myers and Sanibel a top-ranked destination; and Whereas: It is with much excitement that the Lee County Board of County Commissioners invites the community to join the Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau at the Team Tourism Rally Day on May 8, 2012; and the Celebration of Business & Tourism Chrysalis Awards Luncheon & Trade Show on May 9, 2012; and Whereas: The Team Tourism Travel Rally Day and the Celebration of Business & Tourism Chrysalis Awards Luncheon & Trade Show are produced in support of National Travel & Tourism Week to help drive home the value of tourism, the community teamwork involved in maintaining and enhancing tourism as a major economic engine for Lee County, and how important the travel industry is to our destination; and Whereas: Tourism partners, community leaders and businesses, elected officials, the local community, and travel workers and their families are invited to join as we highlight travel’s value as an economic force and job creator. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, invites the community to come out and convey its grateful appreciation for outstanding contribution and dedication by the Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau’s dedicated staff and the 52,000 people working in tourism in Lee County that we hereby proclaim May 8, 2012 as TEAM TOURISM TRAVEL RALLY DAY in Lee County.
Date: 4/24/2012 |
 The Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce established in 1939 by local business professionals; and Whereas: The Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce annually recognizes outstanding and dedicated business leaders and professionals; and Whereas: The Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce presented the New Image Award to Lee County Parks and Recreation on January 28th of 2012 at their Annual Gala for the construction of the new Crescent Beach Family Park; and Whereas: The Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Chairman, Andrew Cochrane, honored Lee County Parks and Recreation for developing the new Crescent Beach Family Park, the 2.25 acres beachfront property that the Lee County Board of County Commissioners purchased in September 2010 along with the .72 acres across the street formally known as the Seafarer’s Village; and Whereas: The Lee County Parks and Recreation staff decided to save the county money and work on the project in house with the oversight and assistance of the County’s Public Works Construction and Design staff; and Whereas: The Lee County Parks and Recreation staff, along with Facility Services’ Maintenance and Repair staff, spent countless hours to provide the beautiful landscaped picnic area, volleyball courts, restrooms, handicap parking along with open space on the beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize the Lee County Parks and Recreation Department staff and the Public Works Department staff for their achievements and extends grateful appreciation for the hard work and dedication shown towards the community of Lee County.
 On March 20, 2012, Florida Gulf Coast Universitys Ice Hockey Club won the Universitys first National Championship in its 14 year history; and Whereas: The team had to beat Michigan, Colorado State, Northeastern, Michigan State, and last years champions Grand Valley on consecutive days; and Whereas: The FGCU Ice Hockey Club had a record of 84-4 over the past 2 seasons and this is the first ACHA National Championship awarded to a team outside of Michigan in 10 years; and Whereas: The 2012 Ice Hockey club has 10 graduating seniors, 13 Academic All-Americans which is an FGCU sports record, and ranks in the top 2 percent of all ACHA teams; and Whereas: Throughout the 2012 season and as National Championship Tournament host, visiting hockey team members filled 2440 local hotel rooms supporting the local economy which in turn generates a significant impact for our tourism industry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida wishes to recognize the Florida Gulf Coast Universitys Ice Hockey Club for their commitment to the sport of ice hockey. Furthermore, the Board would also like to thank the entire student body, parents, team and coaches of Florida Gulf Coast University for bringing this ACHA National Championship to Lee County.
 Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time; and Whereas: Kiwanis International was founded in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. Fort Myers Kiwanis Club, one of the oldest community service organizations in Southwest Florida, was chartered in April 28, 1922 and will be honoring its 90th anniversary on Wednesday April 25, 2012; and Whereas:Fort Myers Kiwanis Club President R. Q. Richards was instrumental in bringing Connie Mack and Philadelphia Athletics Baseball team for Spring Training to Terry Park, thereby launching baseball tradition in Lee County; and Whereas: Fort Myers Kiwanis Club has organized and sponsored many community service projects including but not limited to The Thomas Alva Edison Kiwanis Regional Science & Engineering Fair, since 1958 benefiting middle and high school children in four counties; and Whereas: Fort Myers Kiwanis Club has adopted Edgewood Elementary Academy as a partner school and supports their Blessings in a Backpack program each week; and Whereas: Fort Myers Kiwanis Club established the Kiwanis Park in downtown Fort Myers, planted trees in several roadways and parks for beautification, helped build children's playgrounds, assisted in Habitat for Humanity and Keep Lee County Beautiful projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby celebrate April 25, 2012 as: FORT MYERS KIWANIS CLUB 90TH ANNIVERSARY and honors all the volunteers who dedicate their time, energy and resources to help young children and to give to our community.
 4-24-12 Length of Service Awards
 One of the oldest Rotary clubs in America, the Lakeland Rotary club wished to expand the “Service Above Self “mission of Rotary to more parts of Florida, particularly Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The Lakeland club itself was chartered only a few years after the first ever Rotary Club in Chicago, Illinois had been founded on February 23, 1905, through the efforts of Paul Harris; and Whereas: Being sponsored by the Lakeland Club, The Rotary Club of Fort Myers was founded on April 1, 1922, as part of the rapidly growing organization of service clubs, with Mr. Ora E. Chapin serving as Charter President; and Whereas: The Rotary Club of Fort Myers is the Largest Rotary Club and Service Club in Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The Rotary Club of Fort Myers, through sponsorship of new clubs in the area, has become the father and grandfather of 30 additional clubs, thus providing enormous additional service to an even much larger region; and Whereas: Over two thousand men and women from Lee County have been members of the club, and through that membership provided extensive unselfish and unpaid service to the community; and Whereas: Though formed as an organization for men only, in 1993 Ruth Messmer became the first female member of the club through the sponsorship of then club President Franklin Mann, thus doubling the opportunity for both membership and community service; and Whereas: Following shortly after the induction of its first female member, Gay Rebel Thompson became the first female President of the Club, providing exemplary leadership; and Whereas: Over 2 million dollars have been raised and spent on worthwhile projects by the Rotary Club of Fort Myers, for the entire community, and uncountable thousands of hours of volunteer labor has been expended by club members for the betterment of the community; and Whereas: Numerous public officials, including Legislators, Mayors, Judges and County Commissioners, have been proud to be known as members of the Rotary Club of Fort Myers; and Whereas: It is altogether fitting and appropriate to note the 90th birthday of this splendid service organization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does proudly take observance of this landmark occasion, and does officially say thank you for your many achievements for the betterment of mankind and our local community, and offers a very happy Club birthday to all members, past and present, and further, does hereby wish the Rotary Club of Fort Myers continued success in the years ahead.
Date: 4/17/2012 |
 Child abuse and neglect is a complex and ongoing problem in our society, affecting many children in Lee County; and Whereas: Every child is entitled to be loved, cared for, nurtured, feel secure and be free from verbal, sexual, emotional and physical abuse, and neglect; and Whereas: It is the responsibility of every adult who comes in contact with a child to protect that child’s inalienable right to a safe and nurturing childhood; and Whereas: Lee County has dedicated individuals and organizations such as the Children’s Network of Southwest Florida who work daily to counter the problem of child abuse and to help parents obtain the assistance they need; and Whereas: Our communities are stronger when all citizens become aware of child abuse prevention and become involved in supporting parents to raise their children in a safe and nurturing environment; and Whereas: Effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships among families, social service agencies, schools, religious and civic organizations, law enforcement agencies and the business community; and Whereas: All citizens, community agencies, faith organizations, businesses will work to increase their efforts to support families. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of April 2012 as: CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH in Lee County and commends this observance during April 2012 to the citizens of Lee County.
 The Neighborhood Accountability Board program administered by Lee County Department of Human Services since 2002 provides court diversion services to youth who have committed a crime; and Whereas: In order to successfully implement the Neighborhood Accountability Board program, the County relies on community volunteers to participate in Restorative Justice conferencing with the youth, his/her parent or guardian and the victim to address and repair the harm caused by the youth and formulate a plan by which the youth agrees to repair said harm; and Whereas: The volunteers in the conference give a voice to the community affected by the crime; and Whereas:In fiscal year 2010-2011, 58 volunteers gave over 580 hours of their time to participate in youth conferences; and Whereas: In fiscal year 2010-2011, with the assistance of the volunteers, the Neighborhood Accountability Board program worked with 201 youth and the program continues to be successful in that 94% of youth served remained crime free six months after case closure; and Whereas: It is nationally recognized as Volunteer Appreciation Week April 15th through April 21st. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize and appreciate the dedication of our Neighborhood Accountability Board community volunteers who truly make a difference in the lives of youth by providing them the skills and opportunities to grow into productive adults.
 Earth Day is Sunday, April 22, 2012; and Whereas:The State of Florida is dedicated to improving air quality, improving health and physical fitness, and reducing energy consumption; and Whereas:The participating local governments of Southwest Florida, including Lee County and the City of Fort Myers governments, in cooperation with Lee County Transit LeeTran and the Florida Department of Transportation, District One’s FDOT Commuter Services Program, contribute to these state goals by reducing traffic congestion and lowering greenhouse gas emissions throughout Lee County by promoting the use of alternative commute modes; and Whereas: Participating Lee County local governments, LeeTran, and FDOT Commuter Services have joined together as part of outreach activities to shift commuters away from drive-alone travel by hosting a county-wide Taking it to the Streets campaign and supporting individual events and activities throughout Lee County; and Whereas:Taking it to the Streets is a regional campaign to support and engage in activities that promote alternative forms of transportation, we further support public transportation and other forms of alternative transportation and recognize Taking it to the Streets participants by encouraging them to utilize FDOT Commuter Services Trip Track program to document trips made by carpool, transit, bicycle and other alternative modes of travel. Each trip tracked can be quantified according to individual savings in dollars, pounds of pollutants, vehicle miles of travel and other features; and Whereas:Lee Tran will provide a FREE ride to all residents and visitors on Thursday April 19, 2012; and Whereas:Lee County participating local governments, Lee County Health Department, BikeWalkLee, LeeTran, and FDOT Commuter Services are promoting increased interest in alternative travel options due to unstable gas prices, current economic conditions, and concerns about climate change; and Whereas:Lee County participating local Governments, Lee County Health Department, BikeWalkLee, LeeTran, and FDOT Commuter Services will be hosting a Taking it to the Streets campaign, during which the public will be encouraged to try alternative forms of transportation to work, school, shopping, or play; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSISSIONERS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA proclaims the month of April 2012 as our official Taking it to the Streets campaign and encourages residents and visitors of Lee County and the City of Fort Myers to consider, utilize, and track alternatives to drive-alone commuting as participants in the Taking it to the Streets campaign.
 Floridas natural beauty, crystal blue waters and white sand beaches attract residents and visitors from around the world; and Whereas: Clean and sustainable water resources are vital to Floridas environment, economy and quality of life; and Whereas: More than 90 percent of Southwest Florida’s drinking water is supplied by underlying aquifers, and our quality of life and the economy depend upon a clean and healthy environment; and Whereas: Floridians consume more than 7.9 billion gallons per day of fresh water, and the future of Florida depends greatly upon the availability of water; and Whereas: The State of Florida, together with local partners, are investing billions of dollars to develop alternative water supplies, clean up stormwater pollution, restore rivers, lakes and springs, upgrade drinking water facilities and improve wastewater treatment; and Whereas: All water users including commercial, industrial, agricultural, institutional, hospitality, private citizens and others can make positive contributions to reduce water use and protect Florida’s water resources; and Whereas: Lee County and the South Florida Water Management District, promote water conservation to instill a lasting culture of conservation in our communities; and Whereas: The Governor and Cabinet of the State of Florida are designating April as Florida’s Water Conservation Month to encourage Floridians to conserve the state’s precious water resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of April as Water Conservation Month in Lee County.
Date: 4/10/2012 |
 The annual National Public Safety Telecommunications Week honors those who perform the vital functions of Public Safety Telecommunications for E-911, EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement; and Whereas: The Certified Communication Specialists who work at Lee Control for Lee County Government, providing this demanding and stressful service to the residents and visitors of Lee County are the connective lifeline between the public and the responding Fire and EMS Crew; and Whereas:This lifeline is maintained through the administration of Emergency Medical Dispatch Pre-Arrival Instructions; and Whereas: Lee Control is a National Academy of Emergency Dispatch ACE Accredited Dispatch Center because of the dedication and commitment to standards of excellence in service; and Whereas: Recognition is due to all those Communication Specialists who have dedicated themselves to this profession, providing outstanding service to Lee County citizens and visitors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of April 8-14, 2012 as: NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATIONS WEEK in Lee County. Furthermore, we hereby convey our sincere appreciation to all the Communication Specialists at Lee Control for their outstanding contributions to the safety of our community.
 On December 29, 2011, Lee County’s Department of Transportation, Tolls Division Customer Service Representative, Sandy Heinkel, found two twenty dollar bills in the test lane at the LeeWay Service Center; and Whereas:Sandy quickly noted the last customer she had helped and resourcefully reviewed his account to locate his contact information; and Whereas: She turned the information and the forty dollars over to her supervisor; and Whereas: On January 6, 2012, the customer was contacted successfully by staff and it was confirmed by the customer’s wife that her husband lost two twenty dollar bills and had spent several hours looking for them; and Whereas: Upon hearing the money was secure and could be picked up at the LeeWay Service Center, the grateful customer commented “How nice that there are still honest people in the world.”; and Whereas: Sandy Heinkel’s actions clearly exemplify the strength of her character and the integrity she exudes on a daily basis; and Whereas:This simple act of honesty displays Sandy’s moral compass but also serves as an exemplary representation of Lee County employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize and praise Sandy Heinkel for going above and beyond her assigned duties and making an outstanding contribution to the citizens and community of Lee County and congratulate her as the selected employee for the Together We Mean Community program for 1st Quarter, 2011/2012.
 In South West Florida, former submariners may choose to join their shipmates in USSVI, by belonging to the USS Barb Base honoring the submarines SS-220 and SSN-596, one World War II and later a nuclear fast attack boat both having the name; Barb; and Whereas:During the Second World War, the Submarine Service took on the unofficial title, The Silent Service, due to the inherent secrecy of its missions. The Submarine Service is credited with sinking over 30 percent of Japan's navy, including eight aircraft carriers; and Whereas:Victory at sea did not come cheaply, the Submarine Force lost 52 boats and 3,506 men or approximately one in four boats failed to return. Many of these boats and the men who served on them are still listed as, “overdue, presumed lost” because the final location of the boats remain unknown even today; and Whereas:At the end of WWII the submarine force began using newly designed nuclear propulsion developed boats, they became known as Fast Attacks. Two modern Fast Attacks have been lost, the USS Thresher and USS Scorpion; and Whereas:In 1959 a new type of nuclear submarine was launched. The USS George Washington was the first nuclear submarine capable of launching missiles while remaining submerged. The Navy gave her a new designation SSBN and all future Fleet Ballistic Missile or FBM’s would carry that designation; and Whereas:From its inception the Submarine Service has and remains an “all volunteer” branch of the US Navy. Anyone who has toured one of the museum boats located around the country will quickly realize that not everyone is suited for life under the sea. New volunteers are encouraged by old salts with the phrase: There really are only two types of ships…Submarines and Targets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize the Submarine Service as it celebrates its 112th birthday this April 11, 2012.
 The United States Submarine Veterans Inc. USSVI was started by a group of United States Submarine Veterans of World War II on 12 October, 1963 in Orange, NJ; and Whereas: The founders shared a belief in the need of an organization open to all submariners, from the very beginning of the Submarine Service through to the present and into the future - not limited to just those who served so ably in the second World War; and Whereas: They wanted to make it known that those lost on Submarines, in the line of duty for their country, will never be forgotten; and Whereas: The Charitable Foundation of the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. was formed in 2000 to further the creed of USSVI by assuming the responsibility of USSVI activities which are charitab1e in nature such as scholarships, memorials and museum support; and Whereas: The Kap SS 4 Kid SS program was founded on July 1, 2007 by USSVI’s current National Commander, T. Michael Bircumshaw; and Whereas: Kap SS4 Kid SS is a USSVI Community Outreach Program that brings comfort and joy to medically challenged children through visits to hospitals, hospices, Ronald McDonald Houses, child psychiatric facilities or anywhere they are being treated; and Whereas: The social interaction of a Kap SS 4 Kid SS visit benefits sick children as well as the Sub Vets who visit them, provides positive local awareness for USSVI and is in keeping with USSVI’s creed; and Whereas: The Barb Base of USSVI, with submarine veteran members from all over Lee County is initiating their participation in the Kap SS 4 Kid SS program on this date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim April 10, 2012, as ‘USSVI Kap SS 4 Kid SS Day’ in Lee County, Florida and urges all citizens to celebrate Kap SS 4 Kid SS Day and to assist with the efforts of USSVI Barb Base in this worthy endeavor. Furthermore, the Board urges all citizens to support the USSVI Barb Base as they bring the Kap SS 4 Kid SS program to Lee County.
Date: 4/3/2012 |
 The Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc. staff and volunteers are committed to increasing public awareness of sexual violence and its prevalence, and to eliminating it through prevention and education; and Whereas: Important partnerships have been formed among criminal and juvenile justice agencies, health providers, allied professionals and victim services; and Whereas: Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc. will join with other Sexual Assault Service Providers, the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence, and other interested organizations in public awareness initiatives to generate greater public understanding of the issues surrounding sexual assault. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, does hereby recognize the month of April 2012 as: SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH in Lee County.
 Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast contributed financially to Lee County’s purchase of the 190 acres and also made an additional $200,000 contribution to restore and manage the County’s Conservation 20/20 program’s Pine Island Flatwoods Preserve-Bayside; and Whereas: Conservation Foundation’s ambitious plans for its Pine Island Preserve at Matlacha Pass will result in the creation of a park resource that will be a gathering place where future generations can experience nature and enjoy outdoor recreation; and Whereas: The combined 420 acres of lands protected by Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast and Lee County, through their Conservation 20/20 program, feature a unique mixture of habitats for rare and beautiful wildlife, including wading birds, gopher tortoises, and bald eagles; and Whereas: The conserved lands on Pine Island also feature a rare flower called the beautiful paw paw that is found in only 3 counties in Florida and nowhere else in the world; and Whereas: Large game fish, such as tarpon and snook are found in the mangrove wetland portion of the protected lands and support tarpon fishing, which alone contributes over $120 million annually to the local economy from resident anglers in the Charlotte Harbor area; and Whereas: In recognition of the joint efforts of Lee County and Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast to conserve and protect over 420 acres of environmentally sensitive lands on Pine Island, Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast announced at its Annual Meeting that the Lee County Board of Commissioners would be awarded its Conservation Partner of the Year Award. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida hereby accepts the Conservation Partner of the Year Award from Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast and acknowledges and recognizes the successful efforts to protect 420 acres of environmentally sensitive lands in the heart of Pine Island that have been the result of a continued public-private partnership between the two organizations.
 The Lee County Board of County Commissioners recognizes and supports the importance of public safety and health services provided by Lee County Domestic Animal Services Animal Control Department; Fifteen Lee County Animal Control Officers provide stray animal control services for incorporated and unincorporated Lee County 365 days a year responding annually to over 15,000 field activities; issuing over 4,000 citations for State Statute and Local Ordinance violations; impounding over 10,000 stray animals running at large; and investigating over 300 cases of animal cruelty and neglect; and Whereas: Representing the Lee County Domestic Animal Services Animal Control Department is:
Operations Manager, Glenn Johnson Field Supervisor, Lieutenant Angel Cruz Animal Control Officer, Valerie Cole Animal Control Officer, Alberto Rivera.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim April 2012 as: ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER APPRECIATION MONTH
Date: 3/27/2012 |
 The year 2012 marks the 125th anniversary for Lee County as an independent county; and Whereas: The Legislature established and created Lee County, named for General Robert E. Lee; and Whereas: On June 17th, 1959 the Board of County Commissioners gave direction to the Parks Board to hire a Parks and Recreation Director; and Whereas: Lee County Parks and Recreation touches the lives of individuals, families, groups, and the entire community positively impacting upon the social, economic, and environmental quality of our county; and Whereas: May 13th falls on Sunday, a day when families will gather to celebrate Mother’s Day; and Whereas: In honor of Mother’s Day and Lee County’s 125th anniversary; and Whereas: Parks and Recreation is waiving parking fees for the day at all Lee County regional parks, beaches, and boat ramps. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby pause and recognize the entire year of 2012 as: Lee County’s 125th Anniversary Celebration and urges all citizens to visit Lee County‘s parks and other recreational facilities, especially on Sunday, May 13th when all parking fees will be waived at regional parks, beaches, and boat ramps.
 The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation is celebrating National Public Gardens Day to raise public awareness about the importance of public gardens on May 11, 2012; and Whereas:The Foundation will be offering an array of activities in Lakes Park on National Public Gardens Day to give the public an opportunity to view and enjoy the present gardens and learn of the future plans for the Botanic Garden at Lakes Park; and Whereas: The Foundation’s mission is to support Lee County Parks & Recreation through philanthropic and voluntary efforts promoting ongoing community awareness and support of the recreational and educational value of Lakes Park and its continuing evolution, to include a botanic garden and other enhancements, resulting in an even more attractive natural environment for the community to enjoy; and Whereas: The Foundation’s vision for the Botanic Garden at Lake Park is a park that is highly regarded and enjoyed by the community for its beautiful native Florida environment, its programs and services, and its cultural events and contributions, all of which add to the quality of life of all Lee County residents and visitors; and Whereas: The American Public Gardens Association is promoting National Public Gardens Day as an opportunity to reach out to the community and get citizens excited about all of the services, educational opportunities, and resources that public gardens nationally and Lakes Regional Park locally have to offer; and Whereas: Public gardens play a very significant role in sustainable community development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, and on behalf of the citizens of our community, takes great pride in recognizing May 11, 2012 as: National Public Gardens Day in Lakes Park a day of special importance and worthy of the recognition of the citizens of Lee County, Florida.
 Lee County's website,, has received an A+ Sunny Award from Sunshine Review, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to government transparency; and Whereas: The third annual Sunny Awards recognize the best state and local government websites from all 50 states and more than 6,000 local governments in America; and Whereas: Lee County's website was one of 214 national winners and one of only six counties in Florida to receive a perfect score of A+ for exceeding transparency standards for open government; and Whereas: For the second year in a row, Lee County's website was the only Southwest Florida county government website to receive an A+, reflecting County Manager Karen Hawes’ ongoing commitment to a strategic planning process guided by the three fundamental elements of Transparency, Accountability and Community; and Whereas: This A+ rating represents transparency in the categories of budget, meetings, elected officials, administrative officials, permits and zoning, audits, contracts, lobbying, public records and local taxes; and Whereas: The awards are given in conjunction with "Sunshine Week,” a national initiative each March that celebrates efforts toward open government and freedom of information. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida would like to take this opportunity to recognize all Lee County employees who contribute to the website on a daily basis to provide easily accessible public records and information to Lee County's citizens.
Date: 3/20/2012 |
 The Dunbar High School Girls Basketball Team captured the Florida High School State Athletic Association’s 4-A State Championship, bringing this prestigious title back to the Lee County Community; and Whereas: The entire student body encouraged the team and its coaches to push on to compile an overall record of 29-1-0, and a league record of 8-0-0. For the Lady Tigers it’s the first girls basketball state championship in Lee County history and the first state title of any kind for Dunbar High School since it’s reopening in 2000; and Whereas: The parents of the players should also be recognized for the time and commitment to excellence that allowed these young women and coaches to perform like champions; and Whereas: The coaching staff comprised of Head Coach Dwayne Donnell, and Assistants Brian Beasley, Howard West & Jari Philson took the team to the championship game to defeat the prestigious squad from Jacksonville Jean Ribault 50-41; and Whereas: This championship season will be part of Lee County sports history forever. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida wishes to recognize the Dunbar High School Girls Basketball Team for their commitment to the sport of basketball and their pride in their school. Furthermore, the Board would also like to thank the entire student body, parents, team and faculty of Dunbar High School for bringing this Florida High School Athletic Association Championship back to Lee County.
 The citizens of Florida recognize the valuable contributions of the surveying and mapping profession to history, development, and quality of life in Florida and the United States of America and make important decisions based on the knowledge and expertise of licensed surveyors and mappers; and Whereas: The surveying and mapping profession requires special education, training, the knowledge of mathematics, the related physical and applied sciences, and requirements of law for evidence; and Whereas: Surveyors and mappers are uniquely qualified and licensed to determine and describe land and water boundaries for the management of natural resources and protection of private and public property rights; and Whereas: The continual advancements in instrumentation have required the surveyor and mapper not only to be able to understand and implement the methods of the past, but also to learn and employ modern technology in finding solutions to meet the challenges of the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, in conjunction with National Surveyors Week, does hereby proclaim the week of March 18-24, 2012 as: FLORIDA SURVEYORS & MAPPERS WEEK in Lee County and recognizes the many contributions and the ongoing dedication of surveyors and mappers to the citizens of Florida and the United States.
Date: 3/13/2012 |
 The Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Council was formed in 1957 and has delivered the optimal Girl Scout experience to young women and adults in 10 counties across southwest Florida; and Whereas: Through the dedication, time, and talent of volunteers of different backgrounds, abilities, and areas of expertise, the Girl Scout Program is delivered to over 10,300 girls in grades K-12 throughout 10 counties across southwest Florida served by the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida Council; and Whereas: In Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, a girl belongs to a sisterhood of friends, dedicated to fun, discovery, exploration and taking action in her world, and where all girls are inspired and welcomed to make a difference and that together, girls can change the world. These are today’s Girl Scouts; and Whereas: Today, more than 50 million American women are Girl Scout alumnae, 3.3 million girls and adult volunteers are active members, and Girl Scouts is the largest member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, a global movement comprised of more than 10 million girls in 145 countries worldwide. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby applaud the Girl Scouts of the United States of America for their 100 years of leadership and expertise as the voice for and of girls, and proudly proclaims 2012 as the “Year of the Girl.”
 The Literacy Council Gulf Coast is an organization dedicated to assisting adults and children to acquire the literacy skills necessary to improve their quality of life, through adult classes and the Carol DeJoy Moms and Tots Family Literacy Program; and Whereas: On July 1, 2011, Literacy Volunteers of Lee County and the Literacy Council of Bonita Springs merged to create the new entity called Literacy Council Gulf Coast, which offers the opportunity to serve more in need of literacy services throughout Lee County; and Whereas: Existing programs are being strengthened, combined resources are being used more effectively and the provision of services is being evened out across the combined coverage area; and Whereas: Maximizing both entities’ complementary strengths translates into strategic growth in the literacy-based educational services available to the people of Lee County; and Whereas: Over 3,000 students through 700 volunteers have been served in Lee County in 2010-2011, including over 900 mothers and their pre-school children who have learned English to prepare the children for success in school; and Whereas: Over 97% of adults served have reached their literacy goals and 100% of children who graduated from the Moms and Tots Family Literacy Program began school average or above average as compared to their peers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of March as Adult and Family Literacy Month and encourages all citizens of the county to support and volunteer their time and efforts to promote literacy among our fellow residents who want to learn English and improve their reading and writing skills, thus improving our community.
 The purpose of the NFM Honorary Mayor Program is to foster awareness, interaction, and support of the community by the NFM Chamber of Commerce and its members; and WHEREAS: The function of the NFM Honorary Mayor Campaign is to raise funds in support of the Chamber and its community involvement projects; and WHEREAS: The participating Honorary Mayor candidates and members of the Chamber have consistently achieved these goals as set forth, for the betterment and enrichment of the community of North Fort Myers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize the North Fort Myers Chamber Honorary Mayor Program for its creative fund raising efforts that bring energy, excitement, and pride to a vibrant North Fort Myers community.
Date: 3/6/2012 |
 Lee County Government officially welcomed the Twins into Hammond Stadium in 1991, and the state-of-the-art facility is as nice today as it was on opening day. Over the past 21 years, the county has added numerous improvements to Hammond Stadium, including a right field party deck, dugout row seating and a grass seating berm; and Whereas: In 2011, Lee County purchased 14 acres of land next to Hammond Stadium and hired the sports architect firm Populous to create a new Master Plan for the facility. It is both the Twins’ and Lee County’s desire to keep the facility modern and competitive compared with newer spring training facilities being built in both Florida and Arizona. Whereas: We have witnessed our share of Twins success during the last two decades. Hammond Stadium provided the starting point for one American League Western Division Title, six American League Central Division Titles, one American League Pennant and the 1991 World Series Champion. We were there in spirit when the Twins played their inaugural game at the newly completed Target Field on April 12, 2010, finishing the regular season with a record of 94 wins. Whereas: The Minnesota Twins partner annually with Lee County Parks & Recreation to offer numerous youth baseball clinics throughout the Southwest Florida region prior to each Spring Training season, thereby giving the kids of our community the opportunity to interact with Twins players and coaches; and Whereas: Your exceptional team spirit and enthusiasm is contagious and you can count us among your many loyal fans. Lee County is proud to be considered your home away from home. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida – along with Lee County’s Parks & Recreation Department, Visitor & Convention Bureau, Sports Authority and Facilities Management Division – does hereby proclaim its full support for the Minnesota Twins organization. We send our most sincere best wishes for success in the upcoming 2012 baseball season.
 Reverend Dan Betzer has been a veteran of over six decades of global broadcasting media; and Whereas: Reverend Betzer has been active in the ministry as pastor, writer, singer, television, and radio host and has served as a national executive with the Assemblies of God; and Whereas: He served as Assistant District Superintendent of the Peninsular Florida District of the Assemblies of God for 16 years; and Whereas: He’s had a global children's ministry producing over 50 audio and video project with his famous dummy "Louie"; and Whereas: Reverend Dan Betzer serves as senior pastor of First Assembly of God Church in Fort Myers for the past 25 continuous years; and Whereas: Reverend Betzer is also serving as an Executive Presbyter of the General Council of the Assemblies of God for the Southeast Region of the United States; and Whereas: Reverend Dan Betzer hosts eight television programs each week in Southwest Florida and a weekly Saturday night program, "Celebration Under the Silverdome" seen across the United States on both Dish and Direct satellite networks. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize Reverend Dan Betzer and honors his many accomplishments and efforts both in our community and beyond Lee County. FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT on this milestone in his ministry we encourage all sectors of our community to recognize and support his efforts.
 The Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has distinguished itself for thirty years as the voice of women in construction in Lee County, Florida; and Whereas: The work done by the Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has benefited Lee County, Florida through community development and educational programs; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has unceasingly promoted the employment and advancement of women in the construction industry; and Whereas: The construction community, represented by Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has been a driving force in fostering community development through renovation and beautification projects; promotion of skilled trades careers; and a positive vision of the future; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has sought to achieve successful results for Lee County, Florida and surrounding areas in a cooperative spirit with other organizations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize the Southwest Florida Chapter #297 and its many dedicated volunteers for its steadfast work on behalf and support of women in construction. FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board proudly proclaims the week of March 4-10, 2012 as: WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION WEEK in Lee County and encourages our citizens to congratulate the organization on its many accomplishments.
Date: 2/28/2012 |
 Candy Pittro Award Nominees:
Jacqueline Fling Virginia Lynn Cindy Rouse Migdalia Maldonado - WINNER
Date: 2/21/2012 |
 Engineers help to design, construct and maintain the public and private infrastructure and facilities that contribute to the quality of life of all of the residents of Lee County; and Whereas: Maintaining the quality of life in Lee County during these uncertain economic times depends in part on engineers developing innovative, creative and highly efficient solutions to a myriad of technical problems; and Whereas: Above all else in the practice of their profession, engineers hold paramount, the health, safety and welfare of all persons; and Whereas: Through the celebration of Engineers Week each year, the Calusa Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society is dedicated to developing and sustaining a dynamic engineering profession by ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce and by raising the public’s understanding and appreciation of engineering contributions to society; and Whereas: This Board wishes to recognize and honor all engineers who live and work in Lee County and who practice the profession of engineering in an honorable, responsible, and competent manner and those students who have chosen to be educated in the field of engineering. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing Engineers Week, February 19-25, 2012.
 2-21-12 Paulette Burton Citizen of the Year Award
Date: 2/14/2012 |
 In 2008 Lee County was granted $18 million in Federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds to purchase, rehabilitate, and resell or rent foreclosed properties; and Whereas: In order to successfully implement the NSP it was necessary for Lee County Human Services to partner with other County departments and not for profit organizations; and Whereas: Since the NSP required adherence to strict guidelines related to property acquisition, County Lands serves as the acquisition and resale agency for single family homes; and Whereas: The staff of the Department of Human Services oversee the scope of work, bidding out of jobs, and oversight of rehabilitation of the single family homes in addition to managing the contracts with the not for profits and ensuring that program regulations are followed by all NSP funded entities; and Whereas: Lee County selected the Homeownership Resource Center and the Lee County Housing Development Corporation to provide program outreach, education, and linkages to bank financing to income qualified home buyers; and Whereas: Affordable rental housing for income qualified households is an integral part of the NSP, Lee County partnered with the Southwest Florida Affordable Housing Choice Foundation, Inc. to acquire, rehabilitate, and manage multi-family rental units; and Whereas: Lee County has successfully acquired over 166 single family homes and recently celebrated the resale of the 100th single family home and has generated program income in excess of $5.6 million to invest in future NSP properties; and Whereas: The second completed multi-family complex recently opened which now provides a total of 56 units of affordable multi-family housing and an additional 14 are currently being renovated with NSP funds; and Whereas: Many contractors have been able to secure work on NSP funded projects which has resulted in awards to Minority Business Enterprises, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, and Section 3 contractors and employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, recognizes and appreciates the dedication of County staff from the Department of Human Services, the Division of County Lands, and the County Attorney’s Office and the not for profit program partners who have worked so diligently to implement a model program for affordable housing in Lee County.
Date: 2/7/2012 |
 Miromar Lakes Beach & Golf Club has won the 2011 National Association of Home Builders’ Gold Award for “Community of the Year”; and Whereas: This honor recognizes Miromar Lakes as the #1 Residential Community in the United States; and Whereas: Miromar Lakes Beach Club was also the 2010 winner of the NAHB Gold Award for Best Clubhouse in the United States and no other community has ever won both the national Gold Awards for Community of the Year and for Best Clubhouse; and Whereas: Miromar Lakes Beach & Golf Club has won 100 awards since 2003, including regional and local awards for “Community of the Year” nine years in a row; and Whereas: Margaret Antonier, as the Founder and CEO of Miromar Development, had the vision to create this award-winning community in Lee County, unique in design, architecture, lifestyle and amenities; and Whereas: Lee County can now claim the distinction of having the number one Community in the United States, in addition to Lee County’s superb natural resources including its waterways and climate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize Miromar Lakes and its founder Margaret Antonier for her significant contributions to the betterment of Lee County real estate development and for Miromar Lakes excellence in community design, architecture and amenities. Furthermore, the Board does hereby proclaim February 8, 2012 as: MIROMAR LAKES DAY
 In 1978, Vincent A. Cummings (Vince) moved to Lee County, being only 5 years old. From that time, he has called Cape Coral home, along with his family since 1974; and Whereas:Having a love for his community, Vince became the youngest public official in the history of the City of Cape Coral, at the age of 16. His appointment to the Library Advisory Commission in 1988, and the Historical and Cultural Resources Advisory Board in 1989 with subsequent chairmanship in 1990, set the standard for youth involvement in government throughout Southwest Florida; and Whereas: He was also an active participant in county government, Vince graduated from the prestigious Lee Grows Program in 1989, and was hailed by the director as “Clearly in the educational sense…a cut above your peers”. Vince went on to be chosen for the charter class of Leadership Lee County Youth Connection, sponsored by the Chamber of Southwest Florida, and graduated in 1990; and Whereas: Vince was additionally involved in state government, he was appointed as a Legislative Messenger & Page to the Florida House of Representative in 1987 &1988, and as a Page for the Florida Senate in 1989. He was then appointed by Former Governor Bob Martinez as a Delegate to the Governor’s Conference on Library & Information Services in 1991; and Whereas: While still a high school student, he enlisted in the Florida Army National Guard in 1989. Upon graduation from Cape Coral High School in 1990, he began a journey of military service, taking him around the nation and the world; and Whereas: During that military career, Vince was called to serve as a chaplain. He led in a position of tremendous leadership, as Executive Officer to the Senior Chaplain of Joint Base Balad, during deployment to the Republic of Iraq in 2009; and Whereas: Major Cummings has retired as the Wing Chaplain of the 482d Fighter Wing of the United States Air Force, with over 22 and one half years of continuous service to the republic, he is most importantly a native son of Lee County. His military service represents the very best our hometown sons and daughters have given to our great republic. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, would like to take this opportunity to thank Vince for his years of devoted service to our community and therefore, extend our very best wishes for an enjoyable retirement.
Date: 1/31/2012 |
 1-31-12 Employee Length of Service Award
 1-31-12 Lee County 125th Anniversary
Date: 1/24/2012 |
 1-24-12 Cypress Sunrise by Carl Schwartz, artist.
 The safe use of hazardous material is essential to business, industry and local governments to maintain economic stability, and to protect the citizens of the Ninth Planning District of Florida, and; WHEREAS: It is essential to plan and prepare for the accidental release of hazardous materials and to protect the well being of all citizens and visitors in the District, and; WHEREAS: Response teams, such as fire, police, and emergency medical services must know the types of hazardous materials and chemicals that are being used and stored in the event of an incident to respond safely, and; WHEREAS: All citizens have a Right-to-Know about the types of hazardous substances in their communities and the procedures to take in the case of a chemical emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby declare the week of January 22-28, 2012 as: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AWARENESS WEEK in Lee County and recognizes the importance of community awareness of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act enacted by the United States Congress.
 The News-Press Media Group has honored notable residents of Southwest Florida for the past 25 years for their contributions to the community in business, arts, social services, citizen activism, health care and public service; and Whereas: The honorees of the past 25 years are being recognized at a celebration called "People of the Year: Making a Difference" on Thursday, January 19, 2012; and Whereas: 2011 Finalists are being honored during that same celebration in the categories of People of the Year, Heroes of the Year, Trailblazers of the Year, Politicians of the Year, People to Watch in 2012 and People of Distinction of the past 25 years; and Whereas: Those finalists are the following: Al Brislain, Marcus Goodson and Christine Ross; 21st Century Collaboration, BikeWalkLee and Meg Geltner; Art of the Olympians, FGCU Innovation Hub Team, and Richard Lewis; Gary Aubuchon, R-Cape Coral, Lizbeth Benacquisto, R-Fort Myers, Charlie Green, Clerk of Court; Alliance of Educational Leaders, Cape Coral City Council and Edison State College Board of Trustees; David Lucas, Jim Nathan, and Bob and Linda Taylor; and Whereas: Winners in each category are being named during the celebration; and Whereas: The event is being held at the Sidney and Berne Davis Art Center in the City of Fort Myers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim January 19, 2012, as: The News-Press Media Group “People of the Year: Making a Difference Day” in Lee County, Florida, and call upon all of its people to observe this day and to recognize the People of the Year nominees, finalists and award recipients.
Date: 1/10/2012 |
 Commuter Services 2011 Awards
 The 4th Annual WINK News Feeds Families Hunger Walk will be on Saturday, January 21, 2012; and Whereas: On that day, residents of Southwest Florida will walk to show support of the Harry Chapin Food Bank and their mission to overcome hunger in Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The emergency food programs served by the Harry Chapin Food Bank serve more than 30,000 people each month in Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The funds raised through the Hunger Walk will be used to help provide food to 150 partner agencies, 111 of which are located in Lee County; and Whereas: The goal is to raise $250,000 that will provide $1,500,000 worth of food to our area to feed people in need. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim that January 21, 2012 be designated as: WINK News Feeds Families Hunger Walk Day in Lee County and urges our citizens to participate in this worthy cause. Duly Executed this 10th day of January, 2012. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA