Date: 12/6/2011 |
 12-6-11 Norman Love Confections 10th Anniversary
Date: 11/29/2011 |
 The Lee County Board of County Commissioners would like to recognize Dr. Thomas Powell, a contract veterinarian for Lee County Domestic Animal Services, for reaching his 10,000th spay/neuter surgery in 2011 post retirement; and Whereas:A graduate of Purdue University, Dr. Powell practiced private veterinary medicine in Illinois from 1964 until 2006 before retiring to Southwest Florida and continuing his mission to reduce pet overpopulation by working with Lee County Domestic Animal Services three days per week providing spay/neuter surgeries for up to 40 pets each day; and Whereas: Dr. Powell resides in North Fort Myers with his wife, Mary and adopted Animal Services shelter pets, Jody and Julie. They have a son, a daughter, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren; and Whereas: Dr. Powell plans to continue providing high quality low cost spay and neuters for several more years for Lee County pets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize Dr. Powell for his dedication to the citizens of Lee County and for his contributions in reducing the pet population in Lee County.
Date: 11/15/2011 |
 The work of the Tobacco-Free Lee Coalition, in partnership with Lee County Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT), will not be completed until all government, non-government agencies, private workplaces, and public places are all tobacco-free; and Whereas: Citizens are guaranteed under the Federal Constitution certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness… yet in the State of Florida 88 citizens die daily due to tobacco-related diseases; and Whereas: Evidence shows that as a direct result of smoke-free policy change, those public spaces where smoking has been prohibited results in reduced incidence of cardiac and stroke attacks in local hospitals; and Whereas: Secondhand smoke costs more than $9.5billion each year in the U.S. in direct and indirect medical costs; and Whereas: Employees who smoke have twice the lost production time per week for personal health reasons than workers who never smoked at a cost of $27 billion to U.S. employers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, that we do hereby proclaim and recognize with the American Cancer Society, November 17, 2011 as the: 36th Annual National Great American Smokeout in Lee County and encourage all Lee County employees and citizens to live healthier and happier lives by seeking support and stopping use of tobacco products. Duly executed this 15th day of November, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
Date: 11/8/2011 |
 Award presentation from BikeWalkLee to County Administration and the Complete Streets Interdepartmental Performance Team
 The mission of the Lee County Homeless Coalition is to advocate, educate, and promote awareness of issues and obstacles facing homeless individuals in Lee County through community collaboration, planning and implementing solutions; and Whereas: November 12 to 20, 2011 is designated as National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week to educate the public and bring awareness to the needs of the homeless; and Whereas: The Lee County Homeless Coalition will sponsor on November 19, 2011 the “Homeless Challenge” as an educational tool providing awareness to those who participate. Participants will live on the streets as a person experiencing homelessness. This Challenge will provide a life-altering experience with the power to effect change. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the week of November 12 through 20 as:
NATIONAL HUNGER and HOMELESSNESS AWARENESS WEEK in Lee County and recognize that this is a week of special importance and encourages all citizens to recognize that many people do not have housing and need support from citizens, and private/public nonprofit service entities.
Duly executed this 8th day of November, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
Date: 11/1/2011 |
 Don and Debbie Cramer of Cape Coral, have been selected as Grandparents of the Year by the Ol’geta Beckworth Foundation, an organization whose mission is to help grandparents who find themselves in the unexpected situation of returning to parenting; and Whereas: Determined to keep their grandchildren safe from abuse and out of foster care, Don and Debbie are selflessly providing a nurturing, safe and loving environment for their two grandchildren; and Whereas: Returning to the roll of parents, Don and Debbie, have endured tremendous pressure, financial hardship and emotional turmoil but they always believed that no matter what the hardship, God always provides a way; and Whereas: Don and Debbie always make the time to play, go on ice cream outings, read bedtime stories, pray, and give hugs and kisses. They do this without complaint and with an abundance of love for each child; and Whereas: Don and Debbie have given their grandchildren more than a safe and stable home, they have given them what they needed the most, which in a simple word is…LOVE. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida would like to take this opportunity to recognize Don and Debbie Cramer for their unselfish love and steadfast commitment to their family which has earned them the Ol’geta Beckworth Foundation’s Grandparents of the Year Award for 2011. Duly executed this 1st day of November, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
 AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day
 The Calusa Blueway Paddling Festival being held November 3rd through November 6th has a series of firsts in its sixth year of celebrating Lee County’s 190-mile canoe and kayak trail called The Calusa Blueway; and Whereas: This is the first year it has a signature sponsor, Seattle-based Canoe & Kayak magazine; and Whereas: This is the first year the festival -- coordinated by Lee County Parks & Recreation – will be held on the gorgeous Sanibel Causeway Island A; and Whereas: The festival will feature the first-ever Calusa Classic and Calusa Dash, both competitive, high-caliber races for canoeists, kayakers and stand-up paddleboarders from across the nation; and Whereas: This is the first year the event’s sprawling 10-day format has been consolidated into a four-day, all-inclusive event that will boost its economic impact; and Whereas: The 2011 festival for the first time has a major partnership with the statewide Florida Paddling Trails Association to elevate paddling opportunities in the Sunshine State as well as here at home. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize the “firsts” of the 2011 event and continues to support the recreational opportunities and environmental stewardship the Calusa Blueway harbors and commits to future support of The Calusa Blueway Paddling Festival for the visitors and residents of this great county. Duly executed this 1st day of November, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
Date: 10/25/2011 |
 Terry Pye moved to Florida and began his career in fire service as a volunteer in 1977. In 1980 he was hired and moved up the ranks finally being promoted to chief in 2001; and Whereas: Chief Pye as an instructor for Fort Myers Fire Academy and Edison College was instrumental in bringing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) to North Fort Myers; and Whereas: Chief Pye has been an active member in our community for many years with NFM Rotary Club, NFM Civic Association, NFM Chamber of Commerce, Lee County Fire Chiefs Association, Florida Fire Chiefs Association, International Fire Chiefs Association and his church – Grace Baptist Temple; and Whereas: Chief Pye is a public servant in the true sense of the word. His relentless efforts to better Lee County through business development and public safety improvements have benefitted both his community and the people he served.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby convey our sincere appreciation to Chief Terry Pye for his long-time service and recognizes his outstanding contributions to the citizens of Lee County and wishes him well in his retirement! Duly executed this 25th day of October, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
 Autism is a term used to describe a group of complex developmental brain disorders that last throughout a person’s lifetime and WHEREAS: It is estimated that one in every 110 children is diagnosed with autism, making it more common than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes and pediatric AIDS combined; and WHEREAS: Eden Autism Services mission is to improve the lives of children and adults with autism and provide support to their families by providing a range of community based services to meet specific needs throughout the lifespan. These services include K-12 schools in Fort Myers and Naples, clinical services, consultations and community training, and adult residential, vocational training and employment services; and WHEREAS: Eden began providing services in Southwest Florida in 1996. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize Eden Autism Services for their 15 years of providing services to children and adults with autism in Southwest Florida and urges all citizens to support this organization and its efforts to help individuals struggling with autism.
Duly executed this 25th day of October, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
Date: 10/18/2011 |
 As the public learns more about the Americans with Disabilities Act, greater opportunities will become available to persons who are blind or visually impaired; and Whereas: All residents are encouraged to seek and learn information about the abilities of persons who are blind or visually impaired, to learn the most effective ways to provide assistance and to increase their knowledge about the rights and laws that provide assistance to this population in fully integrating them into all aspects of society.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing October 2011 as Vision Awareness Month.
Duly executed this 18th day of October, 2011.
 The National Red Ribbon Campaign offers citizens the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to drug-free lifestyles, no use of illegal drugs and no illegal use of legal drugs; and Whereas: The Red Ribbon Campaign is now the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation, reaching millions of young people; and Whereas: It is imperative that visible, unified prevention education efforts by community members be launched to eliminate the demand for drugs of those who are using; and Whereas: It is the goal of the Coalition for a Drug-Free Southwest Florida, the School District of Lee County, the Sheriff’s Office of Lee County, the Lee Memorial Health System and the National Family Partnership to involve families, schools, businesses, churches, law enforcement agencies and service organizations in all aspects of the Campaign and to establish an atmosphere that supports awareness, education, and on-going initiatives to prevent illegal drug use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim October 23-31, 2011 as:
Duly executed this 18th day of October, 2011.
 Employee Length of Service Awards
Date: 10/11/2011 |
 The 4-H Program has molded itself to meet the needs of our citizens by focusing on developing rural, suburban and urban youth and, through the Florida Cooperative Extension, teaches youth by utilizing the research and knowledge base of our state’s land grant institutions, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida; and Whereas: Through “learning by doing” experiences, young people in the 4-H Program practice life skills with the guidance of caring adult volunteer mentors and Cooperative Extension faculty and staff; and Whereas: 4-H provides Lee County youth the opportunities to develop positive relationships, competencies and attitudes that will assist them in making positive choices for their lives, thereby effectively preparing them to meet the challenges of becoming productive citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of October 10 - 16, 2011 as: 4-H WEEK in Lee County.
Duly executed this 11th day of October, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
 The Friends raise money for their libraries in order to provide the resources for additional programming, much needed equipment, support for children’s summer reading programs, required computer access for many state programs, and special events throughout the year; and Whereas: The Friends last year raised over $125,000 to help their libraries be all they can be for their patrons and community; and Whereas: The volunteerism and commitment of the Friends to their libraries sets an example for the betterment of our communities in this economic climate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of October 16 - 22, 2011 as: FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY WEEK in Lee County and urges all of its residents to recognize the importance by making a commitment to their library for the good of the entire community.
Duly executed this 11th day of October, 2011.
Date: 10/4/2011 |
 Presentation of a painting from Girl Scout Group 798
 Auxilians touch many lives – from newborn babies to the frail elderly to those children and adults in-between; from families in vigil to families in celebration; and Whereas: Lee Memorial Health System Auxiliaries and Auxilians contribute immeasurably to the well-being of our community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim the week of October 2 through October 8 as: Lee Memorial Health System Auxiliaries Week in Lee County and urges our citizens to recognize these Auxiliaries and their members for their past, present and future contributions to quality healthcare for us all.
Duly executed this 4th day of October, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
Date: 9/27/2011 |
 The Lee County Genealogical Society has established an annual High School Youth Award to encourage students in Grades 11 and 12 to become family historians. An award of $500.00 will be provided annually to the student whose submitted essay demonstrates the best understanding of genealogical research and documentation as evidenced by thorough biographical details and accurate supporting evidence; and Whereas:Interest in our personal family history transcends all cultural and religious affiliations and gives us a sense of heritage and responsibility in carrying out the legacy of our ancestors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of October 2011 as: FAMILY HISTORY MONTH in Lee County and urges all of its residents to recognize the importance by celebrating their families’ heritage.
Duly executed this 27th day of September, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
 The Lee County Solid Waste Division received the prestigious Solid Waste Association of North America’s Gold “Planning and Management Excellence Award” for its Integrated Solid Waste Systems at the annual WASTECON conference on August 23, 2011 in Nashville, TN; and Whereas: The Board of County Commissioners hereby acknowledges the contributions of all the hard working employees at the Lee County Solid Waste Division and recognizes them as stewards of the environment in achieving the industry’s high honor as “The Best in Solid Waste”. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby take great pleasure in congratulating the Lee County Solid Waste Division employees, and conveys our appreciation for their dedicated contributions to Lee County.
Duly executed this 27th day of September, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA
Date: 9/20/2011 |
 The Association remains on the frontline, making a real difference in the lives of many Lee County families and individuals every single day. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim September 20th, 2011 as: TASTE OF THE NATIONS DAY in Lee County and encourages all Lee County residents to recognize and support the efforts of the Nations Association Charities, Inc.
Duly executed this 20th day of September, 2011.
Date: 9/13/2011 |
 For the past 12 years, the Multicultural Centre of SW Florida, Inc., founded by Mr. Leonardo Garcia and Mr. Jim White, has provided over 25,000 Lee County school students with brand new backpacks and school supplies; and Whereas: This annual program, The Big Backpack Event, allows families to send their children to school with confidence, pride and on an even footing with their classmates; and Whereas: This herculean effort for the students of Lee County could not be accomplished without the work of many dedicated volunteers; and Whereas: Mr. Leonardo Garcia has done a phenomenal job, year in and year out, of assembling a truly multicultural group of volunteers to help; and Whereas: As we bid farewell to several of those volunteers, we would like to recognize them for their outstanding contributions to the Big Backpack Event; and Whereas: Ms. Connie Ramos-Williams has donated hundreds of hours serving as event chair for the last six years; and Whereas: Mr. Ron Morgan has donated hundreds of hours serving as chair of the School Supply Drive Committee for over eight years; and Whereas: Ms. Pat Morgan has also donated hundreds of hours serving as chair of the Church Outreach Committee for over eight years. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, that we do hereby extend our heartfelt appreciation to Leonardo García, Connie Ramos-Williams, and Ron and Pat Morgan for their passion and commitment to making a difference in the academic lives of so many Lee County students – our future leaders.
 Two hundred and twenty-four years ago this September 17th, delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed one of the most enduring documents in history: the Constitution of the United States of America; and Whereas: It is vital that all citizens fully understand the provisions, principles and meaning of the Constitution in order to effectively support, preserve and defend it against encroachment; and Whereas: The independence and freedom guaranteed by this cornerstone of the American system of self-government, should be celebrated by appropriate ceremonies and activities during Constitution Week, as designated by proclamation of the President of the United States in accordance with the joint resolution of Congress of February 29, 1952 [36 U.S.C. 106, as amended], and by joint resolution of August 2, 1956 [36 U.S.C. 108, as amended]. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim September 17, 2011 as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day and September 17th through September 23rd, 2011 as: Constitution Week in Lee County. We encourage civic, social, and educational organizations, including the Caloosa Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, Southwest Florida Chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Children of the American Revolution, and all area veteran’s organizations, to conduct ceremonies and programs that celebrate our Constitution and reaffirm our rights and responsibilities as citizens of our great nation.
 Ms. Figueroa is an active volunteer in our community. She has served as vice president of the Southwest Florida Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, is an active member of the Board of Directors of Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers, a member of Hodges University’s Hispanic Institute, and an official spokesperson for the United Way of Lee County; and Whereas: Ms. Figueroa has dedicated herself to providing useful information on a regular basis to the Hispanic community in Southwest Florida in an ongoing effort to improve the quality of life for this significant and growing population. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, that we do hereby honor Ms. Jackie Figueroa for her hard work, journalistic accomplishments, and outstanding commitment to the people of Lee County and Southwest Florida
Date: 8/16/2011 |
 8-16-11 Length of Service Awards
Date: 8/2/2011 |
 Clowns all over America are being recognized this week for their cheery contributions to the well-being of their fellow Americans; and Whereas: The Caloosa Clown Alley, a chapter of the Clowns of America International, provides this special brand of humor to our community and should be accordingly recognized; and Whereas: Even serious County Commissioners need to take a break and laugh from time to time. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim August 1st through August 7th 2011 as: NATIONAL CLOWN WEEK
 On March 15, 2011 Lee Tran bus operator Peter Borges was driving the 130 Route that operates through Pine Manor in Fort Myers. Shortly after Peter entered the Pine Manor area, two men were motioning from the street for Peter to stop the bus. Peter stopped the bus and the men explained that they had found a small child wandering around the neighborhood; and Whereas: The men explained that they did not know the child and they were concerned for the child’s safety. Peter turned his attention to the child and coached him onto the bus. Upon the child entering, Peter immediately called the Lee Tran dispatcher to provide the details of the lost boy; and Whereas: Peter began to use his personal cell phone to call the police while still communicating with the Lee Tran dispatcher to be certain his exact location would be obtained and to expedite the police arrival. During this time Peter was making the little guy feel comfortable by hoisting the boy onto his lap so he could see the bus controls; and Whereas: When a deputy responded the boy exited the bus to take a ride with one of Lee County’s finest. Peter also exited the bus and jogged behind the little guy to be sure he didn’t run into the road as did the deputy. Peter knelt down beside the police car and helped the little boy into the car and shook the hands of the men that flagged him down; and Whereas: Peter Borges’ actions and his genuine concern and affection for a child in need are exemplary. It gives us great pleasure to share this story and moreover we are honored and proud to have him as a County employee. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby recognize and praise Peter Borges for: MERITORIOUS, EXEMPLARY AND HEROIC SERVICE to a citizen in need of immediate emergency assistance in Lee County and urge all citizens to recognize this individual for outstanding commitment to one of their fellow citizens.
Date: 6/21/2011 |
 MANGO MANIA was such a success that by 2001 it had outgrown the KOA facilities, and since there were no other suitable locations on the island, the decision was made to move the Festival to the German-American Club to allow for continued growth that saw more than 10,000 attendees last year. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend their best wishes for a successful 2011 MANGO MANIA Tropical Fruit Festival being celebrated July 30-31, 2011.
 Charles Dauray has served as a fine example of a statesman as the regional representative on the South Florida Water Management District by balancing the needs of competing water users throughout the region, weighing the concerns of farmers, utilities, as well as the natural systems as equally important to the quality of life in South Florida; and Whereas:Charles Dauray consistently advocated for the Caloosahatchee Estuary as a critical environmental and economic resource to Lee County, and has passionately campaigned as chairman of the Lake Okeechobee Water Resources Advisory Commission for the protection of the Caloosahatchee; and Whereas: Charles Dauray, during his tenure on the South Florida Water Management District, provided citizens of Southwest Florida an open door policy to listen to the concerns and requests from all the stakeholder. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby recognize Charles Dauray for his service as a Governing Board member of the South Florida Water Management District and his dedication to Lee County, Southwest Florida and the entire South Florida region; and thank Charles for his leadership.
 Over the past five years the U.S. has experienced a 22% reduction in traffic fatalities, yet there has been a 42% increase in fatalities attributed to distracted driving; and WHEREAS: Driving is the most dangerous activity we participate in on a daily basis so we must never forget how quickly distracted driving can become a nightmare; and WHEREAS: Nationally recognized Stay Alive …. Just Drive!, Inc.(SAJD) has been actively and aggressively educating the public regarding the dangers of distracted and unsafe driving since 2006; and WHEREAS: For his commitment to injury prevention, executive director, Jay Anderson has been recognized by the State Bureau of EMS and is the charter recipient of the Friend to EMS Award for 2011; and WHEREAS: Our Community Traffic Safety Team (CTST), Lee County Injury Prevention Coalition (IPC), and Lee Memorial Trauma Services have been instrumental in helping SAJD remind all drivers: “Safe Driving Is Not Expensive, It’s Priceless!”; and WHEREAS: The BoCC encourages all individuals, organizations and agencies to adopt a hands free cell phone and no texting policy for all employees. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the month of July 2011 as Distracted Driving Awareness Month in Lee County and urge all of its residents to Stay Alert, Stay Focused, Stay Alive …. Just Drive!
 The Grounds Crew of the Lee County Parks and Recreation Department, working at the Lee County Sports Complex, the City of Palms Park and the Red Sox Player Development Complex, have performed their duties exceptionally well; and WHEREAS: The Grounds Crew has demonstrated professionalism, excellent work ethic, dedication and teamwork in preparing the fields, to major league standards, for the Boston Red Sox and the Minnesota Twins at the Spring Training Facilities; and WHEREAS: Professional Sports contributes greatly to the tourist industry in Lee County and the Grounds Crew is an integral part of the successful collaboration between Lee County, the Boston Red Sox and the Minnesota Twins. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida hereby commend the Grounds Crew for the Lee County Sports Complex, the City of Palms Park and the Red Sox Player Development Complex for their hard work, dedication and continued commitment to professional baseball in Lee County.
 6-21-11 Fit Friendly Lee Award
 Lee County Parks and Recreation touches the lives of individuals, families, groups, and the entire community positively impacting upon the social economic, and environmental quality of our County; and Whereas: Parks, greenways, and open space provide a welcome respite from our fast paced, high tech lifestyles while protecting and preserving our natural environment; and Whereas: Parks, playgrounds, nature trails, open spaces, community and cultural centers, and historic sites make a community attractive and desirable places to live, work, play and visit; and Whereas: Lee County Parks and Recreation activities, and leisure experiences provide opportunities for young people to live, grow, and develop into contributing members of society; and Whereas: Park and Recreation agencies provide outlets for physical activities, socialization, and stress reducing experiences. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim July 2011 as: PARKS & RECREATION MONTH
 6-21-11 Paul Wingard
Date: 6/14/2011 |
 In 2011, at the Congress for the New Urbanism in Madison, Wisconsin, Lee County was again recognized nationally for its exemplary growth management achievements when the Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award was presented by the Form-Based Codes Institute for Lee County’s Compact Communities Code. This code was recognized for its ability to redeem extreme sprawl in eastern Lee County by concentrating development rights while protecting farms and natural lands through transferable development rights. The code was also recognized for its clear place-making standards for lots, blocks, and complete streets. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby accept the Form-Based Code Institute’s 2011 Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award and does hereby thank the hundreds of private citizens and the many hard working county management and county attorney employees that worked so diligently and passionately to make this national recognition possible.
 We are all responsible for building safer communities for Florida’s seniors; and WHEREAS: The welfare of seniors is in the best interest of all citizens and further adds to the well-being of our communities; and WHEREAS: LEAPP, Lee Elder Abuse Prevention Partnership is a coalition among Lee County human service providers and agencies to create community partnerships that effectively promote the awareness of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation and provide services, advocacy and support for older adults. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing June 15, 2011 as: Elder Abuse Awareness Day
 6-14-11 Tree Artist Marlin Miller
 The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers was chartered on June 20, 1961 and has been the liberal religious voice in Lee County for 50 years; and Whereas:UUCFM congregants are active in Social Justice projects – locally, nationally and internationally; and Whereas: The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers celebrates its 50th Year of Existence on June 20, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim June 20, 2011 as: UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FORT MYERS DAY
Date: 5/17/2011 |
 Lee County has an interest in encouraging the use of bicycles, increasing education and awareness of bicycle safety; and Whereas: Lee County has invested millions of dollars to construct bicycle facilities as part of roadway improvements and as a retrofit to existing roads; and Whereas: The Board of County Commissioners adopted a Complete Streets Resolution on November 10, 2009; and Whereas: The month of May is being promoted by the League of American Bicyclists as National Bike Month, with the week of May 16-20 as Bike-to-Work Week and Friday May 20 as Bike-to-Work Day. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby declare May 2011 to be Bike Month, with the week of May 16-20, 2011as Bike-to-Work Week and with Friday, May 20, 2011 as Bike-to-Work Day in Lee County.
 The members of emergency medical services teams engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and Whereas: The members of Lee County Emergency Medical Services responded to 78,102 calls for assistance with an average countywide response time of 5 minutes 36 seconds in 2010; and Whereas: It is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners, of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of May 15 - 21, 2011 as: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK
 Alaysha Fisher of Lee County has been crowned Miss Florida Plus America 2011, on April 17, 2011. She will be going to Nationals in Texas, representing Florida and going for the title of Miss Plus America Elite 2011. The Miss Plus America Pageant System is unlike any other pageant concept. It celebrates the inner beauty of each contestant as well as recognizing their commitment to their communities; and Whereas: Alaysha Fisher graduated from Estero High School and is currently enrolled at Edison State College. She also works as a fashion consultant helping women choose clothes that make them feel strong and beautiful; and Whereas: Alaysha Fisher will get a chance to further promote her platform: Animal Cruelty. Believing that all animals should be treated fairly, whether they’re domesticated house pets or animals that are seen in the wild. Raising awareness for animal rights, she believes will help with over population, illegal animal release and trade; and Whereas: Alaysha Fisher is a beautiful and intelligent lady that happens to be average size. She has a heart bigger than her title. The interview was 50% of her score, and comprised of her platform and where she lives. She passed it with 100%, not only is she beautiful, she is intelligent and loves her state. This is why she was chosen to represent Florida. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby take great pleasure in congratulating Alaysha Fisher on being crowned, Miss Florida Plus America 2011 to represent Florida State in Nationals for the overall title of Miss Plus America Elite 2011.
 5-17-11 FGCU Students
Date: 5/10/2011 |
 The City of Cape Coral has grown to a population of over 165,000 people over the past forty years, making it the most populated City between Tampa and Miami; and Whereas:Cape Coral is the second largest City in land mass in Florida and has only attained a 45% build out; and Whereas: The construction industry has been the driving force providing jobs for our citizens and revenue to the city by providing new housing and buildings to support the Cape’s continued growth; and Whereas: The Cape Coral Construction Industry has served the City of Cape Coral since 1971; and Whereas: The construction industry continues to provide support to numerous local causes, including the Chester Street Resource Center, the CCHDC House, the TLC Homes, the Cape Coral Historical Society and other worthy recipients; and Whereas: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners wishes to salute The Cape Coral Construction Industry Association for their long term commitment to the development of the city, their unending support of the community and their willingness to work within the system for positive change and leadership on their 40th Anniversary. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim Thursday, May 12th, 2011 as: CAPE CORAL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION DAY
 The letter carriers are conducting their annual food drive on May 14, 2011; and Whereas: On that day, mail carriers are requesting that citizens leave non-perishable food by their mailbox; and Whereas: The food will be collected, and in our community it will be distributed by the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida will distribute the food to over 175 agencies that feed people in need. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim May 14, 2011 as: LETTER CARRIERS NATIONAL FOOD DRIVE DAY
 A love for God and a desire to help others is the motivation behind the men and women of The Salvation Army; and Whereas: The Salvation Army in Lee County, Florida provides much more than spiritual counseling and basic human necessities to the needy and hurting on a daily basis; and Whereas: The Salvation Army serves as a symbol of compassion, but more so an active participant in the provision of services to thousands of Lee County men, women and children; and Whereas: The Salvation Army has been providing these programs to residents for 60 years; and Whereas: The Salvation Army provides its services to people in need without regard to race, color, creed, sex or age. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim May 9-15, 2011 as: THE SALVATION ARMY WEEK
Date: 5/3/2011 |
 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, ALS has no known cause, means of prevention, or cure; and Whereas: The early symptoms of ALS include weakness of the skeletal muscles, especially involving the arms and legs, and difficulty in swallowing, talking, and breathing. ALS eventually causes muscles to atrophy, and the patient becomes a functional quadriplegic; and Whereas: ALS does not affect a patient's mental capacity; therefore, the patient remains alert and aware of his or her loss of motor functions and the inevitability of continued deterioration and death; and Whereas: On average, patients diagnosed with ALS survive only two to five years after the diagnosis; and Whereas: Research indicates that military veterans are at least 50 percent more likely to develop ALS than those who have not served in the military; and Whereas: The designation of an "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month" will increase awareness regarding the circumstances of ALS patients and the terrible impact this disease has not only on the patient but on the patient's family and community and will support the goals of research on ALS, which are to find the cause or causes of ALS, understand the mechanisms involved in the progression of the disease, and to develop an effective treatment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of May 2011 as: AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS AWARENESS MONTH
 Trauma Awareness month is designed to raise regional attention to trauma and what must be done to reduce the devastating impact of traumatic injuries; and Whereas:Trauma is the leading cause of death for all Floridians between the ages of 1 and 44 every year; with someone in Florida being traumatically injured every 12 minutes; enough to fill Germain Arena 6 times; and Whereas: Motor vehicle crashes and falls resulting in blunt force trauma make up more than 80% of all trauma cases treated in our trauma district area each year; and Whereas: In 2010 more than 2,200 Floridian residents and visitors in our Lee County Trauma Services District area were treated at the trauma center at Lee Memorial Hospital; and Whereas: National studies show that patient mortality is reduced by 15 – 20% when the patient is treated for traumatic injuries in a Trauma Center rather than in a non-trauma center; and Whereas: There are more than 1.2 million residents in the Lee County Trauma Services District comprised of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Counties; serviced by the only Trauma Center on the Florida Gulf Coast between Tampa and Miami; and Whereas:Recognition is due for our Lee County Trauma Services District for its accomplishments and contributions to improve public welfare by providing quality trauma care for all residents and visitors; injury prevention outreach, education, and research; disaster preparedness and response; and demonstrating that an effective trauma center saves the lives of our residents and visitors. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing May as Trauma Awareness Month.
Date: 4/26/2011 |
 Through compliance with the standards of excellence, CAPRA accreditation assures policy makers, department staff, the general public and tax payers that an accredited park and recreation agency has been independently evaluated against established benchmarks as delivering a high level of quality; and Whereas: CAPRA accreditation is a quality assurance and quality improvement process demonstrating an agency’s commitment to its employees, volunteers, patrons and community; and Whereas: CAPRA accreditation is a five-year cycle that includes three phases: development of the agency self-assessment report, the on-site visitation, and the Commission’s review and decision. The on-site visitation follows the agency’s development of its self-assessment report; and Whereas: Lee County Parks and Recreation is currently being reviewed for their third five-year cycle; and Whereas: CAPRA approved visitation team Seve Ghose, Rob Tarullo and Marc Heirshberg will perform a peer review to validate the degree to which the agency meets the specified accreditation standards. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize our CAPRA visitation team and thank them for their dedication and commitment to the field of Parks and Recreation.
Date: 4/19/2011 |
 In a time when government resources are being stretched to the limit, the Grace Community Center has been able to bridge the gap for those in need and provide services within the community without using any government funding but rather through the generosity of its members and community partners. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize the Grace Community Center for outstanding and unselfish service to our community and doing the good work we are called to do.
 4-19-11 Length of Service Awards
 Mike Hammond joined the Lee County Parks and Recreation Ranger Unit in February 2008; and Whereas: Ranger Mike Hammond has conducted 80% of the programming for the ranger unit since his arrival and has averaged 700 Participants between the summer months of June, July and August with topics such as reptiles, venomous snakes, sea turtles, terrapins, Florida wildlife, guided nature walks and kayaking instruction; and Whereas: Ranger Mike Hammond also became a Certified Florida Master Naturalist, Certified Interpreter and maintains the Geocaching letterboxing policy and permitting process for Lee County Parks and Recreation; and Whereas: Ranger Mike Hammond was awarded the 2011 Park Ranger Training Institute Ranger of the Year. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize Ranger Mike Hammond for his dedication and commitment to Lee County and congratulates him for receiving this prestigious award.
 4-19-11 In Honor of Booch DeMarchi
Date: 4/12/2011 |
 4-12-11 Length of Service Awards
 4-12-11 Official of the Year Award FBA
 “Taking it to the Streets” is a regional campaign to support and engage in activities that promote alternative forms of transportation, we further support public transportation and other forms of alternative transportation and recognize “Taking it to the Streets” participants by encouraging them to utilize FDOT Commuter Services’ new “Trip Track” program to document trips made by carpool, transit, bicycle and other alternative modes of travel. Each trip tracked can be quantified according to individual savings in dollars, pounds of pollutants, vehicle miles of travel and other features; and Whereas: LeeTran currently provides regularly-scheduled bus service and commuter bus service to employment, medical, retail, and government centers throughout Lee County; and Whereas: LeeTran will provide a FREE ride to all residents and visitors on Tuesday, April 19, 2011; and Whereas: Lee County participating local governments, LeeTran, and FDOT Commuter Services are promoting increased interest in alternative travel options due to unstable gas prices, current economic conditions, and concerns about climate change; and Whereas: Lee County participating local Governments, LeeTran, and FDOT Commuter Services will be hosting a “Taking it to the Streets” campaign, during which the public will be encouraged to try alternative forms of transportation to work, school, shopping, or play. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim Wednesday, April 13 through Saturday, April 23, 2011, as our official “Taking it to the Streets” campaign. FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board encourages residents and visitors of Lee County and the City of Fort Myers to consider, utilize, and track alternatives to drive-alone commuting as participants in the “Taking it to the Streets” campaign.
 The State of Florida, together with local partners, are investing billions of dollars to develop alternative water supplies, clean up stormwater pollution, restore rivers, lakes and springs, upgrade drinking water facilities and improve wastewater treatment; and Whereas: Water conservation can cost as little as 6 cents to 72 cents per 1,000 gallons of water saved, while the cost of constructing alternative water supply facilities can range from $5 to $7 per 1,000 gallons of water created; and Whereas: All water users including commercial, industrial, agricultural, institutional, hospitality, private citizens and others can make positive contributions to reduce water use and protect Florida’s water resources; and Whereas: Lee County Utilities and the South Florida Water Management District, promote water conservation to instill a lasting culture of conservation in our communities; and Whereas: The Governor and Cabinet of the State of Florida are designating April as Florida’s Water Conservation Month to encourage Floridians to conserve the state’s precious water resources. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the month of April 2011 as Water Conservation Month in Lee County.
Date: 3/29/2011 |
 The natural beauty of native wildflowers in Lee County can be enjoyed by everyone; can attract guests, and benefit commerce, environmental health, and public well-being; and Whereas: Enjoyment of native wildflowers is an occasion for all County and community leaders to unite for the benefit of everyone; and Whereas:Many naturally beautiful species of native wildflowers, including Coreopsis, the state wildflower, as depicted upon the State Wildflower license tag, are already prominently displayed along Lee County’s state and county roadways; and Whereas:Increasing the visibility of native wildflowers in Lee County is consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan, LeeScape Master Plan and goals of many individuals, businesses, and community-based organizations; and Whereas:The presence of native wildflowers is essential to the fitness of native pollinator species necessary for productive and profitable farms and forests; and Whereas:In the spring of 1513, Juan Ponce de Leon named this beautiful place La Florida, Land of Flowers, because of the wealth of native wildflowers; and Whereas:In the year 2013, native wildflowers will be a prominent icon of Florida’s and Lee County’s quincentennial celebration of Spain in Florida; and Whereas: It is desirable and attainable to experience the beauty of many more native wildflowers by reducing the frequency and extent of roadside mowing; and Whereas:Such roads as State Road 80 (Palm Beach Blvd.) and County Road 876 (Daniels Pkwy.) and Fowler St. Ext. are ideal candidates to establish pilot project corridors for management of native wildflowers. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby commit and encourage others to commit to the conservation of roadside native wildflowers on state and county roadways. FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board does hereby instruct County staff to partner with the Florida Wildflower Foundation, Florida Department of Transportation and adjoining property owners to plan and implement roadside management practices that will increase the visibility and enjoyment of Florida native wildflowers.
 The Lee County Commissioners recognizes that Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida provides students with programs in the classroom that promote financial literacy within Lee County; and Whereas:Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida prepares students K-12, with the means to develop successful financial management habits, empowering them to explore the potential of becoming an aspiring entrepreneur, and providing them with the skills necessary to succeed in a global workforce in Lee County; and Whereas:Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida recruits volunteers who are leaders in the community and businesses to share their real-world experiences with the students of Lee County, Florida; and Whereas:The Lee County Commissioners do hereby recognize the need for on-going financial awareness of the classroom. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida and designates April 2011 as: NATIONAL FINANCIAL LITERACY MONTH to help the local students succeed and grow in an ever expanding global economy.
 Founded in 1972, the mission of Special Olympics Florida is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities who wish to participate; and Whereas: Participation in these events provides continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community; and Whereas: The ultimate objective of Special Olympics Florida is to help people with intellectual disabilities participate as productive and respected members of society. This is accomplished by offering them a fair opportunity to develop and demonstrate their skills and talents through sports training and competition and by increasing the public’s awareness of the capabilities and needs; and Whereas: International Bocce Coach George Furlan trained Lee County Special Olympic Bocce team to Gold at the Special Olympics Florida State Games; and Whereas:Mr. Furlan then trained the team onto the Nationals at the Special Olympics National Games in Lincoln, Nebraska; and Whereas: Athletes Karen Doham, Elizabeth Figura, Ronnie Eldridge and Bob Staudt took home a combined total of 10 gold medals. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize these four Gold Medal Special Olympics Athletes for their dedication and winning spirit.
Date: 3/22/2011 |
 The citizens of Florida recognize the valuable contributions of the surveying and mapping profession to history, development, and quality of life in Florida and the United States of America and make important decisions based on the knowledge and expertise of licensed surveyors and mappers; and Whereas: The surveying and mapping profession requires special education, training, the knowledge of mathematics, the related physical and applied sciences, and requirements of law for evidence; and Whereas: Surveyors and mappers are uniquely qualified and licensed to determine and describe land and water boundaries for the management of natural resources and protection of private and public property rights; and Whereas: The continual advancements in instrumentation have required the surveyor and mapper not only to be able to understand and implement the methods of the past, but also to learn and employ modern technology in finding solutions to meet the challenges of the future. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida in conjunction with National Surveyors Week, do hereby proclaim the week of March 20-26, 2011 as: FLORIDA SURVEYORS & MAPPERS WEEK and recognize the many contributions and the ongoing dedication of surveyors and mappers to the citizens of Florida and the United States.
Date: 3/15/2011 |
 The 4th Annual Conference on Public Libraries and Multicultural Societies in partnership with the governments of Madrid, Barcelona, Catalonia and the United States Embassy in Madrid, Spain, will be held March 21 through March 25, 2011; and Whereas: This Conference in Spain will highlight ways that libraries can help immigrant mothers and their children adapt and integrate in their new society; and Whereas: Maria Palacio has planned, developed and presented multiple multicultural library programs for the Lee County Library System during her more than seven years of employment with Lee County; and Whereas: Maria Palacio’s expertise in library outreach services and fluency in both English and Spanish languages have become internationally known in the library community; and Whereas: Maria has been invited by the United States Embassy in Madrid to represent Lee County and the United States of America as a speaker at multiple locations of the 4th Annual Conference on Public Libraries and Multicultural Societies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby congratulate Maria Palacio for her achievements and wishes her the best as she travels to Spain to represent Lee County and share her expertise at this prestigious event.
 The Southwest Florida Reading Festival is Lee County Government’s largest annual community event, bringing prominent best-selling authors to Lee County for residents and visitors to meet; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Reading Festival promotes the Lee County Library System by bringing library programs and demonstrations of electronic resources outside of the library walls and into the heart of Lee County; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Reading Festival continues to offer free admission; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Reading Festival is funded entirely by grants, sponsorships, and donations, and without tax funding; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Reading Festival promotes reading, which helps build a more literate community; and Whereas: Relationships between Lee County Library System and other community organizations are strengthened by working together to plan and implement the Southwest Florida Reading Festival and its partner events; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Reading Festival has now been celebrating the power of reading for 12 years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim March 19, 2011 as: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA READING FESTIVAL DAY
Date: 3/8/2011 |
 The National Association of Women in Construction, Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has distinguished itself for twenty nine years as the voice of women in construction in Lee County, Florida; and Whereas: The work done by the Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has benefited Lee County, Florida through community development and educational programs; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has unceasingly promoted the employment and advancement of women in the construction industry; and Whereas: The construction community, represented by Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has been a driving force in fostering community development through renovation and beautification projects; promotion of skilled trades careers; and a positive vision of the future; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Chapter #297, has sought to achieve successful results for Lee County, Florida and surrounding areas in a cooperative spirit with other organizations. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize the Southwest Florida Chapter #297 and its many dedicated volunteers for its steadfast work on behalf and support of women in construction, and does proudly proclaim the week of March 6-12, 2011 as: WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION WEEK and encourages our citizens to congratulate the organization on its many accomplishments.
 Throughout its long and distinguished history, Girl Scouting has inspired more than 50 million girls and women to strive for the highest ideals of courage, confidence and character; and Whereas: Girl Scouts build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place; and Whereas:Through Girl Scouts, girls develop leadership skills and learn the lifelong lesson of contributing back to their communities; and Whereas: Girl Scouting helps girls achieve their potential by increasing awareness of opportunities existent in the fields of math, science, sports, technology and other professional pursuits; and Whereas: The Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Council was formed in 1957 and has capably delivered the optimal Girl Scout experience to young women and adults in 10 counties across southwest Florida; and Whereas: More than 3.8 million Girl Scouts nationwide, including 11,200 girls and 3,400 adult volunteers served through the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, join in celebrating and rejoicing in this great American tradition. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby designate March 2011 as: Girl Scout Anniversary Month and express the appreciation of our citizens to the Southwest Florida Council and the Girl Scouts of the USA for their interest in, and dedication to, America’s youth.
Date: 3/1/2011 |
 Lee County welcomes the Minnesota Twins and their fans back to the 21st year of Spring Training at the Lee County Sports Complex and Hammond Stadium; and Whereas: Lee County Government officially welcomed the Twins into Hammond Stadium in 1991, and the state-of-the-art facility is as nice today as it was on opening day; and Whereas:To ensure the long-term expandability and functionality of the facility, the Board of County Commissioners recently approved the purchase of 14.5 acres of land adjacent to the spring training complex; and Whereas: In addition to winning the American League Central Division last year, Hammond Stadium has provided the starting point for SEVEN American League Central Division Titles, one American League Pennant and the 1991 World Series Championship; and Whereas: The Minnesota Twins partner annually with Lee County Parks & Recreation to offer numerous youth baseball clinics throughout the Southwest Florida region, thereby giving the kids of our community the opportunity to interact with Twins players and coaches; and Whereas:The Twins have also helped raise over a million dollars for local charities and not-for-profits in Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The Twins exceptional team spirit and enthusiasm is contagious and you can always count us among your many loyal fans, and Lee County is proud to be considered your home away from home. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida – along with Lee County’s Parks & Recreation Department, Visitor & Convention Bureau, Sports Authority and Facilities Management Division – does hereby proclaim its full support for the Minnesota Twins organization, and sends our most sincere best wishes for success in the upcoming 2011 baseball season.
Date: 2/22/2011 |
 Gordon Booch DeMarchi has dedicated 25 years of service to Lee County Government and to the citizens of Southwest Florida; and Whereas: Booch’s career with County Government began with Parks and Recreation in 1985 as a recreation manager; and Whereas: His career path led Booch into the Public Information Officer role in Public Resources, from which in addition to other duties, he disseminated important information regarding hurricanes to the general public; and Whereas: Booch has structured, and led thousands of Lee County citizens through, the Lee Grows program educating them on their local government operation; and Whereas: Booch, with his education and love of history has been Lee County’s unofficial historian, particularly in the placement of historical artifacts in the Old Courthouse; and Whereas: He has been the “go to” person in facilitating County special events including ground breakings, ribbon cuttings, meet and greet events, and County milestone anniversaries such as the 2006 Terry Park 100 year anniversary; and Whereas: Booch is the 2009 recipient of the Candy Pittro award recognizing his positive attitude and passion to serve Lee County, even in times of adversity; and Whereas: Booch DeMarchi has on a daily basis dedicated his full efforts on behalf of Lee County; and Whereas: Booch is now deserving of, and eligible for, a happy retirement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida hereby conveys our grateful appreciation to Booch DeMarchi for his hard work, outstanding service and contributions to Lee County and wishes Booch much happiness in his well deserved retirement.
 Lee County is committed to the continued operational success of the Boston Red Sox in our community. We are currently in the construction phase of a new 10,000 seat stadium and practice complex that will stand as one of the premiere Spring Training facilities in the country. In exchange, the Red Sox have signed a 30-year lease agreement that will call Lee County their Spring Training home through 2042; and Whereas: Lee County is privileged to be associated with an organization of the Boston Red Sox’s caliber. We recognize and place significant community value on the fact that the Red Sox have helped to raise millions of dollars for Lee County charities through their Foundation; and Whereas: Lee County would like to congratulate the Boston Red Sox on your continued success. Your ongoing excellence has brought the world’s media attention and tens of thousands of fans to Lee County, which in turn generates a significant impact for our tourism industry. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida – along with Lee County’s Parks & Recreation Department, Visitor & Convention Bureau, Sports Authority, Facilities Management Division and the City of Fort Myers – do hereby proclaim its full support for the Boston Red Sox organization and we send our most sincere best wishes for success in the upcoming 2011 baseball season.
 Through the celebration of Engineers Week each year, the Calusa Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society is dedicated to developing and sustaining a dynamic engineering profession by ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce and by raising the public’s understanding and appreciation of engineering contributions to society; and Whereas: This Board wishes to recognize and honor all engineers who live and work in Lee County and who practice the profession of engineering in an honorable, responsible, and competent manner and those students who have chosen to be educated in the field of engineering. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing Engineers Week, February 20-26, 2011.
 Fighting fires is one of the most hazardous professions, requiring physical strength, stamina, extensive training, courage, selfless concern for the welfare of our citizens; and Whereas: In addition to their daily service to communities, firefighters throughout the state and across the nation have joined the Muscular Dystrophy Association for the past 54 years in the fight against neuromuscular diseases; and locally raised $89,362 in 2010; and Whereas: The Muscular Dystrophy Association is extremely grateful to the Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters IAFF Local #1826 whose Fill-the-Boot campaign will assist MDA in providing services such as local clinics, summer camp, research grants, support groups, and public education seminars at no cost to local children and families; and Whereas:In honor of the efforts of the firefighters of Lee County, MDA is sponsoring Lee County Firefighter Appreciation Week for the week of March 7, 2011; and Whereas: It is appropriate for all Lee County citizens to join the Muscular Dystrophy Association in this tribute to our firefighters. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that we do hereby proclaim the week of March 7, 2011 as: FIREFIGHTER APPRECIATION WEEK in Lee County and commend the firefighters of IAFF Local #1826 for their efforts on behalf of the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
 The Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida has provided Lee County with a wide range of vital healthcare services; and Whereas: It is fitting that we use this means to focus public attention upon the valuable contributions made by The Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida; and Whereas: We believe that our nation’s most precious commodity is its youth, and we commend the efforts of The Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida to provide support, guidance and healthcare to assist young people growing into responsible adults; and Whereas: Since 1993, the Boston Red Sox and Forest Country Club have raised $6 million on behalf of The Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida; and Whereas:February 20 through Feb 26, 2011 is “Children’s Hospital Week” which is celebrated in Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The 18th annual Boston Red Sox – Children’s Hospital Celebrity Classic will be held February 25, 2011 with a “Tee Party” kickoff event on February 24, 2011 at the Forest Country Club in Fort Myers. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that February 20 through 26, 2011 be designated as: CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL WEEK
Date: 2/15/2011 |
 2-15-11 2010 Candy Pittro Award
 2-15-11 Paulette Burton Citizen of the Year Award
Date: 2/8/2011 |
 The rich history of African-Americans in the United States, Florida, and Lee County is a study in perseverance, endurance and strength; and Whereas: The innumerable awards, accomplishments and achievements attained by African-Americans across the United States, Florida and in Lee County serve as testaments to the invaluable contributions the African- American community has provided our great nation; and Whereas: The celebration and recognition of Black History Month is truly a celebration and recognition of the universal human desire for equality and justice for all people; and Whereas: The counsel and guidance provided by the African-American community to the Board of County Commissioners through the Lee County Black Affairs Advisory Board has helped inform policy decisions on many issues of vital importance to the growth, prosperity and success of Lee County. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize February 2011 as: BLACK HISTORY MONTH
 Miromar Lakes Beach & Golf Club has won 84 awards since 2003, including regional and local awards for “Community of the Year” eight years in a row. Whereas: Margaret J. Antonier as the Founder and CEO of Miromar Development had the vision to create this award-winning community in Lee County, unique in design, architecture, lifestyle and amenities. Whereas: Lee County can now claim the distinction of having the Number One Community in the United States, in addition to Lee County’s superb natural resources including its waterways and climate. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby recognize Miromar Lakes and its founder Margaret J. Antonier for her significant contributions to the betterment of Lee County real estate development and for Miromar Lakes' excellence in community design, architecture and amenities and the Board declares February 8, 2011 as: MIROMAR LAKES’ DAY
 2-8-11 Summerlin Road Beautification
Date: 1/25/2011 |
 1-25-11 Length of Service Awards
Date: 1/18/2011 |
 The 3rd Annual WINK News Feeds Families Hunger Walk will be on Saturday, January 22, 2011; and Whereas: On that day, residents of Southwest Florida will walk to show support of the Harry Chapin Food Bank and their mission to overcome hunger in Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The emergency food programs served by the Harry Chapin Food Bank serve more than 30,000 people each month in SW Florida; and Whereas:The funds raised through the Hunger Walk will be used to help provide food to 174 partner agencies, 111 of which are located in Lee County; and Whereas: The goal is to raise $167,000 that will provide $1,000,000 worth of food to our area to feed people in need. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida that January 22, 2011 be designated as: WINK NEWS FEEDS FAMILIES HUNGER WALK DAY in Lee County and we urge the citizens of Lee County to participate in this worthy cause.
 The Southwest Florida Symphony is beginning its fiftieth season of presenting Concerts to the people of Southwest Florida; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Symphony from its founding in 1961 has demonstrated continued professional growth in both the quality of its performances and in its presentation of expended programs; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Symphony has presented opportunities for young musicians in Southwest Florida its sponsorship of the Young Artists Competitions and granting of scholarships to the winners which have inspired our young people to excel; and Whereas: The Southwest Florida Symphony is mindful of its commitment to attain the highest quality of performance possible in its fiftieth season and on into the future. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim January 2011 as: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA SYMPHONY MONTH in Lee County and commends the Southwest Florida Symphony for providing Lee County with one of its most invaluable cultural resources.
Date: 1/11/2011 |
 The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) is dedicated to the conservation of coastal habitats and aquatic resources on Sanibel and Captiva and in the surrounding watershed; and Whereas: its 43-year history, SCCF has acquired and preserved more than 1,800 acres of wildlife habitat in Lee County; and Whereas: SCCF is currently undertaking a project to acquire the Bailey Family Homestead , which is comprised of 28.3 acres of wildlife habitat and the historic 1896 home of one of the first families of Sanibel, Florida, and thereafter to restore and manage the Bailey Homestead and create a Marine Science Center on the property; and Whereas: The Bailey House is one of only 10 homes on Sanibel’s Local Register of Historic Landmarks; and Whereas: Section 3.2.4 of the Sanibel Plan cites the Bailey House as one of the “irreplaceable resources which should be maintained for future residents and visitors”; and Whereas: As part of its Honoring the Past –Protecting the Future campaign to raise funds for this project, SCCF needs to raise $5.3 million before its one-year option agreement to purchase the Bailey Homestead expires on June 24, 2011; and Whereas: The Board of County Commissioners of Lee County understands the importance of the acquisition of the Bailey Homestead to Lee County’s wildlife habitat corridors, historic preservation, marine stewardship and conservation tradition. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, on behalf of the citizens of Lee County, that we do hereby support and encourage SCCF’s efforts to acquire and preserve the Bailey Family Homestead. Duly Executed this 11th day of January 2011.
Date: 1/4/2011 |
 Four years ago, upon hearing the news that Christmas toys had been stolen from the Salvation Army in Fort Myers, Peyton decided she wanted help the Salvation Army and the children that may not receive a Christmas gift; and Whereas:Peyton chose to set up a lemonade and vegetable stand in her neighborhood and named it Peyton’s TLC Stand. T is for tomatoes, L is for lemonade, and C is for cookies and citrus. Peyton was able to raise $300 which she proudly donated to the Salvation Army: and Whereas:Peyton’s TLC Stand was such a success that Peyton continues to operate the stand annually on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving in Coconut Creek; and Whereas: Peyton chooses a different local organization to help each year; and Whereas:In her second year, Peyton’s TLC Stand was able to raise $385 and she donated the money to the South Fort Myers Food Bank; and Whereas: Peyton’s 3rd Annual TLC Stand collected $400 which Peyton donated to C.R.O.W. on Sanibel; and Whereas: In addition to the Coconut Creek neighborhood, Peyton set up her stand in Estero at “The Bridge The Road To Hunger 5K Race” where she was able to raise over $1,500 for the South Fort Myers Food Bank; and Whereas: This year’s TLC Stand was equally successful as Peyton was able to raise $1,170 for the Lee County Sheriff’s K-9 Unit; and Whereas: Peyton has exceeded her goal to make a difference in her community by collecting approximately $4,000 in 4 years and donating the funds to various Lee County charities and organizations. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, would like to recognize Peyton Hornung for her contributions to a better quality of life for the citizens of Lee County and her continued commitment to helping those in need. Duly Executed this 4th day of January 2011.