Date: 11/7/2023 |
 11-07-23 Park Ranger Chad Roy - American Red Cross National Lifesaving Award
 National Injury Prevention Day will be observed on November 18th, 2023; the annual designation raises awareness about the significance of injury and advocates for injury awareness and prevention in Southwest Florida.
Whereas, Southwest Florida is vested in preventing injuries and violence as they are the leading cause of death and disabilities for people from the age 1 to 44 years old.
Whereas, Southwest Florida is working to establish a safe and injury-free environment in and around Southwest Florida as trauma injuries recently contributed to over 3,690 hospital visits in Lee County alone from January 1 to September 30, 2023.
Whereas, Hospitals, state agencies, and community organizations are committed to the crucial role of reducing injuries and deaths by promoting safe practices; and
Whereas, National Injury Prevention Day raises awareness to promote efforts in preventing injuries among all age groups. Lee Health Trauma Services and Golisano Children’s Hospital, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, local fire departments, emergency medical services, and many other area agencies and businesses throughout Lee County and beyond, work to protect and help to prevent all residents and visitors from injuries.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims that November 18, 2023 shall be known as NATIONAL INJURY PREVENTION DAY and call upon the residents of Lee County to join us in this observation.
 November 22nd through 29th is National Farm-City Week, a time set aside to recognize and honor the contributions of the country’s agriculturalists and to strengthen the bond between urban and rural citizens; and
Whereas, in Southwest Florida’s five-county region including Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Counties…the agricultural and natural resources industries contribute nearly 8 billion dollars annually to Southwest Florida’s economy; and
Whereas, over 40% of the land in the five-county region is in agriculture, totaling over 1.3 million acres; and
Whereas, this agricultural land mass contributes immensely to the region’s water recharge and wildlife habitat and the region’s farmers, growers and ranchers have been good stewards of the land for generations; and
Whereas, The University of Florida’s Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences and Florida Gulf Coast University’s Center for Agribusiness provide valuable information and educational support for the region’s agricultural industries and residents alike.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims November 7th as FARM-CITY WEEK in Lee County and encourages all citizens to pause and recognize the contributions of our local farmers, farmworkers, growers and ranchers to our economy, our food supply, and our society.
Date: 10/17/2023 |
 Navigating service systems such as healthcare, housing, and behavioral health can be overwhelming for Lee County individuals and families; and
Whereas, Case Managers fill essential roles in the collaborative process to assess, plan, implement, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate options and services to meet clients’ health and human service needs; and
Whereas, Last year, Hurricane Ian impacted the Lee County community, revealing many challenging obstacles for human service providers and Lee County residents; and
Whereas, each year, countless hours are spent by Case Managers across all government and non-profit agencies in Lee County focusing on quality of care, continuity of services and cost-effectiveness; and
Whereas, through a holistic approach, using evidence-based practices, case managers throughout the country work to validate client experiences and aim for a sustainable outcomes; and
Whereas, it is the goal of Case Managers to assist individuals in reaching their optimal level of wellness and functional capability through advocacy, communication, and resource management; and
Whereas, Case Managers have been recognized for their dedication and compassion each year since October 1999 during National Case Management week
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims that October 2023 shall be known as CASE MANAGER MONTH in Lee County and urges all our citizens to join us in honoring the dedicated men and women who serve as Case Managers, assisting residents to connect to much needed resources provided by the network of human service providers.
 10-17-23 Length of Service Awards
Date: 10/3/2023 |
 The white cane serves as a mobility tool and is a widely recognized symbol of independence for those who are visually impaired; and
Whereas, by act of U.S. Congress the President authorized, beginning in 1964, the annual proclamation of October 15th as National White Cane Safety Day; and
Whereas, state law acknowledges the freedom and independence of individuals with blindness and vision impairment and makes provisions for their access to and crossing of roads and intersections; and
Whereas, individuals with visual impairments are active, contributing members of society who create and join in opportunities within our communities and county; and
Whereas, Lighthouse of Southwest Florida holds their “White Cane Day” event each year and the organization has become a beacon of hope and inspiration aimed at guiding people of all ages living with a visual impairment or blindness on their way to independence.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims that October 15, 2023 shall be known as WHITE CANE SAFETY DAY In Lee County and urges motorists to be aware of community members with blindness and vision impairments and encourages all citizens to take the time to reflect on the meaning of the white cane in recognition of those who carry it.
 4-H is the largest youth development organization in the United States with over 230,000 members in the State of Florida being a part of the 6.5 million members across the country.
Whereas, 4-H is a community of young people who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills; and
Whereas, the Lee County 4-H Youth Development Program exists to develop young people, ages 5 through 18, and has served young people in our state since 1909; and
Whereas, the 4-H Program has molded itself to meet the needs of our citizens by focusing on developing rural, suburban and urban youth and through the Florida Cooperative Extension,
Whereas, the program uses the research and knowledge base of our state’s land grant institutions, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida, known as UF/IFAS Extension; and
Whereas, through “learning by doing” experiences, young people in the 4-H Program practice life skills with the guidance of caring adult volunteer mentors and Cooperative Extension faculty and staff; and
Whereas, 4-H provides Lee County youth the opportunities to develop positive relationships, competencies and attitudes that will assist them in making positive choices for their lives, thereby effectively preparing them to meet the challenges of becoming productive citizens;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of October 1, 2023 as 4-H WEEK in Lee County and hereby commends the youth participants for representing their pledge to use their Heads for clearer thinking, their Hearts for greater loyalty, their Hands for larger service, and the Health for better living.
Date: 9/19/2023 |
 Tony began his career in the hospitality business in 1976, when he and his partners purchased property and a few small structures on a breathtaking site at Captiva's narrowest section that bridges both gulf and bay. Tony built the resort from the ground up, increasing the property's units from 47 to 137, along with purchasing two additional properties, Beachview Cottages and Castaways Beach to Bay, in 1979 and 1982 respectively; and
Whereas, Tony Lapi is a dedicated leader, visionary and industry mentor, having grown many staff into leadership positions in tourism. He enthusiastically promotes tourism and businesses in Florida, and he has been a trailblazer in many Southwest Florida tourism and business organizations; and Whereas, from 2004 to present, Tony has served on the Lee County Tourist Development Council, first as an ex-officio member and then taking a voting slot in 2013, and Tony’s dedicated, thoughtful leadership has helped grow our County into a premier destination of choice; and
Whereas, Tony joined the VISIT FLORIDA Board of Directors in 2007 and served as the 2011-2012 Chairman of the Board. As VISIT FLORIDA Chair, the State saw back-to-back years of record visitation; and Whereas, Tony Lapi was recently inducted into Florida’s Tourism Hall of Fame for his incredible impact on the tourism industry.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims September 19 as TONY LAPI DAY in Lee County and acknowledge that his generous contributions of both time and resources have made a huge difference in our community and his innovative entrepreneurial spirit continues to inspire our tourism industry.
 The Rotary Club of Fort Myers East was chartered on September 21, 1973, as a member of Rotary International, founded in Chicago, Illinois on February 23, 1905; and
Whereas, Rotary International remains a worldwide service organization consisting of dedicated members who share the passion for service and friendship in their community and around the world; and
Whereas, the Rotary Club of Fort Myers East members are dedicated to helping those in need in their community with college scholarships, monetary donations to other nonprofit organizations, literacy projects, aid to senior citizens, Meals of Hope, hurricane relief projects, and many other community programs for 50 years; and
Whereas, these Rotarians have also joined international humanitarian projects such as providing clean water and wells where needed, and helping to eradicate polio worldwide; and Whereas, Rotarians continue to live by the motto of “Service Above Self” which encourages high ethical standards, promoting peace and goodwill in the world, while providing humanitarian aid throughout the world.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims September 21st as ROTARY CLUB OF FORT MYERS EAST DAY in Lee County and encourages citizens to pause and recognize the impact that members of service organizations like this Rotary Club provide to our families, in Lee County and encourages citizens to pause and recognize the impact that members of service organizations like this Rotary Club provide to our families, schools and communities.
Date: 9/5/2023 |
 September is Hunger Action Month; and
Whereas, food is a basic and essential need of every living creature; and
Whereas, Harry Chapin Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief nonprofit and the only Feeding America member in Southwest Florida serving Lee County; and
Whereas, 14.7 million pounds of food were distributed by Harry Chapin Food Bank in Lee County during 2022; and
Whereas, this September we ask citizens to please join the fight to end hunger and to lend their power, voices, actions and commitment to ensure nobody ever has to make an impossible choice between food and other necessities such as medicine, utilities, or childcare.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims the month of September as HUNGER ACTION MONTH in Lee County and encourages all citizens to advocate, volunteer and raise their awareness of this issue during Hunger Action Month to help the fight to end hunger in Lee County.
 Over 23 percent of Florida residents are 65 years of age or older; and
Whereas, falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among Florida’s senior population, resulting in significant physical, personal, social, and economic burdens.
Whereas, it is estimated that annually there are more than 150,000 hospital-treated injuries from falls among Floridians 65 and older, with medical charges exceeding $2 billion; and
Whereas, among Floridians 65 and older, falls account for more than 75 percent of all fractures treated in emergency departments; and
Whereas, falling and the fear of falling can lead to depression, loss of mobility and loss of functional independence; and Whereas, injuries from falls are a preventable community health problem; and
Whereas, falls prevention education is a critical first step to increasing public awareness regarding elder falls prevention and home safety; and
Whereas, cost-effective home modification and community strategies are available to improve safety and lessen the likelihood of falls and the debilitating injuries that can result; and
Whereas, implementing elder falls prevention strategies is an effective tool for reducing the stresses associated with providing caregiver services; and
Whereas, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs/Communities for a Lifetime, the Florida Department of Health/Office of Injury Prevention, Florida Statewide Falls Prevention Coalition, and state Area Agencies on Aging, in partnership with Florida communities and residents, are working to increase awareness of this issue and encourage Florida residents to take steps to protect those who are at risk of falling,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims September 22, 2023 as FALLS PREVENTION AWARENESS DAY in Lee County, and I urge all citizens to join us in this special observance.
Date: 8/15/2023 |
 Royal Palm Sailing Club, Inc., Edison Sailing Center was founded in August 1983 to provide a center to teach sailing to youth; and
Whereas, the Edison Sailing Center is a national-recognized community sailing program known for its emphasis on community outreach, youth development and leadership training that has served youth of Lee County, regardless of their ability to pay; and
Whereas, the Edison Sailing Center has helped in the establishment of six other sailing programs in the State of Florida while teaching more than 17,000 children locally; and
Whereas, the pillars of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience are the foundational principles of the sailing center; and
Whereas, over the past 40 years the Edison Sailing Center’s members have raced in many statewide regattas as well as national and international events, and the center now maintains over 250 boats for instruction and racing, while also hosting one of the largest regattas in the state each year in October.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims August 15 as EDISON SAILING CENTER DAY in Lee County and encourages citizens to pause and recognize the impact that sports like sailing can provide the youth in our communities and the important life skills they teach.
Date: 8/1/2023 |
 08-01-23 Length Of Service Awards
Date: 6/20/2023 |
 Community supervision and case management are essential parts of the justice system; and
Whereas, pretrial and probation professionals are committed to treating everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect; being responsive and meeting the needs of those we serve, being accessible, fair, effective and accountable; and
Whereas, pretrial and probation professionals follow evidenced based practices through universal screening, utilization of validated risk instruments, motivational interviewing and skill building techniques; and
Whereas, pretrial and probation professionals conduct interviews and investigations to provide critical information to aid the court; and
Whereas, pretrial and probation professionals are responsible for supervising defendants and probationers in the community, enforcing court orders, promoting public safety and promoting positive behavioral change; and
Whereas, pretrial and probation professionals provide comprehensive court case management services to assist the court; and
Whereas, pretrial and probation professionals work in partnership with community agencies and groups and promote prevention, intervention and advocacy; and
Whereas, pretrial and probation professionals provide coordination and case management support to problem solving courts that help change and save lives; and
Whereas, pretrial and probation professionals are stronger together, collaborate and foster teamwork.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida hereby proclaims the week of July 16 - July 22 as PRETRIAL & PROBATION SUPERVISION WEEK and encourages all citizens and agency partners to honor these professionals and recognize their commitment to the field.
 The National Recreation and Parks Association has declared July as National Parks and Recreation Month; and
Whereas, Lee County Parks & Recreation touches the lives of children and adults alike and positively impacts the social, economic and environmental quality of Lee County; and
Whereas, parks and recreation promotes health and wellness benefits by providing space for sports, hiking, swimming and other activities designed for active lifestyles; and
Whereas, parks and recreation agencies provide critical childhood development activities with out-of-school time programming, youth sports and environmental education; and
Whereas, parks, greenways, preserves and open spaces provide a welcome respite from our fast paced, high tech lives by promoting time spent in nature which positively impacts mental health by increasing cognitive performance and well-being, and
Whereas, parks, playgrounds, nature trails, open spaces, community, and recreation centers, as well as historic sites make communities attractive and desirable places to live, play and visit; and
Whereas, parks and recreation is essential and provides adaptable infrastructure that makes our communities resilient in the face of natural disasters while protecting and preserving our natural environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims the month of July 2023 as PARKS & RECREATION MONTH in Lee County and urges all citizens to visit the parks, especially on the weekend of July 29th & 30th, 2023, when parking fees will be waived at Lee County regional parks and boat ramps and admission will be free at the county community pools.
 Roger Desjarlais has served as Lee County Manager for 10 years and prior to that, served an additional 23 years in Lee County Government; and
WHEREAS, He helped guide the county out of the Great Recession and into an era of firm fiscal responsibility; and
WHEREAS, During these 10 years as county manager, he and his team managed and cared for this community through flooding from record rainfalls, Hurricane Irma, blue-green algae, a cyber-attack, COVID-19 and Hurricane Ian; and
WHEREAS, During his tenure, roads, libraries, water treatment plants, and so many more projects were built, and our parks and conservation lands were enlarged and enhanced; and
WHEREAS, Roger encouraged us to go beyond serving as local government to become a community leader as a United Way Pacesetter; and
WHEREAS, He developed the One Organization philosophy that creates a collaborative work environment and makes Lee County Government the employer of choice.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, recognizes and thanks Roger Desjarlais for his dedication and service to commissioners, employees and the residents and visitors here in Lee County; and the Board wishes the best for him and his family during his retirement.
Date: 6/6/2023 |
 Rotary International, founded on February 23, 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, is the world’s first and one of the largest non-profit service organizations; and
Whereas, at the heart of the over 46,000 Rotary Clubs in the United States is the membership, dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship; and
Whereas, the Rotary motto “Service Above Self” inspires members to provide humanitarian aid, encourage high ethical standards, and promote good will and peace in the world; and
Whereas, The Rotary Club of North Fort Myers was chartered on June 14, 1973, by their Club President, Richard “Dick” McConville and this year will mark their 50th Anniversary; and
Whereas, since their inception the Rotary Club of North Fort Myers, has raised over $1 million for countless nonprofit organizations and their membership continues to be devoted to improving the lives of our citizens through scholarships, humanitarian grants, and sponsoring service projects to address issues such as poverty, illiteracy, health, hunger and the environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims June 14th as NORTH FORT MYERS ROTARY CLUB DAY in Lee County and encourages citizens to pause and recognize the impact that members of service organizations like the Rotary Club provide to our families, schools and communities.
 The Southwest Florida Historical Society was established in 1963; and
Whereas, the all-volunteer nonprofit organization is operating out of a building affectionately called “The Little Yellow House”; and
Whereas, that house was originally built in 1923; and
Whereas, that house was gifted to the Society and moved to 10091 McGregor Blvd. in 1983; and
Whereas, The Southwest Florida Historical Society operates out of The Little Yellow House; and
Whereas, the mission of the society is: • to discover, collect and preserve original and source documents, maps and photographs pertaining to the history of SW Florida; • to bring together those interested in the history of this area; • to promote and stimulate public interest and appreciation of the history of this area; • and to further the preservation and knowledge of Southwest Florida’s past;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida celebrates with the Board Members of the Southwest Florida Historical Society of Lee County the 100th Anniversary of the “Little Yellow House” and acknowledge its role in preserving the history of Lee County and its future.
 Students from the Edison and Ford Winter Estates’ FIRST LEGO League robotics team, "Assembly Required," competed in the FIRST LEGO League World Festival in Houston, Texas in April; and
Whereas, through their exceptional efforts, the team, comprised of nine students in sixth through ninth grade at six different schools in two counties: sixth grader, Dhira Sharma of Canterbury School; seventh graders, Nash Baucom and Eyan Datil of Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle School; eighth grader, Leah Chung of St. Francis Xavier Catholic School; ninth graders, Siddharth Chaudhari, Pranav Devaguptapu, and Tanish Madhar of Fort Myers High School; ninth grader, Nishini Fernando of Dunbar High School; and ninth grader, Topher Fontana of Gulf Coast High School in Collier County spent the year preparing; and
Whereas, the team won the Core Values award, which is one of the four challenge awards, where judges assess teams during presentations for several components; including discovery, innovation, impact, inclusion, teamwork, fun, and are evaluated during interviews and while operating the robot on the field; and
Whereas, as participants in the FIRST LEGO League global robotics community, the students are gaining access to education and career discovery opportunities and connections to employers and exclusive scholarships; and
Whereas, the Lee County Commissioners are pleased to publicly commend these students, their parents, and Coaches Pearce Augustenborg and Shelby Baucom for their exceptional efforts; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim and congratulate the “Assembly Required” team for their award.
Date: 5/16/2023 |
 Treatment courts have been restoring lives and families for more than three decades; and
WHEREAS, there are now more than 4,000 treatment courts nationwide; and
WHEREAS, treatment courts are the cornerstone of justice reform sweeping the nation; and
WHEREAS, treatment courts have served more than 1.5 million individuals; and
WHEREAS, they are now recognized as the most successful justice system intervention in our nation’s history; and
WHEREAS, they save an average of $6, 000 for every individual they serve; and
WHEREAS, treatment courts significantly improve substance use disorder treatment outcomes, substantially reduce addiction and related crime, and do so at less expense than any other criminal justice strategy; and
WHEREAS, treatment courts improve education, employment, housing, and financial stability, promote family reunification, reduce foster care placements, and increase the rate of addicted mother delivering babies who are fully drug free; and
WHEREAS, treatment courts facilitate community-wide partnerships, bringing together public safety and public health; and
WHEREAS, treatment courts demonstrate that when one person rises out of substance use and crime, we all rise.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims the month of May 2023 as Treatment Court Month A month of awareness and recognition within our judicial circuit as well as our partner agencies engaged in these collaborative efforts.
 The family is the indispensable foundation of society; at its best, it performs tasks that no other entity can hope to duplicate. The family has the primary responsibility for nurturing children, transmitting our culture, and building the character traits that make for healthy adults and good citizens. Upon the strength of the family rests the future of our Nation.
WHEREAS, For a variety of reasons, however, some parents are unable to provide a minimally acceptable level of care for their children, and temporary or permanent alternative placement is necessary. National Foster Care Month presents an appropriate opportunity for all of us (public officials, business, religious, and community leaders, and parents alike) to reflect on the pressures facing families today and on the need for increased efforts to ensure that abandoned or abused children can live in healthy, loving homes.
WHEREAS, The emphasis in foster care must be on the well-being of the child, and public policy must serve to promote alternative placement that represents actual care and not mere custody. Because the tasks facing foster parents often include special challenges, such as care of a child who is physically or mentally handicapped or who has been emotionally or physically abused, the mothers and fathers whom society qualifies to accept this added responsibility must be held to a high standard. To accomplish this goal, many more happy and successful families must be willing to step forward and to offer to share heart and home with children desperately longing for both. The aim of all foster care must be the establishment for the child of a sense of permanence and belonging.
WHEREAS, National Foster Care Month also provides an opportunity to offer public thanks for the sacrifices and dedication of the many foster parents and concerned professionals working in the field of foster care. Their jobs require extraordinary patience and love, and their rewards are often reaped only years after their primary labor is done -- when the child is grown and fully appreciates what has been done for him or her, or when society pauses from its hectic rush forward to recognize the good they have accomplished.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims the month of May 2023 as National Foster Care Awareness Month in Lee County.
Date: 5/2/2023 |
 Nearly 4.2 million registered nurses and LPNs in the United States comprise our nation’s largest health care profession creating an unparalleled impact on physical and behavioral healthcare; and
Whereas, nurses have tirelessly and heroically navigated unprecedented times providing exemplary and critical care during the COVID19 pandemic and Hurricane Ian, some while suffering immeasurable losses themselves; and
Whereas, the depth and breadth of the registered nursing profession is meeting the different and emerging healthcare needs of the American population in a wide range of settings, including psychiatry; and
Whereas, professional nursing has been demonstrated to be an indispensable component in the safety and quality of care of hospitalized patients and in behavioral health; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims May 6 through May 12, 2023 as NATIONAL NURSES WEEK in Lee County and encourage all citizens to show their appreciation towards the many healthcare workers who dedicate themselves to enhancing the standards of care in our community for the benefit of all our citizens and visitors.
 Substance misuse and mental health problems affect all communities nationwide, and according to the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 61.2 million Americans ages 12 and older used illicit drugs in the past year. Additionally, in 2021, 8.7 million Americans misused prescription pain relievers; and
Whereas, the impact of mental and substance misuse disorders is apparent in our own local community: An estimated 13.5% of Lee County citizens used illegal drugs in the past year; and
Whereas, with commitment and support, these and other substance use and mental health issues can be prevented by showcasing the work of our partners in prevention, and we can confront the societal challenges surrounding substance misuse together while celebrating stories of prevention; and
Whereas, through these efforts people become more aware and able to recognize the signs of mental health and substance use disorders. Equally important, community members from all walks of life learn how they can help implement prevention strategies and showcase the effectiveness of evidence-based programs.; and
Whereas, the small, daily actions done by individuals, combined with the actions of families, communities, and coalitions, come together to make up the larger movement of prevention.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims the week of May 7-13 as NATIONAL PREVENTION WEEK in Lee County and call upon our community to join us this week in celebrating the compelling programs and events that support increasing awareness of, and action around, mental health and/or substance use disorders.
 May is National Trauma Awareness month, established by Congress and signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to raise attention to the devastating impact traumatic injury has on individuals, families, and communities; and
WHEREAS, trauma is the leading cause of death for all Floridians between the ages of 1 and 44; with someone in Florida being traumatically injured every 12 minutes; enough injuries to fill Hertz Arena 6 times each year; and
WHEREAS, motor vehicle crashes and falls resulting in blunt force trauma make up more than 75% of all trauma cases treated in the Trauma Services District each year; and
WHEREAS, in 2022 more than 3,777 southwest Florida residents and visitors were cared for in the Lee County Trauma Services District and national studies show that trauma mortality is reduced by 15 – 20% when a severely injured patient is treated for injuries in a Trauma Center; and
WHEREAS, over 1.4 million people reside in the Lee County Trauma Services District comprised of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee Counties; serviced by the only Trauma Center on the Florida Gulf Coast between Sarasota and Miami; and
WHEREAS, for the last 29 years the Lee County Trauma Services District has provided optimal care to injured patients in the five-county region; and from 2000-2022 has treated 55,217 patients; and
WHEREAS, today we recognize the Lee County Trauma Services District commitment to providing sustainable access to quality trauma care, to improve the local quality of life and protect the public welfare through its acute care services and injury prevention education for all residents and visitors to the five county regions; and
WHEREAS, we recognize all of the dedicated first responders and medical professionals who serve the injured patients in our community.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims the month of May 2023 as TRAUMA AWARENESS MONTH to encourage all residents and visitors to be mindful, think safety first, and encourage participation in injury prevention education to improve the health and safety of our community.
Date: 4/18/2023 |
 The State of Florida is dedicated to improving air quality, reducing traffic congestion, promoting health and physical fitness, and reducing energy consumption; and
Whereas, the Florida Department of Transportation, District One, through its Commuter Services Program, contributes to these state goals by reducing traffic congestion and lowering greenhouse gas emissions throughout the region, by promoting the use of alternative commute modes; and
Whereas, Lee County Government and Lee County Transit, LeeTran, are promoting “Try Transit Day” on April 22nd, to raise awareness of our area attractions, destinations and transportation routes in Lee County
Whereas, LeeTran will offer free rides on “Try Transit Day” on April 22nd, on all LeeTran fixed routes to encourage residents and visitors to give public transit a try.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims April 22, 2023 as Regional Try Transit Day in Lee County and encourages residents and visitors to give public transit a try.
 Since May 15, 1993, the second Saturday in May has been reserved by the National Association of Letter Carriers for the Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive, the country’s largest single-day food drive, providing residents with an easy way to donate food to those in need in the community; and
WHEREAS, all the food collected will stay local, with Harry Chapin Food Bank being the largest beneficiary of food in Lee County; and
WHEREAS, letter carriers are requesting that customers leave non-perishable foods, such as canned soups and vegetables, canned meats and fish, pasta, peanut butter, rice or cereal, next to their mailboxes any time before their regular mail delivery on Saturday, May 13, 2023; and
WHEREAS, local letter carriers will collect the food donations as they deliver mail along their postal routes, assisted by volunteer drivers; and
WHEREAS, the food donations are collected at local post offices by hundreds of volunteers, where it is sorted, packed, and distributed to partner agencies which feed people in need;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim Saturday, May 13, 2023, as LETTER CARRIERS’ STAMP OUT HUNGER DAY in Lee County and urges citizens to kindly support our local letter carriers in their food drive to help in the fight to end hunger in Lee County.
 04-18-23 Length of Service Awards
Date: 4/4/2023 |
 April is International Autism Acceptance Month, a time when our nation reflects on the unique skills individuals with autism spectrum disorder share with our community; and
WHEREAS, Family Initiative is instrumental in serving children, adolescents, and young adults on the autism spectrum through support programs, clinical services, education, and advocacy. This work is done in collaboration with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the Department of Children and Families, and the Agency of Health Care Administration; and
WHEREAS, Family Initiative proudly offers these services throughout Southwest Florida with the support of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation and the United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades, and Okeechobee Counties; and
WHEREAS, Family Initiative reports serving over 2,000 unique families throughout Southwest Florida each year and continues to grow to meet the needs of the autism community; and
WHEREAS, it is critical that we provide individuals on the autism spectrum access to the resources and opportunities they need to reach their full potential and assist them in being successful in all environments; and
WHEREAS, each year in April Family Initiative hosts numerous county wide events to recognize and support individuals on the autism spectrum throughout our community, along with the invaluable business, philanthropic, and community stakeholders who support our mission.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby proclaim April 2023 as Autism Acceptance Month in Lee County.
 National Bike Month has been celebrated since 1956 and was established to showcase the many benefits of bicycling; and Whereas, Florida is ideally suited for residents and visitors to cycle, with an average of 237 sunny days per year along with many scenic locations available to riders; and
Whereas, Lee County has invested substantial funds in developing bicycle facilities and currently maintains approximately 1,217 miles of on- and off-road paths, lanes and trails; and
Whereas, Bicyclists from all over the globe visit Lee County to enjoy the extensive cycling facilities thus having a positive impact on Lee County’s economy and tourism industry; and
Whereas, National health organizations and physical fitness activists promote increased bicycling as a way to improve health, quality of life, and boost community spirit; and
Whereas, An increase in the use of bicycles in place of motor vehicles has a positive environmental impact by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing pollution in Lee County; and
Whereas, Lee County encourages bicycle safety education for bicyclists and motorists including the rules of the road and benefits of wearing helmets to ensure the safety and well-being of all; and
Whereas, The Board of County Commissioners adopted a Complete Streets Resolution on November 10, 2009 to integrate bicycling, walking and public transit with the county’s transportation program.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, does hereby declare May 2023 to be Bike Month in Lee County and encourages residents and visitors to participate in the following events throughout the month: • Ride a Bike Day - Sunday, May 7 • Bike to School Day - Wednesday, May 3 • Bike to Work Week - May 15-21 • Bike to Work Day - Friday, May 19
Date: 3/21/2023 |
 The American Red Cross fulfills a unique and vital role in our community, providing help and hope, in the face of emergencies and disaster, and is a true reflection of the humanitarian and volunteer spirit of the American people; and
Whereas, for over seventy-eight years, United States Presidents have called upon people to support the American Red Cross and its humanitarian mission. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first to proclaim March as Red Cross Month in 1943. Since that time, every president has issued proclamations designating March as Red Cross Month; and
Whereas, the American Red Cross has been helping people for one hundred and thirty-nine years, responding to disasters and assisting members of the military, teaching lifesaving skills, and serving as one of the largest blood suppliers in the United States; and
Whereas, nationally, the American Red Cross responds to an average of nearly two hundred disasters every day. The organization provides a round-the-clock link between those in the military and their families, and supplies blood and blood products to approximately three thousand hospitals and transfusion centers across the country; and
Whereas, we applaud the American Red Cross’ mission to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies, and our community depends on the American Red Cross, which relies on volunteers and the generosity of the public to perform its mission.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims the month of March as AMERICAN RED CROSS MONTH in Lee County and encourages all citizens to support the work of service and relief organizations that help support our community.
 Food is the substance by which life is sustained; The type, quality, and amount of food that individuals consume each day plays a vital role in their overall health; and
Whereas, there is a need for continuing nutrition education and a wide-scale effort to enhance healthy eating practices; and
Whereas, National Nutrition Month is an annual nutrition education and information campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; and
Whereas, the campaign celebrated each year, during the month of March, focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits; and
Whereas, the overall health and well-being of our residents is of paramount importance to Lee County and Lee Health;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims the month of March NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH in Lee County, FL and encourages all citizens to join the campaign and become concerned about their nutrition and the nutrition of others in the hope of achieving optimum health for both today and tomorrow.
Date: 3/7/2023 |
 03-07-23 Clerk of Courts Presentation - James Bain First Clerk of Court
Date: 2/21/2023 |
 Engineers help to design, construct, and maintain the infrastructure and facilities that contribute to the quality of life of all the residents of Lee County; and
Whereas, maintaining the quality of life in Lee County during periods of substantial growth and uncertain economic times depends on engineers developing innovative, creative, and high-quality solutions to technical problems; and
Whereas, engineers, above all else in the practice of their profession, hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public; and
Whereas, through the celebration of Engineers Week each year, the Florida Engineering Society and its Calusa Chapter are dedicated to sustaining and growing a dynamic engineering profession by ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce and raising public understanding and appreciation of engineering contributions to society; and
Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners wishes to recognize and honor those individuals who live and work in Lee County and who practice the profession of engineering in an honorable, responsible, ethical, and competent manner; and to recognize and honor those students who have chosen to be educated to follow a career path in the field of engineering.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby proclaim that the week of February 19 through February 25, 2023 as ENGINEERS WEEK in Lee County.
 Lee County welcomes the Minnesota Twins and their fans back for their 33rd Spring Training season at the Lee County Sports Complex and Hammond Stadium; and Lee County welcomes the Boston Red Sox and their fans back to their 31st Spring Training season in Lee County, and the 12th at JetBlue Park; and
Whereas, Lee County is incredibly proud of the partnership with both teams, and with winter raging on in both Minneapolis and Boston, we welcome fans to enjoy our warm destination and to help our community continue to thrive in our recovery efforts post-Hurricane Ian; and
Whereas, The Red Sox and Twins are exemplary community partners, immediately taking action in the wake of the storm. Examples include supporting the county’s use of spring training facilities for recovery efforts. And showing support through volunteer hours and funding. The teams late last year announced a joint donation in support of Southwest Florida Hurricane Ian relief efforts with the clubs pledging a combined $200,000 to five Lee County nonprofits; and
Whereas, The 2023 Spring Training season will mark a joyous moment of normalcy as Lee County’s path to recovery continues, with Lee County again being a special part of Twins Territory and also a Second Home to Sox Fans.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida – along with Lee County’s Parks & Recreation Department, Visitor & Convention Bureau, Sports Development Office, and Facilities Construction & Management department – do hereby proclaim its full support for both the Boston Red Sox and Minnesota Twins organizations, and we send our most sincere best wishes for success in the upcoming 2023 baseball season.
 02-21-23 Length of Service Awards
Date: 1/17/2023 |
 The only local bank chartered on Sanibel Island has grown from two island locations primarily serving the residents and businesses of Sanibel and Captiva islands to eight locations throughout Lee County; and
WHEREAS, SanCap Bank was founded in 2003, through the efforts of Craig Albert, and is one of the only locally owned and operated community banks in Lee County and Southwest Florida; and
WHEREAS, it is consistently, nationally ranked in the top twenty-five as a best performing community bank by S&P Global Market Intelligence out of 4,500 banks with assets under $1 billion; and
WHEREAS, SanCap Bank now has total assets over $730 million, $680 million in deposits, close to $600 million in loans and nearly 15,000 customers; and
WHEREAS, they employ 108 Lee County resident team members and over 60% are current bank shareholders; and
WHEREAS, the Bank is committed to driving the local economy by consistently maintaining a higher-than-average loan to deposit ratio by lending to local businesses starting up, companies expanding their footprint and families purchasing homes; and
WHEREAS, since 2003 the Bank has donated more than 2.5 million dollars to local community organizations and causes; and
WHEREAS, annually over 1,000 employee volunteer hours are donated to causes contributing to the betterment of the community; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting and appropriate to recognize the 20th anniversary of this locally grown financial institution.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does proudly take observance of this landmark occasion, and does officially say thank you for your many achievements for the betterment of Lee County residents, businesses, and the community, and offers a very happy 20th anniversary to all employees, board of directors and shareholders and further, does hereby wish Sanibel Captiva Community Bank continued success in the years ahead.
 01-17-23 County Manager PITCH Awards