​​​EAR Documents​
​​Issues Raised at Public, Agency, Department and Scoping Meetings
​View the Staff Presentation
​Matrix of Issues List (grouped by Major Issue)
​Proposed List of Major Issues for the EAR
​Evaluation and Appraisal Report (Presented to Board of Commissioners Aug. 26, 2004)
​Evaluation and Appraisal Report Appendix
​Evaluation and Appraisal Report (Adopted by the Board of Commissioners Aug. 26, 2004)
List of Amendments Recommended in the EAR
​DCA Sufficiency Report
​Response to DCA Sufficiency Response (Adopted by Board of Commissioners Oct. 12, 2005)
Appendix A - Population and Vacant Lands
​Appendix B - Municipal Annexations
​Appendix C - Statutory Changes
​Appendix D​ - Transportation
​Appendix E - Water Quality
​Appendix F - Air Quality
​Appendix G​ - Housing Element GOP Evaluation
​Housing Major Achievements
​Housing Needs Assessment Update​
 Email the Planning Division for more information.  ​​